Environment variables
Use this reference to understand environment variables across all Instabase services.
Displayed org name in AIHub environments.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [aihub]
Email of the AIHub environment owner.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [aihub]
The export endpoint for audit-log events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Indiciate the type of authentication to use for user login. Valid values: [basic, saml, ldap]
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [authentication]
The time the release was built at.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Enable stats collection for client-side caching stats
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, redis]
Whether redis uses mutual TLS or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis with persistence enabled.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The port used for Redis with persistence enabled.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The port used for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
A prefix to append to all cache keys in Redis.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The cache provider. Valid values are: [redis].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the CA Root Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Private Key file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
Affected services: [apps-server api-server celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files, ocr]
Disables community context for AIHub.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [aihub]
Enables pdf processing in app-tasks, replaces the original pdf-service processing.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [pdf-processing, app-tasks, pdf-service]
Enable client-side encryption across all Instabase drives by default.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [file-system, encryption]
Enable CORS policy for external requests to api-server and api-server-apps.
Affected services: [api-server]
Enable custom HTTP endpoints feature
Affected services: [api-server]
Tags: [api-server-apps, custom-http-endpoints]
Internal config to enable Document Search functionality on the platform (feature is in development).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice api-server search-tservice]
Enable license-service for License enforcement across the the platform.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Split process files task into child tasks to process chunks of a file in parallel.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files]
Feature flag that defaults apps to using and expecting projects
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [flow]
Enable public repos which are accessible to everyone without logging in.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server api-server]
If true, model training requests goes to the Ray cluster otherwise to the Model Training Tasks
Affected services: [api-server]
Tags: [model-training]
If true, the reader app uses flow binary to process the documents.
Affected services: [api-server]
Tags: [reader]
Feature flag that defaults Flow Editor to generate a .ibvalidations file whenever a new checkpoint module is created.
Affected services: [api-server]
Tags: [flow]
flag to enable HA for weaviate client.
Affected services: [api-server model-service]
Enable z-pages which expose the internal state of a service to aid debugging.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [stats]
Generate enhanced response logging in webservers.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [stats]
Configures the maximum time allowed for the Fetcher step to run before timing out the request (in seconds).
Affected services: [api-server celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Configures the cache prefix for Flow Datastore during execution of Flow synchronous APIs.
Affected services: [api-server model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [flow]
If set true, username and email will converted to lower cases when creating the account
Affected services: [webapp api-server]
Tags: [webapp]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Enable RPC retry for gRPC clients
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Enable stats for gRPC servers and clients in a service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [grpc, stats]
The load balancing policy used by the gRPC client. Default - round robin
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size that a GRPC channel can receive (in megabytes).
Affected services: [api-server ocr-service conversion-service model-service]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can receive
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can send
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Hostname for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Port for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Specify the max. number of requests a Gunicorn worker will process before restarting (default is 250)
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Set the number of threads per Gunicorn worker (default is 50). This config is only respected if USE_GUNICORN=True
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Set the number of Gunicorn workers to run (default is 3). This config is only respected if USE_GUNICORN=True
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Whether backend should ignore tracing headers sent by frontend or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [api-server]
Tags: [Kubernetes]
The Instabase URL hostname (e.g. instabase.com).
Affected services: [license-service apps-server webapp api-server server-nginx]
Used only for Instabase’s internal testing.
Affected services: [api-server]
The API key for InstaLLM.
Affected services: [api-server model-service]
The URL endpoint for the Jaeger webpage for tracing information.
Affected services: [api-server server-nginx]
Tags: [tracing, nginx, api-server-apps]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Enable response logging in webservers.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [stats]
The export endpoint for metric events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Password for RABBITMQ_CONSOLE_USER accessing RabbitMQ web console
Affected services: [api-server rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Rabbit MQ console backend URL with port
Affected services: [api-server]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Username for accessing RabbitMQ web console
Affected services: [api-server rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Host at which the redis configuration API can be reached at.
Affected services: [api-server]
Tags: [control-plane, redis-persistent]
Port at which the redis configuration API can be reached at.
Affected services: [api-server]
Tags: [control-plane, redis-persistent]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Hostname for grpc account-tservice.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for grpc account-tservice.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for conversion-service.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Port for conversion-service.
Affected services: [api-server conversion-service celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for image-service.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Port for image-service.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for job-service.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for job-service.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for key-service.
Affected services: [api-server]
Port for key-service.
Affected services: [file-tservice api-server]
Hostname for license-service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for license-service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for model-service.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Port for model-service.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for grpc mount service.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks]
Port for grpc mount service.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Port for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Hostname for search-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server]
Port for search-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server]
Hostname for table-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server webapp api-server]
Port for table-service
Affected services: [core-platform-service table-tservice apps-server webapp api-server]
Hostname for weaviate.
Affected services: [api-server model-service]
Port for weaviate.
Affected services: [api-server model-service]
If USE_SESSION_AUTO_TIMEOUT is true, this specifies the duration a user session will stay active before the session expires.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [authentication]
The key used to sign generated session keys for user login.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server webapp api-server]
A site-wide configuration option to disallow account signup.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
A site-wide configuration option to require users to login with MFA.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server api-server]
A site-wide configuration option to require Authenticator App as the only MFA option.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server api-server]
Beckend agent for stats aggregation and exposition in stats framework
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection for GRPC services.
Affected services: [license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, grpc]
Enable http stats collection for web services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [stats]
If stats collection is enabled, the name of the service to tag in stats exported from the service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Multiplier used for constructing histogram buckets for capturing stats data for Thrift services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
Enable stats collection for Thrift services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
Enable stats collection for request/response size for Thrift service
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
For tracing, configures the method of sampling. Valid values are: [const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, specify the tracer type. Valid values are: [null, jaeger]. null is equivalent to disabling tracing.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
Enable Python green-threads for Flask, Thrift and GRPC.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Enable Gunicorn to serve Flask apps instead of Gevent. USE_GEVENT needs to be False when USE_GUNICORN=True
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Whether or not Jupyter notebooks are enabled. This flag also determines if CSRF is used.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [notebook]
Flag to indicate whether or not user sessions should expire after SESSION_AUTO_TIMEOUT_MINUTES and force users to re-login.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [authentication]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTP requests, specify the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTPS requests, point to the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. Defines the domains that should not get routed via the HTTP/HTTPS proxies specified by HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Displayed org name in AIHub environments.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [aihub]
Email of the AIHub environment owner.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [aihub]
The export endpoint for audit-log events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Indiciate the type of authentication to use for user login. Valid values: [basic, saml, ldap]
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [authentication]
The time the release was built at.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Enable stats collection for client-side caching stats
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, redis]
Whether redis uses mutual TLS or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis with persistence enabled.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The port used for Redis with persistence enabled.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The port used for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
A prefix to append to all cache keys in Redis.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The cache provider. Valid values are: [redis].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the CA Root Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Private Key file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
Affected services: [apps-server api-server celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files, ocr]
Disables community context for AIHub.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [aihub]
Specify the API endpoint for dynamic-proxy and allows dynamic-proxy to update the routes for a given user in the Redis cache.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
Specify the email provider to use. Valid values are: [SMTP, SES]
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SMTP, SES]
Enables autopay in AIHub environments.
Affected services: [license-service apps-server]
Tags: [aihub]
Enable client-side encryption across all Instabase drives by default.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [file-system, encryption]
Enables the Content Security Policy header to block XSS attacks in webapp and apps-server
Affected services: [apps-server webapp]
Enable license-service for License enforcement across the the platform.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Enable publishing and viewing ibsolution, models and Python packages in the Marketplace app.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Enable annotation analysis in Machine Learning Studio app.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Enable evaluation and incremental training of models in Machine Learning Studio app.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Enable annotation of lists in Machine Learning Studio app.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Enable model pruning in Machine Learning Studio app.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Enable annotation and extraction of tables in Machine Learning Studio app.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Enable the “Text (Multiple instances)” field type in Machine Learning Studio app.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Enable viewing and importing Package Accelerators from within Solution Builder app.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Feature flag that defaults apps to using and expecting projects
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [flow]
Enable public repos which are accessible to everyone without logging in.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server api-server]
Feature flag to enable the Spotlight search features in the UI.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp]
Enable viewing and importing a Solution Accelerator into a Solution Builder project.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Feature flag to enable processing file retention rules on Instabase-managed storage (the Instabase Drive on every subspace) from Admin App > File Storage > File Retention. Retention rules still need to be configured in the app to take effect.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server]
Tags: [file-system]
Enables the debugging tool in text editor.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Enable z-pages which expose the internal state of a service to aid debugging.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [stats]
Generate enhanced response logging in webservers.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [stats]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Enable stats for gRPC servers and clients in a service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [grpc, stats]
The load balancing policy used by the gRPC client. Default - round robin
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can receive
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can send
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Hostname for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Port for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Specify the max. number of requests a Gunicorn worker will process before restarting (default is 250)
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Set the number of threads per Gunicorn worker (default is 50). This config is only respected if USE_GUNICORN=True
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Set the number of Gunicorn workers to run (default is 3). This config is only respected if USE_GUNICORN=True
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [gunicorn]
The Instabase URL hostname (e.g. instabase.com).
Affected services: [license-service apps-server webapp api-server server-nginx]
The Instabase URI hostname (e.g. instabase.com) to be used as the root URLs in API requests.
Affected services: [file-tservice license-service apps-server webapp]
Tags: [scheduler]
The instabase URI schema (e.g. http, https) to be used as the prefix for URLs in API requests.
Affected services: [license-service apps-server]
Tags: [scheduler]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Enable response logging in webservers.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [stats]
The export endpoint for metric events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Used when setting up Jupyter Notebooks without using the default kubectl proxy to talk to the Kubernetes server, and instead relies on a custom sidecar for generating tokens for Kubernetes API server authentication. This will be used by apps-server and nb-reaper to talk to the Kubernetes API server to startup/take down Notebook pods. Set this to skip validating the Kubernetes API server certficate.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
Used when setting up Jupyter Notebooks without using the default kubectl proxy to talk to the Kubernetes server, and instead relies on a custom sidecar for generating tokens for Kubernetes API server authentication. This will be used by apps-server and nb-reaper to talk to the Kubernetes API server to startup/take down Notebook pods. If NB_USE_API_TOKEN=True, this specifies the file path to read the generated authentication token.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
Used when setting up Jupyter Notebooks without using the default kubectl proxy to talk to the Kubernetes server, and instead relies on a custom sidecar for generating tokens for Kubernetes API server authentication. This will be used by apps-server and nb-reaper to talk to the Kubernetes API server to startup/take down Notebook pods. If NB_API_IGNORE_CERT_VERIFICATION=false, and NB_USE_CA_CERT_BUNDLE=true this specifies the file path to the Root CA cert to validate the server-side certificate on the Kubernetes API server.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
The domain for Notebooks.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
The docker image tag for the Notebook image.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
If using kubectl proxy, this defaults to the hostname of the proxy (e.g. localhost). If not using kubectl proxy, specify the hostname for the Kubernetes API server
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
If using kubectl proxy, this defaults to the port to the proxy (e.g. 8001). If not using kubectl proxy, specify the port for the Kubernetes API server
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
If using kubectl proxy, the URL scheme is http. If connecting directly to Kubernetes API server, in all likelihood, the scheme will be https.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
The Kubernetes namespace for running Jupyter Notebooks.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
Specify the Kubernetes CPU limit for each Jupyter Notebook pod.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook, kubernetes]
Specify the Kubernetes CPU request amount for each Jupyter Notebook pod.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook, kubernetes]
Specify the Kubernetes memory limit for each Jupyter Notebook pod.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook, kubernetes]
Specify the Kubernetes memory request amount for each Jupyter Notebook pod.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook, kubernetes]
Specify the Notebook type. Valid values: [standalone, with-mounted-disk]
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
Used when setting up Jupyter Notebooks without using the default kubectl proxy to talk to the Kubernetes server, and instead relies on a custom sidecar for generating tokens for Kubernetes API server authentication. This will be used by apps-server and nb-reaper to talk to the Kubernetes API server to startup/take down Notebook pods. Set this to true to indicate that an API token will be generated to the file path specified by NB_API_TOKEN_FILEPATH.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
Used when setting up Jupyter Notebooks without using the default kubectl proxy to talk to the Kubernetes server, and instead relies on a custom sidecar for generating tokens for Kubernetes API server authentication. This will be used by apps-server and nb-reaper to talk to the Kubernetes API server to startup/take down Notebook pods. If NB_API_IGNORE_CERT_VERIFICATION=false, set this to true to enable reading the Root CA cert from NB_CA_CERT_BUNDLE_FILEPATH.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
Specify whether to verify SSL certs for Jupyter Notebook connections.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [notebook]
For emails origination from the platform, the no-reply email address to send from.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [email]
Number of chunks to cache in an ibdoc for a paginated load_record API call.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Specify the password for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the username for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to Selenium Hub - whether the IP address should be resolved.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to Selenium Hub - the URL to the server.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Hostname for grpc account-tservice.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for grpc account-tservice.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for job-service.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for job-service.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for license-service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for license-service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for grpc mount service.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks]
Port for grpc mount service.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Port for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Hostname for table-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server webapp api-server]
Port for table-service
Affected services: [core-platform-service table-tservice apps-server webapp api-server]
If USE_SESSION_AUTO_TIMEOUT is true, this specifies the duration a user session will stay active before the session expires.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [authentication]
The key used to sign generated session keys for user login.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server webapp api-server]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=ses, then specify the AWS Access Key ID for the account with permissions to SES.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SES]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=ses, then specify the AWS Region for the account with permissions to SES.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SES]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=ses, then specify the AWS Secret Access Key for the account with permissions to SES.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SES]
A site-wide configuration option to disallow account signup.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
A site-wide configuration option to require users to login with MFA.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server api-server]
A site-wide configuration option to require Authenticator App as the only MFA option.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server api-server]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=smtp, then specify the hostname of the SMTP server.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SMTP]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=smtp, then specify the port of the SMTP server.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SMTP]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the AWS Access Key ID for the account with permissions to SQS.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the name of the AWS SQS in queue.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the name of the AWS SQS out queue.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, this sets the maximum number of messages to retrieve from the AWS SQS receive queue.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, this sets the poll period for (in seconds) on the AWS SQS for checking for messages on the receive queue.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, this sets the poll wait period (in seconds) on the AWS SQS receive queue. This is the duration the call will wait for a message to arrive in the queue before returning.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the AWS SQS queue type.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the AWS Region for the account with permissions to SQS.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the AWS Secret Access Key for the account with permissions to SQS.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
Beckend agent for stats aggregation and exposition in stats framework
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection for GRPC services.
Affected services: [license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, grpc]
Enable http stats collection for web services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [stats]
If stats collection is enabled, the name of the service to tag in stats exported from the service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Multiplier used for constructing histogram buckets for capturing stats data for Thrift services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
Enable stats collection for Thrift services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
Enable stats collection for request/response size for Thrift service
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
The Stripe Publishable API Key, used client-side.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp]
Tags: [aihub, billing]
The email address for syending system alerts to.
Affected services: [apps-server]
Tags: [email]
For tracing, configures the method of sampling. Valid values are: [const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, specify the tracer type. Valid values are: [null, jaeger]. null is equivalent to disabling tracing.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
Disable python conversion of .ibdoc to JSON and uses cpp module for .ibdoc conversion.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp]
Enable Python green-threads for Flask, Thrift and GRPC.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Enable Gunicorn to serve Flask apps instead of Gevent. USE_GEVENT needs to be False when USE_GUNICORN=True
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Whether or not Jupyter notebooks are enabled. This flag also determines if CSRF is used.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [notebook]
Flag to indicate whether or not user sessions should expire after SESSION_AUTO_TIMEOUT_MINUTES and force users to re-login.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [authentication]
Configures whether to use SQS for sending messages.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTP requests, specify the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTPS requests, point to the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. Defines the domains that should not get routed via the HTTP/HTTPS proxies specified by HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Configures the Fetcher app’s timeout for fetching information from ACRA.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Defines the maximum number of pages to include in a chunk while chunking for Apply Refiner flow step.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [refiner]
The export endpoint for audit-log events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Enable stats collection for client-side caching stats
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, redis]
Whether redis uses mutual TLS or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis with persistence enabled.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The port used for Redis with persistence enabled.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The port used for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
A prefix to append to all cache keys in Redis.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The cache provider. Valid values are: [redis].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the CA Root Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Private Key file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The maximum time in seconds a Classifier training task runs for. If a task runs for longer than this time, it will terminate.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [Classifier]
The API token to validate control plane api requests against.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [control-plane]
Hostname for control plane.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Port for control plane.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
When deleting files from a dataset, the number of parallel workers to delete files.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [datasets]
Affected services: [apps-server api-server celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files, ocr]
Specify the email provider to use. Valid values are: [SMTP, SES]
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SMTP, SES]
Enable chunking for Apply Refiner flow step.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [refiner]
Enables image rendering and text extraction for pdf processing in app-tasks, replaces the original pdf-service processing.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [pdf-processing, app-tasks, pdf-service]
Enables pdf processing in app-tasks, replaces the original pdf-service processing.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [pdf-processing, app-tasks, pdf-service]
Enables the task events in celery services.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable conversion-service for Microsoft document conversion (e.g. docx, xlsx, pptx).
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Enable dewarp page for aihub environments
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr, process-files, aihub]
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [kubernetes]
Enable new ibdoc v2 structuring where ibdoc is split & stored across multiple files
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files, map-records, app-tasks, model-training, reader]
Enable image-service functionality in ocr-service for image-processing functionality.
Affected services: [ocr-service celery-app-tasks]
Enable license-service for License enforcement across the the platform.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Split process files task into child tasks to process chunks of a file in parallel.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files]
For non pdf files, split process files task into child tasks to process chunks of a file in parallel.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files]
If enabled, compact reader page proto representation is used to save app-tasks memory and network traffic.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files, app-tasks]
Enable chunking for Run Extraction Model flow step.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [run-extraction-model]
Enable textboxdetection-service for Extracting text bounding boxes from images.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to FileNet - the timeout on the request.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to FileNet - the Gateway URL of FileNet.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to FileNet - The Server URL of FileNet.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Configures the cache prefix for Flow Datastore during execution of Flow synchronous APIs.
Affected services: [api-server model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [flow]
The API key for Google Cloud Services Sentiment Analysis.
Affected services: [ocr-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [nlp]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Grace period for GRPC after the channel reaches its max age (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum time that a GRPC channel may exist (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can receive
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can send
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Hostname for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Port for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
The export endpoint for flow logs to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to MASNet - the timeout on the request.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
The maximum number of characters that a log line can have before it is truncated.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Maximum amount of resident memory (in kb) a worker can execute before it’s replaced by a new process.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Maximum number of tasks processed by a celery-worker before it is replaced
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
The export endpoint for metric events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The API key used when using Microsoft OCR services.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr, process-files]
The endpoint url called when using Marx OCR v3 Lite.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr, process-files]
The endpoint url called when using Marx OCR v3.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr, process-files]
The endpoint url called when using Microsoft Form Recognizer Layout OCR.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr, process-files]
Marx OCR v3 will use cluster local container or online Azure service. Valid values true|false.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr, process-files]
The API key for using Microsoft Translation Service on Azure cloud.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files]
The Azure cloud region used for Microsoft Translation Service.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files]
The endpoint url called when using Microsoft Translation Service.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
For emails origination from the platform, the no-reply email address to send from.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [email]
The number of celery workers to run in each app-tasks pod.
Affected services: [job-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [celery]
Max number of Entity requests that will be sent in parallel for a single document.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files]
Max number of ocr requests that will be sent in parallel for a single document.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr, process-files]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
The provider to use for ARI OCR. This should be set to ocr-service, as other providers are deprecated.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr]
Configures the maximum time in seconds to wait for a successful response from the Form recognizer containers before timing out
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr, process-files]
The provider to use for Google OCR. Valid values are ocr-service and ocr-goog-direct.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr]
The endpoint for Google OCR.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr]
The provider for Msft OCR. Valid values are ocr-msft-sync and ocr-msft-async.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to Orbis - the timeout on the request.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Defines the split size of the pdf during process files step.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [process-files]
Specify the password for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the username for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
If true, retry msft 200 status responses with failed status in the message, otherwise fail the request.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-v3, ocr-msft-lite]
Defines the maximum number of pages to include in a chunk while chunking for Run Extraction Model flow step.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [run-extraction-model]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to Selenium Hub - whether the IP address should be resolved.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to Selenium Hub - the URL to the server.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Hostname for grpc account-tservice.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for grpc account-tservice.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for api-server.
Affected services: [job-service celery-app-tasks]
Port for api-server.
Affected services: [job-service celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for conversion-service.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Port for conversion-service.
Affected services: [api-server conversion-service celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for grpc database service.
Affected services: [job-service celery-app-tasks]
Port for grpc database service.
Affected services: [job-service celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for image-service.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Port for image-service.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for job-service.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for job-service.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for license-service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for license-service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for model-service.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Port for model-service.
Affected services: [api-server celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for grpc mount service.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks]
Port for grpc mount service.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for ocr-service.
Affected services: [ocr-service celery-app-tasks]
Port for ocr-service.
Affected services: [ocr-service celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Port for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Hostname for textboxdetection-service.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
Port for textboxdetection-service.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=ses, then specify the AWS Access Key ID for the account with permissions to SES.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SES]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=ses, then specify the AWS Region for the account with permissions to SES.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SES]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=ses, then specify the AWS Secret Access Key for the account with permissions to SES.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SES]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=smtp, then specify the hostname of the SMTP server.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SMTP]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=smtp, then specify the port of the SMTP server.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SMTP]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the AWS Access Key ID for the account with permissions to SQS.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the name of the AWS SQS out queue.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the AWS SQS queue type.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the AWS Region for the account with permissions to SQS.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the AWS Secret Access Key for the account with permissions to SQS.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
Beckend agent for stats aggregation and exposition in stats framework
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection for GRPC services.
Affected services: [license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, grpc]
Timmeout duration to send the stats from internal buffer to stats agent
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
If stats collection is enabled, the name of the service to tag in stats exported from the service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Multiplier used for constructing histogram buckets for capturing stats data for Thrift services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
Enable stats collection for Thrift services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
Enable stats collection for request/response size for Thrift service
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
Polling time in seconds for a single test triggered via Test Runner.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [test-runner]
For tracing, configures the method of sampling. Valid values are: [const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, specify the tracer type. Valid values are: [null, jaeger]. null is equivalent to disabling tracing.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
Hostname for pdf-tservice.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Configure whether or not AWS access credentials (as opposed to roles-based authentication) are used to connect to AWS S3, SES, SQS and KMS providers.
Affected services: [core-platform-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SQS, SES, file-system]
Enable Python green-threads for Flask, Thrift and GRPC.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Configures whether to use SQS for sending messages.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTP requests, specify the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTPS requests, point to the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. Defines the domains that should not get routed via the HTTP/HTTPS proxies specified by HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Enable stats collection for client-side caching stats
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, redis]
Whether redis uses mutual TLS or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis with persistence enabled.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The port used for Redis with persistence enabled.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The port used for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
A prefix to append to all cache keys in Redis.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The cache provider. Valid values are: [redis].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the CA Root Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Private Key file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [kubernetes]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Enable RPC retry for gRPC clients
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Enable stats for gRPC servers and clients in a service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [grpc, stats]
The load balancing policy used by the gRPC client. Default - round robin
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can receive
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can send
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Hostname for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Port for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Configures the maximum supported size (in MB) of a file that can be unziped on the platform.
Affected services: [celery-core-tasks]
Tags: [file-system]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Specify the password for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the username for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
For SDLC, the maximum number of parallel threads for retriving file information from third-party Git providers.
Affected services: [celery-core-tasks]
Tags: [sdlc]
Hostname for grpc account-tservice.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for grpc account-tservice.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Beckend agent for stats aggregation and exposition in stats framework
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection for GRPC services.
Affected services: [license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, grpc]
Timmeout duration to send the stats from internal buffer to stats agent
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
If stats collection is enabled, the name of the service to tag in stats exported from the service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, specify the tracer type. Valid values are: [null, jaeger]. null is equivalent to disabling tracing.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
Enable Python green-threads for Flask, Thrift and GRPC.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Configures the Fetcher app’s timeout for fetching information from ACRA.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
The API key for the Bing News Search API (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/bing/apis/bing-news-search-api)
Affected services: [celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [web-scraping]
Enable stats collection for client-side caching stats
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, redis]
Whether redis uses mutual TLS or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis with persistence enabled.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The port used for Redis with persistence enabled.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The port used for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
A prefix to append to all cache keys in Redis.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The cache provider. Valid values are: [redis].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the CA Root Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Private Key file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
Specify the email provider to use. Valid values are: [SMTP, SES]
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SMTP, SES]
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [kubernetes]
Enable license-service for License enforcement across the the platform.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Configures the maximum time allowed for the Fetcher step to run before timing out the request (in seconds).
Affected services: [api-server celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to FileNet - the timeout on the request.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to FileNet - the Gateway URL of FileNet.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to FileNet - The Server URL of FileNet.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
The API key for Google Cloud Services Sentiment Analysis.
Affected services: [ocr-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [nlp]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Enable RPC retry for gRPC clients
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Enable stats for gRPC servers and clients in a service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [grpc, stats]
The load balancing policy used by the gRPC client. Default - round robin
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can receive
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can send
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Hostname for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Port for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
The export endpoint for flow logs to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to MASNet - the timeout on the request.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
The export endpoint for metric events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to Orbis - the timeout on the request.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Specify the password for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the username for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to Selenium Hub - whether the IP address should be resolved.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Configures the Fetcher app’s connection to Selenium Hub - the URL to the server.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [fetcher]
Hostname for grpc account-tservice.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for grpc account-tservice.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for job-service.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for job-service.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for license-service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for license-service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Port for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=ses, then specify the AWS Access Key ID for the account with permissions to SES.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SES]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=ses, then specify the AWS Region for the account with permissions to SES.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SES]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=ses, then specify the AWS Secret Access Key for the account with permissions to SES.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SES]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=smtp, then specify the hostname of the SMTP server.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SMTP]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=smtp, then specify the port of the SMTP server.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SMTP]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the AWS Access Key ID for the account with permissions to SQS.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the name of the AWS SQS out queue.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the AWS SQS queue type.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the AWS Region for the account with permissions to SQS.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
If USE_SQS=true, then specify the AWS Secret Access Key for the account with permissions to SQS.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
Beckend agent for stats aggregation and exposition in stats framework
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection for GRPC services.
Affected services: [license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, grpc]
Timmeout duration to send the stats from internal buffer to stats agent
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
If stats collection is enabled, the name of the service to tag in stats exported from the service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Multiplier used for constructing histogram buckets for capturing stats data for Thrift services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
Enable stats collection for Thrift services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
Enable stats collection for request/response size for Thrift service
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
Polling time in seconds for a single test triggered via Test Runner.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [test-runner]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, specify the tracer type. Valid values are: [null, jaeger]. null is equivalent to disabling tracing.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
Hostname for pdf-tservice.
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Configure whether or not AWS access credentials (as opposed to roles-based authentication) are used to connect to AWS S3, SES, SQS and KMS providers.
Affected services: [core-platform-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SQS, SES, file-system]
Enable Python green-threads for Flask, Thrift and GRPC.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Configures whether to use SQS for sending messages.
Affected services: [apps-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [SQS]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTP requests, specify the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTPS requests, point to the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. Defines the domains that should not get routed via the HTTP/HTTPS proxies specified by HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
The maximum number of concurrent RPCS that can be queued/sent to a GRPC service.
Affected services: [ocr-service conversion-service model-service]
Tags: [grpc]
Grace period for GRPC after the channel reaches its max age (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum time that a GRPC channel may exist (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size that a GRPC channel can receive (in megabytes).
Affected services: [api-server ocr-service conversion-service model-service]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size (in megabytes) the GRPC server can receive.
Affected services: [ocr-service conversion-service]
Tags: [grpc]
The maximum number of GRPC workers for a given GRPC service.
Affected services: [ocr-service conversion-service model-service]
Tags: [grpc]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Configures the matplotlib’s config directory.
Affected services: [conversion-service]
Tags: [textbox-detection]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Port for conversion-service.
Affected services: [api-server conversion-service celery-app-tasks]
Configure Rabbit-MQ to disable persistence of messages in the queue. This means that messages may be lost upon restart of RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configure Rabbit-MQ to disable confirmation of successful publication of a message to the queue.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configure the maximum number of retries the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker will retry when publishing a message to the queue.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configure the maximum wait time the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker will wait when publishing a mesage to the queue.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configure the minimum wait time the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker will wait when publishing a mesage to the queue.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configures how many messages the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker should pre-fetch. If < 1 defaults to 1.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The export endpoint for audit-log events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
AWS Access Key ID for an account authorized to connect to AWS services (S3, AWS KMS).
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
AWS Secret Access Key for an account authorized to connect to AWS services (e.g. S3, AWS KMS).
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Azure Storage Account Connection String for authorizing access to Azure Storage Services
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
The authentication method for the default Instabase Drive if mounted on an Azure Blob Storage Container
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
The Client ID (Application ID) of the registered app (service principal) that is authenticating access to the Instabase Drive’s Blob Storage Container
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
The Client Secret of the registered app (service principal) that is authenticating access to the Instabase Drive’s Blob Storage Container
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Configures the Azure Blob Storage Container for the default Instabase Drive connection
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
The Azure Endpoint for the Blob Service that the Instabase Drive’s Blob Storage Container is provisioned on. E.g. https://
.blob.core.windows.net/ -
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
The Tenant ID (Directory ID) of the registered app (service principal) that is authenticating access to the Instabase Drive’s Blob Storage Container
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Enable stats collection for client-side caching stats
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, redis]
Whether redis uses mutual TLS or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The port used for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The cache provider. Valid values are: [redis].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the CA Root Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Private Key file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
A prefix for all cache keys in Redis used for database caching.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service]
Tags: [redis]
Enable verbose logging for database queries.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service]
Tags: [database]
For database connections, specify the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
For database connections, specify the maximum number of open connections to the database.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
The export endpoint that document indexing requests will be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice]
Internal config to enable Document Search functionality on the platform (feature is in development).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice api-server search-tservice]
Enable public repos which are accessible to everyone without logging in.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server api-server]
Name to the Google Cloud Storage Bucket that will be mounted as the default Instabase Drive.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Client Email to the service account that has ‘Storage Admin’ and ‘Storage Object Admin’ access to GCS_BUCKET_NAME.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Private Key to the service account that has ‘Storage Admin’ and ‘Storage Object Admin’ access to GCS_BUCKET_NAME.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Private Key ID to the service account that has ‘Storage Admin’ and ‘Storage Object Admin’ access to GCS_BUCKET_NAME.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
The type of Server-side encryption used on GCS_BUCKET_NAME. Valid values are: [‘gcs_sse_kms’, ‘gcs_aes256’].
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
If GCS_SSE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE is set to gcs_sse_kms’, a value to this field is required, and is taken as the KMS resource ID that will be used to encrypt the content in GCS_BUCKET_NAME.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Flag to enable pprof go profiler in go services
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service]
If running pprof go profiling, specify port for server to listen on
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service]
Enable RPC retry for gRPC clients
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Enable stats for gRPC servers and clients in a service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [grpc, stats]
Grace period for GRPC after the channel reaches its max age (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum time that a GRPC channel may exist (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can receive
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can send
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Hostname for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Port for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system, encryption]
Configures the default Instabase Drive connection to an S3 bucket that has server-side encryption enabled, set to the encryption algorithm that S3 is configured with. Valid values: [aws_sse_s3, aws_sse_kms, none].
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system, encryption]
Determines the KMS Key ID used for server-side encryption of Instabase Drive if kms encryption is enabled
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system, encryption]
Configures the storage type of the default Instabase Drive. Valid values: [S3, LocalFS].
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Configures the S3 bucket for the default Instabase Drive connection.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Configures the database connection parameters for the default Instabase Drive owned mysql database tables.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [database]
Configures the database connection parameters for the default Instabase Drive owned postgres database tables.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [database]
The AWS S3 bucket for storing static files uploaded by the user that don’t belong to a specific subspace/repo (e.g. profile pics)
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Configure the default Instabase Drive connection to a NFS file-system. This specifies the directory on the local filesystem for user subspaces/repos to be created in.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
An optional path prefix to apply to all Instabase Drives.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
This contains Pyroscope server address, where the profiling data will be sent.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service search-tservice]
Tags: [pyroscope]
This contain Pyroscope application name corresponding to specific service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service search-tservice]
Tags: [pyroscope]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
If Local Drives need to be mounted into Repos/Subspaces, this config specifies the root path for all PVCs to be mounted to. This will be the only path accessible by Local Repo/Subspace Drives.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Configures the S3 AWS region for connecting to
for Instabase Drives. -
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
If the S3_SERVER_URL is set, configures whether or not to use http or https for request to S3.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Specify a custom S3 Server endpoint for S3 connections. If unset, will default to https://s3.amazonaws.com.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Configures whether or not to validate certificates for requests to S3.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Hostname for search-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server]
Port for search-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server]
Hostname for table-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server webapp api-server]
Port for table-service
Affected services: [core-platform-service table-tservice apps-server webapp api-server]
The key used to sign generated session keys for user login.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server webapp api-server]
A site-wide configuration option to require users to login with MFA.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server api-server]
A site-wide configuration option to require Authenticator App as the only MFA option.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server api-server]
A site-wide configuration option to allow site admins to access all organizations across the platform.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice search-tservice]
Beckend agent for stats aggregation and exposition in stats framework
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
If stats collection is enabled, the name of the service to tag in stats exported from the service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
For tracing, configures the method of sampling. Valid values are: [const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
Configure whether or not AWS access credentials (as opposed to roles-based authentication) are used to connect to AWS S3, SES, SQS and KMS providers.
Affected services: [core-platform-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SQS, SES, file-system]
Whether to use virtual style (or path style) URL address for connecting to HOSTING_BUCKET.
Affected services: [core-platform-service]
Tags: [file-system]
Configure Rabbit-MQ to disable persistence of messages in the queue. This means that messages may be lost upon restart of RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configure Rabbit-MQ to disable confirmation of successful publication of a message to the queue.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Enable request tracing through messages published to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configure the maximum number of retries the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker will retry when publishing a message to the queue.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configure the maximum wait time the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker will wait when publishing a mesage to the queue.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configure the minimum wait time the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker will wait when publishing a mesage to the queue.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configures how many messages the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker should pre-fetch. If < 1 defaults to 1.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Enable stats collection for client-side caching stats
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, redis]
Whether redis uses mutual TLS or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The port used for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
A prefix to append to all cache keys in Redis.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The cache provider. Valid values are: [redis].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the CA Root Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Private Key file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
A prefix for all cache keys in Redis used for database caching.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service]
Tags: [redis]
For database connections, specify the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
For database connections, specify the maximum number of open connections to the database.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
Disables client side encryption for the marketplace folder in the system drive. This is used to allow publishing and reading large solutions from the marketplace when client side encryption is enabled for hosted drives (Instabase Drive).
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [file-system, encryption]
The export endpoint that document indexing requests will be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice]
Enable logging of all file-system activity, include reads and writes to all files and folders.
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [file-system]
Internal config to enable Document Search functionality on the platform (feature is in development).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice api-server search-tservice]
Feature flag to enable processing file retention rules on Instabase-managed storage (the Instabase Drive on every subspace) from Admin App > File Storage > File Retention. Retention rules still need to be configured in the app to take effect.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server]
Tags: [file-system]
Enable verbose logging of all requests/responses in the given service. These are S3/Boto logs when set on file-tservice.
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [file-system, control-plane]
Enables the verbose logs for the stats exporter. Default - false
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [stats]
Type of encryption used for client-side encryption of files. Valid values: [kms_encryption]
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [file-system]
A unique system name recognized by the file-service to allow list directory operations on all folders across the platform.
Affected services: [file-tservice search-tservice]
Tags: [file-service]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Flag to enable pprof go profiler in go services
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service]
If running pprof go profiling, specify port for server to listen on
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service]
Enable RPC retry for gRPC clients
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Enable stats for gRPC servers and clients in a service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [grpc, stats]
Grace period for GRPC after the channel reaches its max age (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum time that a GRPC channel may exist (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can receive
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can send
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
The Instabase URI hostname (e.g. instabase.com) to be used as the root URLs in API requests.
Affected services: [file-tservice license-service apps-server webapp]
Tags: [scheduler]
Encryption key used for encrypting key management service provider mount details in the database.
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [file-system]
Key management service provider to use for client-side encryption of files. Valid values: [aws]
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [file-system]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
This contains Pyroscope server address, where the profiling data will be sent.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service search-tservice]
Tags: [pyroscope]
This contain Pyroscope application name corresponding to specific service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service search-tservice]
Tags: [pyroscope]
Specify the password for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the username for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
For grpc file-service, sets the size of the buffer for reading from filesystem
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [file-system]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
The default batch size for S3 batch deletion requests.
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [file-system]
Enable S3 HCP file-system semantics for all drives. If true, non-HCP drives, like native S3, will not be supported.
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [file-system]
Port for grpc-mount-service in core-platform-service.
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Hostname for core-platform-service.
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Port for key-service.
Affected services: [file-tservice api-server]
Hostname for grpc mount service.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks]
Port for grpc mount service.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for search-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server]
Port for search-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server]
A site-wide configuration option to allow site admins to access all organizations across the platform.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice search-tservice]
Beckend agent for stats aggregation and exposition in stats framework
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Port for exposing stats
Affected services: [file-tservice model-service]
Tags: [stats]
If stats collection is enabled, the name of the service to tag in stats exported from the service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Enable system-level stats collection, such as network, CPU/mem etc
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [stats, file-system]
How often the file crawler should run for file retention in days
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [file-system]
For tracing, configures the method of sampling. Valid values are: [const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
A feature flag to indicate whether or not to use a stream encryption algorithm for client-side encryption.
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [file-system]
For grpc file-service, sets the size of the buffer for writing to filesystem
Affected services: [file-tservice]
Tags: [file-system]
Path to sampling_strategies.json file for jaeger trace sampling
Affected services: [jaeger]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
Time interval (like
) to reload the sampling strategies file -
Affected services: [jaeger]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
Configure the URL for cache persistence API of api-server for AIHub Rate Limiter
Affected services: [job-service]
Tags: [job-service]
Configure Rabbit-MQ to disable persistence of messages in the queue. This means that messages may be lost upon restart of RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configure Rabbit-MQ to disable confirmation of successful publication of a message to the queue.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configure the maximum number of retries the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker will retry when publishing a message to the queue.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configure the maximum wait time the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker will wait when publishing a mesage to the queue.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configure the minimum wait time the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker will wait when publishing a mesage to the queue.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Configures how many messages the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker should pre-fetch. If < 1 defaults to 1.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Disable certificate verfication when issuing API requests.
Affected services: [job-service]
Tags: [scheduler]
The export endpoint for audit-log events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Enable stats collection for client-side caching stats
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, redis]
Whether redis uses mutual TLS or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The port used for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The cache provider. Valid values are: [redis].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the CA Root Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Private Key file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
Number of celery app-tasks replicas. Used by the task scheduler to control the number of running tasks. Do not change this value independently.
Affected services: [job-service]
Tags: [job-service]
Enable celery stats exposition in job service.
Affected services: [job-service]
Tags: [stats]
A prefix for all cache keys in Redis used for database caching.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service]
Tags: [redis]
Enable collection of statistics from the database server.
Affected services: [job-service]
Tags: [database]
Enable verbose logging for database queries.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service]
Tags: [database]
For database connections, specify the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
For database connections, specify the maximum number of open connections to the database.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
Enable Cron Scheduler functionality.
Affected services: [job-service]
Tags: [scheduler]
Enable license-service for License enforcement across the the platform.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Enable the log-slurper feature for persisting logs to disk.
Affected services: [job-service]
Duration for which we retain flow results (seconds). Flows older than this will have their DB table entries, output directory and logs deleted.
Affected services: [job-service]
Tags: [job-service, flow]
The location where flow logs are stored in the instabase filesystem.
Affected services: [job-service]
Tags: [job-service, flow]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Flag to enable pprof go profiler in go services
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service]
If running pprof go profiling, specify port for server to listen on
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service]
Enable RPC retry for gRPC clients
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Enable stats for gRPC servers and clients in a service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [grpc, stats]
Grace period for GRPC after the channel reaches its max age (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum time that a GRPC channel may exist (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can receive
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can send
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Hostname for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Port for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Maximum message size (in bytes) the job-service GRPC server can receive.
Affected services: [job-service]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size (in bytes) the job-service GRPC server can send.
Affected services: [job-service]
Tags: [grpc]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Maximum number of cron jobs allowed.
Affected services: [job-service]
Tags: [job-service]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The number of celery workers to run in each app-tasks pod.
Affected services: [job-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [celery]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Name of the current pod available as an Env var from Kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [job-service license-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [kubernetes]
This contains Pyroscope server address, where the profiling data will be sent.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service search-tservice]
Tags: [pyroscope]
This contain Pyroscope application name corresponding to specific service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service search-tservice]
Tags: [pyroscope]
Specify the password for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the username for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Hostname for api-server.
Affected services: [job-service celery-app-tasks]
Port for api-server.
Affected services: [job-service celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for grpc database service.
Affected services: [job-service celery-app-tasks]
Port for grpc database service.
Affected services: [job-service celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for runner-service.
Affected services: [job-service]
Port for runner-service.
Affected services: [job-service]
Hostname for search-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server]
Port for search-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server]
Beckend agent for stats aggregation and exposition in stats framework
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
List of collectors to run when the stats framework is setup. e.g. fs:–mountPath=/etc,–mountPath=/var/lib,–period=10;collectorX:–arg1=value1,–arg2=value2
Affected services: [job-service search-tservice model-service]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
If stats collection is enabled, the name of the service to tag in stats exported from the service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
For tracing, configures the method of sampling. Valid values are: [const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, specify the tracer type. Valid values are: [null, jaeger]. null is equivalent to disabling tracing.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
Configures how old a job we want to recover if job-service restarts. Task scheduler loads jobs with start date [now-lookback_period, now] on startup.
Affected services: [job-service]
Tags: [job-service]
Enable stats collection for client-side caching stats
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, redis]
Whether redis uses mutual TLS or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The port used for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The cache provider. Valid values are: [redis].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the CA Root Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Private Key file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
A prefix for all cache keys in Redis used for database caching.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service]
Tags: [redis]
For database connections, whether to explicitly test the connection to the database when a pod comes up. This assumes all tables have already been created.
Affected services: [license-service]
Tags: [database]
Enables autopay in AIHub environments.
Affected services: [license-service apps-server]
Tags: [aihub]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Flag to enable pprof go profiler in go services
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service]
If running pprof go profiling, specify port for server to listen on
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service]
Enable stats for gRPC servers and clients in a service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [grpc, stats]
Grace period for GRPC after the channel reaches its max age (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum time that a GRPC channel may exist (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can receive
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can send
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Hostname for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Port for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
The Instabase URL hostname (e.g. instabase.com).
Affected services: [license-service apps-server webapp api-server server-nginx]
The Instabase URI hostname (e.g. instabase.com) to be used as the root URLs in API requests.
Affected services: [file-tservice license-service apps-server webapp]
Tags: [scheduler]
The instabase URI schema (e.g. http, https) to be used as the prefix for URLs in API requests.
Affected services: [license-service apps-server]
Tags: [scheduler]
Maximum message size (in bytes) the GRPC server can receive.
Affected services: [license-service]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size (in bytes) the GRPC server can send.
Affected services: [license-service]
Tags: [grpc]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Name of the current pod available as an Env var from Kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [job-service license-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [kubernetes]
This contains Pyroscope server address, where the profiling data will be sent.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service search-tservice]
Tags: [pyroscope]
This contain Pyroscope application name corresponding to specific service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service search-tservice]
Tags: [pyroscope]
Specify the password for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the username for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Beckend agent for stats aggregation and exposition in stats framework
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection for GRPC services.
Affected services: [license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, grpc]
If stats collection is enabled, the name of the service to tag in stats exported from the service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
For tracing, configures the method of sampling. Valid values are: [const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
The export endpoint for audit-log events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Enable stats collection for client-side caching stats
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, redis]
Whether redis uses mutual TLS or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The port used for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
A prefix to append to all cache keys in Redis.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The cache provider. Valid values are: [redis].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the CA Root Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Private Key file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
flag to enable HA for weaviate client.
Affected services: [api-server model-service]
Configures the cache prefix for Flow Datastore during execution of Flow synchronous APIs.
Affected services: [api-server model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [flow]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
The maximum number of concurrent RPCS that can be queued/sent to a GRPC service.
Affected services: [ocr-service conversion-service model-service]
Tags: [grpc]
Grace period for GRPC after the channel reaches its max age (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum time that a GRPC channel may exist (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size that a GRPC channel can receive (in megabytes).
Affected services: [api-server ocr-service conversion-service model-service]
Tags: [grpc]
The maximum number of GRPC workers for a given GRPC service.
Affected services: [ocr-service conversion-service model-service]
Tags: [grpc]
Hostname for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Port for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Determines the location of Hugging Face’s cache home. See https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/installation#caching-models
Affected services: [model-service ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [model-training, huggingface]
The API key for InstaLLM.
Affected services: [api-server model-service]
The export endpoint for flow logs to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
The export endpoint for metric events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
An exponential backoff factor to use when timing retry logic for connecting to RabbitMQ during model loading.
Affected services: [model-service]
Tags: [models]
The maximum amount of time to wait to reconnect to RabbitMQ while retrying connections for model loading (in seconds).
Affected services: [model-service]
Tags: [models]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
The URL endpoint for the Prometheus webpage.
Affected services: [model-service]
Tags: [nginx, stats, prometheus]
The number of workers for downloading files from the Instabase Filesystem during PyLoader usage (e.g. models in model service).
Affected services: [model-service ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [udf]
Specify the password for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the username for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Hostname for job-service.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for job-service.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Port for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Hostname for weaviate.
Affected services: [api-server model-service]
Port for weaviate.
Affected services: [api-server model-service]
Beckend agent for stats aggregation and exposition in stats framework
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
List of collectors to run when the stats framework is setup. e.g. fs:–mountPath=/etc,–mountPath=/var/lib,–period=10;collectorX:–arg1=value1,–arg2=value2
Affected services: [job-service search-tservice model-service]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection for GRPC services.
Affected services: [license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, grpc]
Port for exposing stats
Affected services: [file-tservice model-service]
Tags: [stats]
If stats collection is enabled, the name of the service to tag in stats exported from the service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
For tracing, configures the method of sampling. Valid values are: [const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, specify the tracer type. Valid values are: [null, jaeger]. null is equivalent to disabling tracing.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
The azure billing endpoint URI for Microsoft read containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
Used to accept the EULA for Microsoft read containers. Valid value is ‘accept’.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
License File for Microsoft read-3.2 offline containers. This need to be updated for each customer.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Location of license for Microsoft offline containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-v3, ocr-msft-lite]
Location for writing usage metrics for Microsoft offline containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-v3, ocr-msft-lite]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Time-to-live in minutes of ocr results for Microsoft read-3.2 containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite]
Maximum time (in minutes) allowed for an ocr request to complete in Microsoft read-3.2 containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-v3]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTP requests, specify the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTPS requests, point to the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. Defines the domains that should not get routed via the HTTP/HTTPS proxies specified by HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
The azure API Key for Microsoft read containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
The azure billing endpoint URI for Microsoft read containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
Used to accept the EULA for Microsoft read containers. Valid value is ‘accept’.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
License File for Microsoft read-3.2 offline containers. This need to be updated for each customer.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Location of license for Microsoft offline containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-v3, ocr-msft-lite]
Location for writing usage metrics for Microsoft offline containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-v3, ocr-msft-lite]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
The concurrency value for Microsoft read containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
Light weight mode for Microsoft read-3.3 containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr-msft-lite]
The prefix value of rabbitmq queues created by Microsoft read containers. Example QueueNamePrefix=msft-read-lite- will prepend msft-read-lite- to the original queue name making it msft-read-lite-analytics-ocr, this helps in preventing queue names collision between same base images.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Time-to-live in minutes of ocr results for Microsoft read-3.2 containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite]
Maximum time (in minutes) allowed for an ocr request to complete in Microsoft read-3.2 containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-v3]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTP requests, specify the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTPS requests, point to the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. Defines the domains that should not get routed via the HTTP/HTTPS proxies specified by HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
The azure API Key for Microsoft read containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
The azure billing endpoint URI for Microsoft read containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
Used to accept the EULA for Microsoft read containers. Valid value is ‘accept’.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
License File for Microsoft read-3.2 offline containers. This need to be updated for each customer.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Location of license for Microsoft offline containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-v3, ocr-msft-lite]
Location for writing usage metrics for Microsoft offline containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-v3, ocr-msft-lite]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
The concurrency value for Microsoft read containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
The prefix value of rabbitmq queues created by Microsoft read containers. Example QueueNamePrefix=msft-read-lite- will prepend msft-read-lite- to the original queue name making it msft-read-lite-analytics-ocr, this helps in preventing queue names collision between same base images.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite, ocr-msft-v3]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Time-to-live in minutes of ocr results for Microsoft read-3.2 containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-lite]
Maximum time (in minutes) allowed for an ocr request to complete in Microsoft read-3.2 containers.
Affected services: [ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite]
Tags: [ocr, ocr-msft-v3]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTP requests, specify the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. For external HTTPS requests, point to the proxy that will allow external web requests.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Standard Linux environment variable. Defines the domains that should not get routed via the HTTP/HTTPS proxies specified by HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.
Affected services: [apps-server api-server ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Specifies the path for ARI’s user specific data files.
Affected services: [ocr-service]
Tags: [ocr]
Enable image-service functionality in ocr-service for image-processing functionality.
Affected services: [ocr-service celery-app-tasks]
The API key for Google Cloud Services Sentiment Analysis.
Affected services: [ocr-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [nlp]
The maximum number of concurrent http streams to the image service GRPC server.
Affected services: [ocr-service]
Tags: [grpc]
The maximum number of concurrent RPCS that can be queued/sent to a GRPC service.
Affected services: [ocr-service conversion-service model-service]
Tags: [grpc]
Grace period for GRPC after the channel reaches its max age (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum time that a GRPC channel may exist (seconds).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service ocr-service conversion-service model-service celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size that a GRPC channel can receive (in megabytes).
Affected services: [api-server ocr-service conversion-service model-service]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size (in megabytes) the GRPC server can receive.
Affected services: [ocr-service conversion-service]
Tags: [grpc]
The maximum number of GRPC workers for a given GRPC service.
Affected services: [ocr-service conversion-service model-service]
Tags: [grpc]
The maximum number of concurrent http streams to the ocr service GRPC server.
Affected services: [ocr-service]
Tags: [grpc]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Hostname for ocr-service.
Affected services: [ocr-service celery-app-tasks]
Port for ocr-service.
Affected services: [ocr-service celery-app-tasks]
Flag to disable the installation of demo configurations during the installation process.
Affected services: [opensearch]
Tags: [opensearch]
Flag to disable the security plugin during the startup process.
Affected services: [opensearch]
Tags: [opensearch]
Name of the opensearch cluster, used for pairing with other nodes to form multi node cluster.
Affected services: [opensearch]
Tags: [opensearch]
Name of the headless service for opensearch cluster node discovery
Affected services: [opensearch]
Tags: [opensearch]
List of origins to use for cross origin requests.
Affected services: [opensearch]
Tags: [opensearch]
Enable cross origin requests to opensearch
Affected services: [opensearch]
Tags: [opensearch]
Number of master nodes in the opensearch cluster
Affected services: [opensearch]
Tags: [opensearch]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Boolean flag to allow RabbitMQ node to start even if the peers were not discovered at startup.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Hostname used to identify a pod name. This is used for determining RabbitMQ node name. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Password for RABBITMQ_CONSOLE_USER accessing RabbitMQ web console
Affected services: [api-server rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Username for accessing RabbitMQ web console
Affected services: [api-server rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Key used by RabbitMQ nodes to authenticate with each other.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The number of threads in the threapoll to perform IO operations with RabbitMQ
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Used to run RabbitMQ in clustered mode (HA) or single node mode.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Fullname used to identify a RabbitMQ node. It contains hostname/pod name.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
This allows RabbitMQ names to use FQDN for naming node, for clustering (HA) purpose.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
For database connections, the maximum amount of time a connection a connection may be reused.
Affected services: [table-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
For database connections, specify the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
For database connections, specify the maximum number of open connections to the database.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
flag to enable TLS in databases
Affected services: [rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
flag to enable client TLS in databases
Affected services: [rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
flag to disable TLS verification in db
Affected services: [rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
flag to use kerberos authentication in db
Affected services: [rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
Boolean flag to allow RabbitMQ node to start even if the peers were not discovered at startup.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Hostname used to identify a pod name. This is used for determining RabbitMQ node name. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Name of the current pod available as an Env var from Kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [job-service license-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [kubernetes]
Password for RABBITMQ_CONSOLE_USER accessing RabbitMQ web console
Affected services: [api-server rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Username for accessing RabbitMQ web console
Affected services: [api-server rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Password for RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER accessing RabbitMQ web console
Affected services: [rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Default Username for accessing RabbitMQ web console
Affected services: [rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Key used by RabbitMQ nodes to authenticate with each other.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The number of threads in the threapoll to perform IO operations with RabbitMQ
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log level for RMQ process that runs within RMQ-HA service
Affected services: [rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The env to setup the base for the rmq mnesia
Affected services: [rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Used to run RabbitMQ in clustered mode (HA) or single node mode.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Fullname used to identify a RabbitMQ node. It contains hostname/pod name.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
This allows RabbitMQ names to use FQDN for naming node, for clustering (HA) purpose.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
The export endpoint for audit-log events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Enable RPC retry for gRPC clients
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
The load balancing policy used by the gRPC client. Default - round robin
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can receive
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can send
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Hostname used to identify a pod name. This is used for determining RabbitMQ node name. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The export endpoint for flow logs to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
The export endpoint for metric events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Specify the password for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the username for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
For Ray model-training infra, a flag to set whether or not TLS should be used for communication between pods in the Ray cluster. If 1, TLS is required, if 0, TLS will not be used. TLS is enabled by default.
Affected services: [ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Hostname for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Port for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
For tracing, specify the ip address of the Jaeger client.
Affected services: [ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
For tracing, specify the port number of the Jaeger client.
Affected services: [ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
For tracing, configures the parameters of sampling. When the TRACER_SAMPLER_TYPE is set as const, it will either sample all traces (TRACER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1) or none of them (TRACER_SAMPLER_PARAM=0). When TRACER_SAMPLER_TYPE is set as remote, the TRACER_SAMPLER_PARAM is ignored.
Affected services: [ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, configures the method of sampling. Valid values are: [const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, specify the tracer type. Valid values are: [null, jaeger]. null is equivalent to disabling tracing.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
The export endpoint for audit-log events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The number of concurrent workers used to download files to disk within the DatasetSDK.
Affected services: [ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [model-training, datasets]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Enable RPC retry for gRPC clients
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
The load balancing policy used by the gRPC client. Default - round robin
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can receive
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can send
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Hostname for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Port for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Determines the location of Hugging Face’s cache home. See https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/installation#caching-models
Affected services: [model-service ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [model-training, huggingface]
Hostname used to identify a pod name. This is used for determining RabbitMQ node name. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The export endpoint for flow logs to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Maximum number of tasks processed by a celery-worker before it is replaced
Affected services: [celery-app-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
The export endpoint for metric events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Limits the number of concurrent celery workers running model training jobs in the same container.
Affected services: [ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [model-training]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
The number of workers for downloading files from the Instabase Filesystem during PyLoader usage (e.g. models in model service).
Affected services: [model-service ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [udf]
Specify the password for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the username for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
For Ray model-training infra, a flag to set whether or not TLS should be used for communication between pods in the Ray cluster. If 1, TLS is required, if 0, TLS will not be used. TLS is enabled by default.
Affected services: [ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Set within model-training-tasks to indicate whether the deployment was configured for GPU use.
Affected services: [ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [model-training]
Hostname for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Port for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
For tracing, specify the ip address of the Jaeger client.
Affected services: [ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
For tracing, specify the port number of the Jaeger client.
Affected services: [ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
For tracing, configures the parameters of sampling. When the TRACER_SAMPLER_TYPE is set as const, it will either sample all traces (TRACER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1) or none of them (TRACER_SAMPLER_PARAM=0). When TRACER_SAMPLER_TYPE is set as remote, the TRACER_SAMPLER_PARAM is ignored.
Affected services: [ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, configures the method of sampling. Valid values are: [const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, specify the tracer type. Valid values are: [null, jaeger]. null is equivalent to disabling tracing.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Address of the Redis instance used by redis-stats-exporter sidecar.
Affected services: [redis redis-persistent]
Tags: [redis, redis-persistent, stats]
Address to listen on for web interface used by redis-stats-exporter sidecar.
Affected services: [redis redis-persistent]
Tags: [redis, redis-persistent, stats]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Directory path within REDIS_WORK_DIR at which AOFs can be found, if applicable. See Redis appenddirname configuration.
Affected services: [redis-persistent]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
Name of the AOF within APPEND_DIR_NAME. See Redis appendfilename configuration.
Affected services: [redis-persistent]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Address of the Redis instance used by redis-stats-exporter sidecar.
Affected services: [redis redis-persistent]
Tags: [redis, redis-persistent, stats]
Address to listen on for web interface used by redis-stats-exporter sidecar.
Affected services: [redis redis-persistent]
Tags: [redis, redis-persistent, stats]
Directory path to where home directory for Redis configurations. See Redis dir configuration.
Affected services: [redis-persistent]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Whether the Redis deployment uses manifest files for AOF. Should be True if using Redis engine version >= 7.0.0, otherwise False
Affected services: [redis-persistent]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
Configures how many messages the Rabbit-MQ AMQP broker should pre-fetch. If < 1 defaults to 1.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Enable stats collection for client-side caching stats
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, redis]
Whether redis uses mutual TLS or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The port used for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
A prefix to append to all cache keys in Redis.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The cache provider. Valid values are: [redis].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the CA Root Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Private Key file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For database connections, specify the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
For database connections, specify the maximum number of open connections to the database.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
Internal config to enable Document Search functionality on the platform (feature is in development).
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice api-server search-tservice]
If connecting to an Elasticsearch Service running in AWS, specify the AWS Access Key ID of the authenticated account.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
If connecting to an Elasticsearch Service running in AWS, specify the AWS Region the service is located in.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
If connecting to an Elasticsearch Service running in AWS, specify the AWS Secret Access Key of the authenticated account.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
If connecting to an Elasticsearch Service running in AWS, specify the name of the AWS server.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
Specify if healthchecks for Elasticsearch node discovery on client need to be enabled. This is usually disabled when sniffing is disabled.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
Specify if sniffing (periodic checks for available Elasticsearch node) need to enabled. This is recommended to be disabled when using AWS Elasticsearch/Opensearch.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
Specify an optional prefix for index names in Elasticsearch.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
If connecting to an Elasticsearch Service running on Kubernetes, specify the port.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
If connecting to an Elasticsearch Service running on Kubernetes, specify the host.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
If connecting to an Elasticsearch Service running on Kubernetes that uses basic authentication, specify the password.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
Specify the Elasticsearch Service provider. Valid values: [AWS, K8S].
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
If the ElasticsearchService is configured with TLS, set this to indicate that TLS configs should be used.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
If the Elasticsearch Service is configured with TLS, set this to indicate that TLS certificate validation should be skipped.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
Specify the URL scheme of the hostname of the Elasticsearch Service. Valid values: [http, https]
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
If connecting to an Elasticsearch Service running on Kubernetes that uses basic authentication, specify the username.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
Enables the IB implemented Index Management System for rollovers in ES/OpenSearch
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
A unique system name recognized by the file-service to allow list directory operations on all folders across the platform.
Affected services: [file-tservice search-tservice]
Tags: [file-service]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Hostname for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Port for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
A rate limit for the number of documents that are indexed by the file walker per second. If specified as zero, then no rate limiting is applied to the file walker.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [document-search]
Feature flag to indicate whether audit logs should be indexed in Elasticsearch.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [elasticsearch]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [logs]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Name of the current pod available as an Env var from Kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [job-service license-service search-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [kubernetes]
This contains Pyroscope server address, where the profiling data will be sent.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service search-tservice]
Tags: [pyroscope]
This contain Pyroscope application name corresponding to specific service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service search-tservice]
Tags: [pyroscope]
Specify the password for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the username for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
A site-wide configuration option to allow site admins to access all organizations across the platform.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice search-tservice]
Beckend agent for stats aggregation and exposition in stats framework
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
List of collectors to run when the stats framework is setup. e.g. fs:–mountPath=/etc,–mountPath=/var/lib,–period=10;collectorX:–arg1=value1,–arg2=value2
Affected services: [job-service search-tservice model-service]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
If stats collection is enabled, the name of the service to tag in stats exported from the service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
For tracing, configures the method of sampling. Valid values are: [const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
The file-walker’s polling period (in seconds) to determine whether or not to enqueue the next batch of work into the queue.
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [document-search]
The export endpoint type for the file walker to export index tasks. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, MOCK, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [search-tservice]
Tags: [document-search]
The URL endpoint for the Alert Manager console.
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [nginx, prometheus, stats]
In order to avoid HTTP host header poisoning, ALL_ALLOWED_HOSTS restricts HTTP host header to a specific set of domain names specified by this env var.
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [nginx]
The URL endpoint to api-server for routing requests by server-nginx.
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [nginx]
The URL endpoint to api-server-apps for routing requests by server-nginx.
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [nginx]
The URL endpoint to apps-server for routing requests by server-nginx.
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [nginx]
The URL endpoint for the control plane HTTP server.
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [control-plane]
Specify the web endpoint for dynamic-proxy. All Jupyter Notebook HTTP traffic is routed here.
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [notebook]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
The URL endpoint for the Grafana webpage for visualizing the time-series/system metric data in server-nginx.
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [nginx, prometheus, stats]
The Instabase URL hostname (e.g. instabase.com).
Affected services: [license-service apps-server webapp api-server server-nginx]
The URL endpoint for the Jaeger webpage for tracing information.
Affected services: [api-server server-nginx]
Tags: [tracing, nginx, api-server-apps]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
The URL endpoint for the RabbitMQ management console.
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq, nginx]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Standard Nginx environment variable to configure DNS host name and is used for resolving hostnames of upstream Instabase services.
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [nginx]
Standard Nginx environment variable that specifies the supported SSL protocols. Default values: [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3]
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [nginx]
For tracing, specify the ip address of the Jaeger client.
Affected services: [ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
The URL endpoint for the Vmagent webpage.
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [nginx, stats]
The URL endpoint to webapp for routing requests by server-nginx.
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [nginx]
The zipkin URL endpoint for jaeger’s zipkin recieving port
Affected services: [server-nginx]
Tags: [tracing, nginx]
For table-service database connections, sets the increment size of the connection pool when new connections are requested
Affected services: [table-tservice]
Tags: [database]
For table-service database connections, sets the maximum size of the connection pool
Affected services: [table-tservice]
Tags: [database]
For table-service database connections, sets the minimum size of the connection pool
Affected services: [table-tservice]
Tags: [database]
For database connections, the maximum amount of time a connection may be idle.
Affected services: [table-tservice]
Tags: [database]
For database connections, the maximum amount of time a connection a connection may be reused.
Affected services: [table-tservice rabbitmq-ha]
Tags: [database]
For table-service connections to Oracle DB, specify the path to the tnsnames.ora file
Affected services: [table-tservice]
Tags: [database]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Port for table-service
Affected services: [core-platform-service table-tservice apps-server webapp api-server]
Displayed org name in AIHub environments.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [aihub]
Email of the AIHub environment owner.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [aihub]
The export endpoint for audit-log events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The error message to display when a user gets locked out of their account after exceeding AUTH_LOGIN_MAX_ATTEMPTS login attempts. Default is 5.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication]
The amount of time an account will be locked out after exceeding AUTH_LOGIN_MAX_ATTEMPTS to login to Instabase. Default is 600s.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication]
Enables auth only for Instabase employees.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication]
The max number of login attempts before the user account is locked out.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication]
For AUTH_TYPE=saml, indicate how SAML metadata is provided. If local, metadata is provided in the metadata.xml file, if remote, read metadata from the SAML provider metadata server. Valid values: [local, remote]. See SAML documentation for details.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
For AUTH_TYPE=saml, and AUTH_PROVIDER=remote, indicate the SAML provider metadata server. See SAML documentation for details.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
Indiciate the type of authentication to use for user login. Valid values: [basic, saml, ldap]
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [authentication]
The time the release was built at.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Enable stats collection for client-side caching stats
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, redis]
Whether redis uses mutual TLS or not. Valid values are: [true, false].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The hostname (without protocol) for Redis with persistence enabled.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The port used for Redis with persistence enabled.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis-persistent]
The port used for Redis.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
A prefix to append to all cache keys in Redis.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
The cache provider. Valid values are: [redis].
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the CA Root Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Certificate file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
For Redis server using mutual TLS (built with BUILD_TLS=yes), specify the path to the Private Key file used by client.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [redis]
Disables community context for AIHub.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [aihub]
Specify the email provider to use. Valid values are: [SMTP, SES]
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SMTP, SES]
Enable client-side encryption across all Instabase drives by default.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [file-system, encryption]
Enables the Content Security Policy header to block XSS attacks in webapp and apps-server
Affected services: [apps-server webapp]
Enable license-service for License enforcement across the the platform.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Feature flag that defaults apps to using and expecting projects
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [flow]
Feature flag to enable the Spotlight search features in the UI.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp]
Enable z-pages which expose the internal state of a service to aid debugging.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [stats]
Generate enhanced response logging in webservers.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [stats]
The email address for feedback to be sent to on the platform
Affected services: [webapp]
If set true, username and email will converted to lower cases when creating the account
Affected services: [webapp api-server]
Tags: [webapp]
Specify how Kubernetes should determine the hosts for Redis. Valid values: [dns]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server conversion-service search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [redis, Kubernetes]
Enable stats for gRPC servers and clients in a service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [grpc, stats]
The load balancing policy used by the gRPC client. Default - round robin
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can receive
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Maximum message size in bytes a gRPC server or client can send
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [grpc]
Hostname for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Port for grpc-file-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-model-training-worker]
Specify the max. number of requests a Gunicorn worker will process before restarting (default is 250)
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Set the number of threads per Gunicorn worker (default is 50). This config is only respected if USE_GUNICORN=True
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Set the number of Gunicorn workers to run (default is 3). This config is only respected if USE_GUNICORN=True
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [gunicorn]
The Instabase URL hostname (e.g. instabase.com).
Affected services: [license-service apps-server webapp api-server server-nginx]
The Instabase URI hostname (e.g. instabase.com) to be used as the root URLs in API requests.
Affected services: [file-tservice license-service apps-server webapp]
Tags: [scheduler]
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, ldap]
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, ldap]
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, ldap]
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, ldap]
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, ldap]
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, ldap]
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, ldap]
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, ldap]
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, ldap]
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, ldap]
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, ldap]
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, ldap]
The Log level for logs within the service. Valid values are: FATAL, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server ocr-service conversion-service search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
This specifies the log parser to be used inside fluent-bit for log parsing.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis redis-persistent celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
Enable response logging in webservers.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [stats]
The export endpoint for metric events to be sent to. Valid values: [RABBIT_MQ, BLACK_HOLE].
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Used for making namespace available as environment variable. Set using kubernetes object metadata.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
For emails origination from the platform, the no-reply email address to send from.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks]
Tags: [email]
Log aggregation tooling support inside pods
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service rabbitmq rabbitmq-ha redis celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
Tags: [logs]
The claim holding a boolean indicating whether the user is allowed to login (optional)
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, oidc]
The audience for the OIDC provider.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, oidc]
The list of allowed email addresses for OIDC authentication.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, oidc]
The client ID from the OIDC provider used to authenticate users.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication]
The client secret from the OIDC provider used to authenticate users.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication]
The OIDC discovery URL.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, oidc]
The claim holding the user’s email
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, oidc]
Enable ACL for OIDC authentication.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, oidc]
The claim holding the user’s family name (optional)
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, oidc]
The claim holding the user’s given name (optional)
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, oidc]
The algorithm used for OIDC JWT.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, oidc]
The claim holding the user’s preferred username (optional)
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, oidc]
The required token scopes for OIDC authentication.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, oidc]
The requested scopes for OIDC authentication.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, oidc]
Specify the password for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the port for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the hostname/URL to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
Specify the username for connecting to RabbitMQ.
Affected services: [file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [rabbit-mq]
The Instabase platform release version.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice table-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server ocr-service ocr-msft-v3 ocr-msft-form-recognizer-layout ocr-msft-lite conversion-service search-tservice model-service redis redis-persistent opensearch celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker server-nginx]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, for SP instances, if set to true, the SP will consume unsolicited SAML responses for which it has not sent a respective SAML Authentication Request. See SAML documentation for details.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, for SP instances, a boolean flag to indicate if the Authentication Requests sent by this SP should be signed by default. See SAML documentation for details.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, this is the path to a file containing roto CA certificates for SSL server certificate validation. This is an optional parameter, the default value is an empty string.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, this is the public part of the service private/public key pair. The file must be PEM formatted file with a single certificate. This is an optional parameter, the default value is an empty string.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, the URL where SAML provider redirects after the user successfully authenticates. For example, http://
/account/sso/saml2. See SAML documentation for details. -
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, the URL where SAML provider redirects after the user successfully authenticates. For example, https://
/account/sso/saml2. Note that this should be the https URL. See SAML documentation for details. -
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, this is the name of a PEM formatted file that contains the private key of the service. This is currently used both to encrypt/sign assertions and as the client key in an HTTPS session. This is an optional parameter, the default value is an empty string.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, indicates if this entity will sign the Logout Requests originated from it. See SAML documentation for details.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, the optional email, uid attributes provided to Instabase by SAML. See SAML documentation for details.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, the required email, uid attributes provided to Instabase by SAML. See SAML documentation for details.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, the entity-id that was configured in SAML. See SAML documentation for details.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, the label associated with the Instabase entity in SAML (InstabaseSP)
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, specifies if the SSL certificates should be verified. Can be True or False. The default configuration is False.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, boolean flag that indicates that the assertions contained within the response to this SP must be signed. Default is true. See SAML documentation for details.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
With AUTH_TYPE=saml, boolean flag that indicates that the Authentication Response to this SP must be signed. Default is false. See SAML documentation for details.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication, saml]
Hostname for grpc account-tservice.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for grpc account-tservice.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for license-service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Port for license-service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Hostname for grpc mount service.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks]
Port for grpc mount service.
Affected services: [file-tservice apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks]
Hostname for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Port for gRPC repo service.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Hostname for table-service.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server webapp api-server]
Port for table-service
Affected services: [core-platform-service table-tservice apps-server webapp api-server]
If USE_SESSION_AUTO_TIMEOUT is true, this specifies the duration a user session will stay active before the session expires.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [authentication]
The key used to sign generated session keys for user login.
Affected services: [core-platform-service apps-server webapp api-server]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=ses, then specify the AWS Access Key ID for the account with permissions to SES.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SES]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=ses, then specify the AWS Region for the account with permissions to SES.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SES]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=ses, then specify the AWS Secret Access Key for the account with permissions to SES.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SES]
A site-wide configuration option to disallow account signup.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
A site-wide configuration option to disallow users from logging in if they are not a member of any organization.
Affected services: [webapp]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=smtp, then specify the hostname of the SMTP server.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SMTP]
If the EMAIL_PROVIDER=smtp, then specify the port of the SMTP server.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [email, SMTP]
Beckend agent for stats aggregation and exposition in stats framework
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection from the service if the stats framework is setup.
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service rabbitmq-ha celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats]
Enable stats collection for GRPC services.
Affected services: [license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, grpc]
Enable http stats collection for web services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [stats]
If stats collection is enabled, the name of the service to tag in stats exported from the service
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server apps-server webapp webapp api-server api-server search-tservice model-service model-service celery-app-tasks celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Multiplier used for constructing histogram buckets for capturing stats data for Thrift services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
Enable stats collection for Thrift services.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
Enable stats collection for request/response size for Thrift service
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [stats, thrift]
The Stripe Publishable API Key, used client-side.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp]
Tags: [aihub, billing]
For tracing, configures the method of sampling. Valid values are: [const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote]
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, the name of the service being traced (e.g. api-server-apps)
Affected services: [core-platform-service file-tservice job-service license-service apps-server webapp api-server search-tservice model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing]
For tracing, specify the tracer type. Valid values are: [null, jaeger]. null is equivalent to disabling tracing.
Affected services: [job-service apps-server webapp api-server model-service celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks ray-head ray-model-training-worker]
Tags: [tracing, jaeger]
If integrating user login with Twilio for MFA authentication, specify the Twilio Account SID.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication]
If integrating user login with Twilio for MFA authentication, specify the Twilio Auth Token.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication]
If integrating user login with Twilio for MFA authentication, specify the Twilio phone number to send from.
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [authentication]
The upload chunk size in MB for uploads to Instabase file-system via the webapp/UI
Affected services: [webapp]
Tags: [file-system]
Disable python conversion of .ibdoc to JSON and uses cpp module for .ibdoc conversion.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp]
Enable Python green-threads for Flask, Thrift and GRPC.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server celery-app-tasks celery-core-tasks celery-webdriver-tasks]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Enable Gunicorn to serve Flask apps instead of Gevent. USE_GEVENT needs to be False when USE_GUNICORN=True
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [gunicorn]
Whether or not Jupyter notebooks are enabled. This flag also determines if CSRF is used.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [notebook]
Flag to indicate whether or not user sessions should expire after SESSION_AUTO_TIMEOUT_MINUTES and force users to re-login.
Affected services: [apps-server webapp api-server]
Tags: [authentication]