Filesystem API (V2)

The Filesystem API allows you to perform common file operations on the Instabase platform, including reading files, writing files, copying, moving, deleting files and folders, and extracting ZIP archives.

Unless otherwise specified, all Filesystem API endpoints require an Authorization header with the value Bearer XYZ, where XYZ is your access token. See API authorization.

In this document, URL_BASE refers to the root URL of your Instabase instance, such as API_ROOT defines where to route API requests for file operations on your Instabase instance, and its value is URL_BASE appended by /api/v2/files.

import json, requests

url_base = ""
api_root = url_base + '/api/v2/files'

In addition, it’s common to refer to a Instabase path as SUBSPACE_OWNER/SUBSPACE_NAME/fs/DRIVE_NAME/PATH in this document, where each component’s meaning can be found below.

SUBSPACE_OWNER is the name of the user or org the subspace belongs to.

SUBSPACE_NAME is the name of the subspace the file or folder is in.

DRIVE_NAME is the name of the drive the file or folder is in.

PATH is the relative path with respect to the drive.

Create an empty file or folder

Method Syntax


Create an empty file or folder by sending a POST request to the endpoint URL with the request body encoded as JSON. FOLDER_PATH in the endpoint refers to the parent folder of the targeted file or folder. If FOLDER_PATH is empty, then the new file or folder gets created at the top level of the drive.

The HTTP call returns either after the targeted file or folder is successfully created, or after an error is encountered.

If the path FOLDER_PATH doesn’t exist, then the HTTP call creates this parent folder before creating the targeted file or folder. Otherwise, FOLDER_PATH must be a valid folder path. If it corresponds to a file, then a Bad Request HTTP status code gets returned.

Request body

The request body is a JSON object containing details about the file or folder to be created.

Parameters are required unless marked as optional.

Name Type Description Values
name string The name of the file or folder to be created. A valid folder or file name (including extension)
node_type string Controls whether the created node is a file or folder. file or folder

Note: You can create intermediate folders by passing a nested path in the name parameter. For example, if you specify name as foo/bar/file.txt, then the file system creates both foo and foo/bar folders under the specified drive, provided that these paths don’t correspond to files.

Response status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
201 Created A new node has successfully been created in the targeted folder.

Response headers

Headers are always present if the request was successful, unless marked as optional.

Name Description Values
Location The location of the created node. A URL representing the location of the created file or folder.

Note: The URL returned from the Location header is URL-encoded.



url = api_root + '/jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive'

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token)
data = json.dumps({'name': 'file.txt',
                   'node_type': 'file'})
resp =, headers=headers, data=data)

This creates a file named file.txt in the top level of jaydoe’s Instabase Drive drive.



# headers
  'Location': 'API_ROOT/jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase%20Drive/file.txt'

Create a non-empty file or overwrite a file

Method Syntax


Create a non-empty file or overwrite a file by sending a PUT request to the endpoint URL with the file payload as the request body.

If the parent folder of PATH doesn’t exist, the file system creates the parent folder first before creating the file. The parent folder must be a folder or an error is returned.

Request headers

Name Description Values
If-None-Match Optional. Requires the request to fail if a file already exists at the target location. If provided, its value must be *.

Request body

The request body contains the contents of the file to be written.

Response status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
201 Created The request succeeded and a new file was created at the target location. This status code is returned only when If-None-Match is specified * in the header
204 No Content The request succeeded.
412 Precondition Failed The request failed because a file existed at the target location that matched the If-None-Match header.

Response headers

Headers are always present if the request was successful unless marked as optional.

Name Description Values
Location Optional. Present if the response status is 201 Created. Contains a URL leading to the created file.



import requests

url = api_root + '/jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/new_file.txt'

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token)

data = bytes('hello world', 'utf-8')
resp = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=data)

This request creates or replaces a file at the target path with a file containing the text “hello world”.



Append content to a file

Method Syntax


Append content to a file by sending a PATCH to the endpoint URL shown above with appending file payload as the request body.

Request headers

Name Description Values
IB-Cursor Optional. The cursor position, in bytes, to write to. Only append operations are supported. An integer equal either to -1 or the current size of the file in bytes. If not specified, the file is appended to.

Note: If the IB-Cursor header is specified and set to 0, the file is created if it doesn’t already exist. Otherwise, the file must already exist.

Request body

The request body contains the data to be appended to the file.

Response status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.



url = api_root + '/jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/file.txt'

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token),
  'IB-Cursor': '-1'
data = bytes('data to append', 'utf-8')

r = requests.patch(url, headers=headers, data=data)

This request is appending to an existing file.



Read a file

Method Syntax


Read contents from a file by sending a GET request to the URL endpoint shown above.

URL parameters

Parameters are required unless marked as optional.

Name Description
expect-node-type Specifies the type of the node at the target path. The target node must match the specified type. To read from a file, must be set to file.

Request headers

Name Description Values
Range Optional. Allows specifying a portion of the file to be read. If specified, must be an HTTP byte range (HTTP byte ranges have inclusive bounds). Must contain only a single range. Cannot contain a range with a negative start value. If this header is not provided, the entire file is returned.
IB-Retry-Config Optional. If no file is found at the target path at first, the server waits and tries again based on the information in this header before sending a response. Value takes the form {retries:RETRIES,backoff-seconds:BACKOFF_SECONDS}. Replace RETRIES with an integer greater than 0, and BACKOFF_SECONDS with an integer greater than 0. If this header is not provided, the operation is not retried. Uses a constant backoff algorithm using the specified backoff-seconds quantity.

Request body

This request contains no body.

Response status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
200 OK Indicates that the response contains the entire file contents.
206 Partial Content Indicates that only a portion of the file has been returned, as requested with the Range header.

Response headers

Headers are always present if the request was successful unless marked as optional.

Name Description Values
Content-Type The content type of the response body. When reading a file, the content type is application/octet-stream.
Content-Length The length, in bytes, of the response body. An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Content-Range Optional. Present only if the status is 206 Partial Content. An HTTP content range header. Contains a range representing the returned portion of the file.

Response schema

The response body contains the contents of the read file, or the partial contents if a Range header was provided.



url = api_root + '/jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/hello_world.txt'
params = {'expect-node-type':'file'}
headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token),
  'Range': 'bytes=0-4'

r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)

This request uses the Range header to read the first 5 bytes of the target file.



  'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
  'Content-Length': '5',
  'Content-Range': 'bytes 0-4/*'


Read metadata from a file or folder

Method Syntax


Read metadata of a file or folder at the target path by sending a HEAD request to the endpoint shown above.

This API can be used to tell whether the object at the target path is a file or folder. If it is a file, it can also be used to find the size of the file and the time the file was last modified.

Request headers

Name Description Values
IB-Retry-Config Optional. If no file or folder is found at first, the server waits and tries again based on the information in this header before sending a response. Value takes the form {retries:RETRIES,backoff-seconds:BACKOFF_SECONDS}. Replace RETRIES with an integer greater than 0, and BACKOFF_SECONDS with an integer greater than 0. If this header is not provided, the operation is not retried. Uses a constant backoff algorithm using the specified backoff-seconds quantity.

Request body

The request does not have a body.

Response status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
404 Not Found No file or folder was found at the target path.

Response headers

Headers are always present if the request was successful unless marked as optional.

Name Description Values
Content-Type The content type of the targeted path. Indicates whether it is a file or a folder. application/json if it is a folder, application/octet-stream if it is a file.
Content-Length Optional. Only present if the target path is a file. The length of the file, in bytes. A decimal integer greater than or equal to 0.
Last-Modified Optional. Only present if the target path is a file. The date and time the file was last modified. An HTTP-formatted date.

Response schema

The response does not have a body.



url = api_root + '/jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/file.txt'

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token),
  'IB-Retry-Config' : json.dumps({
    'retries' : 2,
    'backoff-seconds' : 1

r = requests.head(url, headers=headers)

The IB-Retry-Config header provided here specifies that if the object at the path can’t be found immediately, the server retries twice, with an initial backoff of 1 second, before responding.



  'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
  'Content-Length': '4',
  'Last-Modified': 'Wed, 03 Aug 2022 17:25:51 GMT'

The Content-Type of application/octet-stream indicates that the object at this path contains a file. The Content-Length header indicates the file is 4 bytes long.

List Directory

Method Syntax


List the content of a directory by sending a GET to the endpoint URL shown above. Folders and files that are located directly under the target folder are returned. Results are paginated with a page size of 100.

URL parameters

Parameters are required unless marked as optional.

Name Description Values
expect-node-type Specifies the type of the node at the target path. The target node must match the specified type. To list a directory, must be specified as folder.
start-token Optional. Indicates that the request is a continuation to a previous request against the same directory, to get more paginated results. The value of start-token is indicated by the previous response.

Request body

The request has no body.

Response status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Response headers

Headers are always present if the request was successful unless marked as optional.

Name Description Values
Content-Type The content type of the response body. application/json
Content-Length The length of the response body. An integer representing the length of the response body in bytes.

Response schema

This body contains a JSON object with information about the directory.

All keys are returned in the response by default, unless marked as optional.

Key Description Value
nodes The nodes that belong to the target folder, or a portion of those nodes if the folder is too large to list in a single request. A list of tree nodes.
nodes/{tree node} One of the objects listed in nodes representing a file or folder. A JSON object.
nodes/{tree node}/name The name of the node. A string.
nodes/{tree node}/rel_path The path of the node, relative to the drive the directory is in. A string that can be used as a relative path.
nodes/{tree node}/full_path The full path of the node. A string that can be used as a full path.
nodes/{tree node}/metadata An object containing metadata about the node. A JSON object.
nodes/{tree node}/metadata/node_type The type of the node. file or folder.
nodes/{tree node}/metadata/size Optional. Present if node_type is file. The size of the file. An integer representing the size, in bytes, of the file.
nodes/{tree node}/metadata/modified_timestamp Optional. Present if node_type is file. The time the file was last modified. An integer, representing a Unix time.
nodes/{tree node}/perms Optional. If present, represents the permissions the current user has for the node. A JSON object.
nodes/{tree node}/perms/can_read Whether the user has read permissions for this node. true or false.
nodes/{tree node}/perms/can_write Whether the user has write permissions for this node. true or false.
nodes/{tree node}/perms/can_delete Whether the user has delete permissions for this node. true or false.
has_more Indicates whether the directory has more nodes left to list with further requests. true or false.
next_page_token If has_more is true, this is the value that start-token should have in the next request. Some string value representing a valid start-token.



url = api_root + '/jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/folder'

params = {'expect-node-type':'folder'}
headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token)

r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)



  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Content-Length': '497'

      "name": "subdir",
      "rel_path": "folder/subdir",
      "full_path": "jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/folder/subdir",
        "node_type": "folder"
        "can_read": true,
        "can_write": true,
        "can_delete": true
      "name": "test.txt",
      "rel_path": "folder/test.txt",
      "full_path": "adrianb/pubtest/fs/Instabase Drive/folder/test.txt",
        "node_type": "file",
        "size": 11,
        "modified_timestamp": 1659172583
        "can_read": true,
        "can_write": true,
        "can_delete": true
  "next_page_token": "",
  "has_more": false

This response lists the children of a directory that contains two other folders. The has_more key is false, indicating that there are no more contents to list.

Delete a file or folder

Method Syntax


Delete a single file or folder by sending a DELETE to the endpoint URL shown above.

Request body

There is no request body.

Response status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
202 Accepted Indicates that the deletion request has been accepted.

Response headers

Headers are always present if the request was successful unless marked as optional.

Name Description Values
Location Optional. Present if the status is 202 Accepted. A URL where the status of the deletion job can be checked.

You can poll the status of the deletion job by using the Location header. See Poll status of an async file operation for details.



url = api_root + '/jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/file.txt'

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token)

r = requests.delete(url, headers=headers)



# The value of the Location header has been modified to not show the URL base.
  'Location': '{API_ROOT}/delete/jobs/53275652-abc8-479e-89f2-ccb12af401a0'

The deletion request has been accepted. Whether it is still in progress, or if it has succeeded or failed, can be checked at the URL provided in the Location header.

Copy a file or folder

Method Syntax


Copy a file or folder to a new location by sending a POST to the URL endpoint shown above with the request body encoded as JSON. The source and destination paths are included in the request body.

The HTTP call returns immediately while the copy execution proceeds asynchronously in the background. If successful, the response header contains a URL endpoint that you can use to check the status of the copy operation.

Request body

The request body is a JSON object containing details about the source and destination path.

Parameters are required unless marked as optional.

Name Type Description Values
src_path string The full path of the source file/folder A valid file or folder path
dst_path string The full path of the destination A valid file or folder path

As this API is capable of copying both file and folders, its semantics depends on the type of src_path and dst_path and is summarized below:

  • If src_path doesn’t exist, the API returns an error.

  • If src_path is a file and dst_path is a folder, or src_path is a folder and dst_path is a file, the API returns an error.

  • If src_path is a file and dst_path is a file, then the source file gets copied to the destination path. If a file already exists at the destination path, it gets overwritten after the copy operation.

  • If src_path is a folder and dst_path is a folder, then

    a) If src_path is a parent folder of dst_path, then the API returns an error.

    b) Otherwise, copy the content from src_path (recursively) to dst_path, overwriting files that already exist in the destination path.

If the destination path doesn’t exist, the file system creates it and its parent folders recursively.

Note: There is a corner case where when dst_path is a parent folder of src_path, copying contents from src_path could end up modifying the source folder itself. If this happens, the API backend detects this and returns an error.

The semantics of this copy API are slightly different from Linux’s cp command: if the destination path is an existing folder, the source folder would be copied into the destination folder. So if you aim to copy a folder named foo into a folder named bar—as opposed to just the content of foo—you can set src_path to foo and dst_path to bar/foo.

Response Status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
202 Accepted Indicates that the copy request has been accepted.

Response headers

Headers are always present if the request was successful unless marked as optional.

Name Description Values
Location Optional. Present if the status is 202 Accepted. A URL where the status of the copy job can be checked.

You can poll the status of the copy job by using the Location header. See Poll status of an async file operation for details.



url = api_root + '/copy'

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token)

data = json.dumps({
  'src_path': 'jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/foo.txt',
  'dst_path': 'jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/bar.txt'

r =, headers=headers, data=data)



# The value of the Location header has been modified to not show the URL base.
  'Location': '{API_ROOT}/copy/jobs/53275652-abc8-479e-89f2-ccb12af401a0'

The copy request has been accepted. Whether it is still in progress, or if it has succeeded or failed, can be checked at the URL provided in the Location header. See Poll status of an async file operation for details.

Move a file or folder

Method Syntax


Move a file or folder to a new location by sending a POST to the URL endpoint shown above with the request body encoded as JSON. The source and destination paths are included in the request body.

The HTTP call returns immediately while the move execution proceeds asynchronously in the background. If successful, the response header contains a URL endpoint that you can use to check the status of the move operation.

Request body

The request body is a JSON object containing details about the source and destination path.

Parameters are required unless marked as optional.

Name Type Description Values
src_path string The full path of the source file/folder A valid file or folder path
dst_path string The full path of the destination A valid file or folder path

The semantics of src_path and dst_path is the same as the COPY API, except that src_path is expected to be removed if the move operation is successful.

Response Status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
202 Accepted Indicates that the move request has been accepted.

Response headers

Headers are always present if the request was successful unless marked as optional.

Name Description Values
Location Optional. Present if the status is 202 Accepted. A URL where the status of the move job can be checked.

You can poll the status of the move job by using the Location header. See Poll status of an async file operation for details.



url = api_root + '/move'

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token)

data = json.dumps({
  'src_path': 'jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/foo.txt',
  'dst_path': 'jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/bar.txt'

r =, headers=headers, data=data)



# The value of the Location header has been modified to not show the URL base.
  'Location': '{API_ROOT}/move/jobs/53275652-abc8-479e-89f2-ccb12af401a0'

The move request has been accepted. Whether it is still in progress, or if it has succeeded or failed, can be checked at the URL provided in the Location header. See Poll status of an async file operation for details.

Extract a ZIP file

Method Syntax


Extract a zip file to a new location by sending a POST to the URL endpoint shown above with the request body encoded as JSON. The source and destination paths are included in the request body.

If the destination path does not exist, the endpoint creates it and any necessary parent directories.

If the extracted path of a file conflicts with an existing file on disk, the endpoint overwrites the existing file.

The HTTP call returns immediately while the extract execution proceeds asynchronously in the background. If successful, the response header contains a URL endpoint that you can use to check the status of the extract operation.

Request body

The request body is a JSON object containing the source and destination paths.

Name Type Description Values
src_path string The full path of the source file. A valid file path.
dst_path string The full path of the destination for the extract operation. A valid folder path.

Response Status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
202 Accepted Indicates that the copy request has been accepted.

Response headers

Headers are always present if the request was successful unless marked as optional.

Name Description Values
Location Optional. Present if the status is 202 Accepted. A URL where the status of the extract job can be checked.

You can poll the status of the copy job by using the Location header. See Poll status of an async file operation for details.



url = api_root + '/extract'

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token)

data = json.dumps({
  'src_path': 'jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/',
  'dst_path': 'jaydoe/my-repo/fs/Instabase Drive/target'

r =, headers=headers)



# The value of the Location header has been modified to not show the URL base.
  'Location': '{API_ROOT}/extract/jobs/53275652-abc8-479e-89f2-ccb12af401a0'

The extract request has been accepted. Whether it is still in progress, or if it has succeeded or failed, can be checked at the URL provided in the Location header. See Poll status of an async file operation for details.

Poll status of an async file operation

Method Syntax

ACTION - The async operations, including copy, move, delete, and extract.

JOB_ID - A UUID string that is returned from the Location header from the response when creating an async operation.


Poll the status of an asynchronous file operation (copy, move, delete and extract) by sending a GET to the URL endpoint shown above.

Request body

The request body contains the contents of the file to be written.

Response status

Any 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
200 OK The retrieval of the job state is successful. The job state is stored in the body of the response.



url = api_root + '/delete/jobs/53275652-abc8-479e-89f2-ccb12af401a0'
headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token),

r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)



  'state': 'PENDING' | 'COMPLETE' | 'FAILED' | 'RUNNING'