Marketplace and Solution API

Package a solution

Send a POST request to URL_BASE/solution/create with the request body encoded as JSON:

POST URL_BASE/solution/create

# body
  "content_folder": <string>,
  "output_folder": <string>


The body of the request must be a JSON object with the following fields:

  • content_folder: The path to the folder that contains the solution content.
  • output_folder: The path to the folder that the created solution will be in.



    "status": "OK"

The response body is a JSON object with the following fields:

  • status: OK or ERROR
  • msg: The error message. Only exists if status is ERROR.

Publish a solution to Marketplace

Send a POST request to URL_BASE/marketplace/publish with the request body encoded as JSON:

POST URL_BASE/marketplace/publish

# body
  "ibsolution_path": <string>


The body of the request must be a JSON object with the following fields:

  • ibsolution_path: The file path to the ibsolution file.



    "status": "OK"

The response body is a JSON object with the following fields:

  • status: OK or ERROR
  • msg: The error message. Only exists if status is ERROR.

Install a Marketplace solution

Send a POST request to URL_BASE/marketplace/install with the request body encoded as JSON:

POST URL_BASE/marketplace/install

# body
  "name": <string>,
  "version": <string>


The body of the request must be a JSON object with the following fields:

  • name: The name of the solution.
  • version: The version of the solution.



    "status": "OK"

The response body is a JSON object with the following fields:

  • status: OK or ERROR
  • msg: The error message. Only exists if status is ERROR.

Run a solution


Run a solution by sending a POST request to URL_BASE/solution/run with the request body encoded as JSON. The user can provide the solution name and version to run an installed Marketplace solution, or provide the solution filepath to run an unpublished solution.

POST URL_BASE/solution/run

# body
  "name": "w2", # running an installed Marketplace solution
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "input_folder": "path/to/input/folder",
  "settings": {}

  "status": "OK",
  "solution": {
      "name": "w2",
      "version": "1.0.0",
  "job_id": "xxxxxxxxxx"

The body of the request must be a JSON object with the following fields:

  • input_folder: The folder that contains the data to run the solution on.
  • settings: (optional) An object with additional settings. See Run a Flow Binary API for supported settings. To run an installed Marketplace solution (see example above):
  • name: The name of the solution.
  • version: The version of the solution. Or, to run an unpublished solution (see example below):
  • solution_path: The path to the .ibsolution file

Example (Python):

url = url_base + 'solution/run'

args = {
  'input_folder': '/jaydoe/my_repo/fs/Instabase Drive/flow_proj/data/input',
  'solution_path': '/jaydoe/my_repo/fs/Instabase Drive/flow_proj/my_solution.ibsolution', # running an uninstalled solution
  'settings': {
    'delete_out_dir': False,
    'output_has_run_id': True,
    'notification_emails': [""],
json_data = json.dumps(args)

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token)

r =, data=json_data, headers=headers)
resp_data = json.loads(r.content)


The HTTP call returns immediately while the binary execution proceeds asynchronously in the background. If successful, the response contains a job_id field that you can use to check the status of your execution.


# body
  "status": "OK",
  "data": {
    "job_id": <string>,
    "output_folder": <string>

The response body is a JSON object with the following fields:

  • status: "OK"
  • data: A JSON object with the following fields:
    • job_id: A unique identifier for the job.
    • output_folder: The full path to the root output folder.

Run a solution in sync mode

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/solution/run_sync


This API is used to synchronously run a solution and return the output in the specified format. It accepts one or more files as input, runs the solution, blocks until it finishes, and then returns the results.

Request parameters

Parameters are required unless marked as optional.

Name Type Description Values
name string Name of a published solution. Must be paired with version. Required unless you specify solution_path.
version string The version of a published solution. Must be paired with name. Required unless you specify solution_path.
solution_path string Path to an unpublished solution binary .ibsolution file. Required unless you specify a (name, version) pair.
files array An array of dictionaries where each dictionary defines an input file.
files/file_name string The name of the input file.
files/file_content string Base64-encoded file data.
output_dir string Optional. The path to the directory to extract the .ibsolution contents.
options dict Optional. Dictionary of options.
options/result_format string Optional. The output structure. json (default), csv
write_to_cache string Optional. Whether to write the output to the cache. true (default), false
repo_name string Optional. The name of the repository.

Response schema

All keys are returned in the response by default, unless marked as optional.

Key Description Value
records An array of records.
records/output_file_path Path to the .ibdoc output file.
records/results An array of key-value pairs for each field specified in the Refiner program.
records/file_name The name of the input file.
records/file_index The index of the input file.
records/record_index The index of the output record.
binary_path The path to the Flow binary .iflowbin file.
job_id The Job ID for the Flow run.



import base64

encoded_string = base64.b64encode(open("test.pdf", "rb").read()).decode('utf-8')

url = url_base + '/api/v1/solution/run_sync'

api_args = {
  'name' :  "Demo Solution",
  'version' : "1.0.0",
  'files': [{
    'file_name': "test.pdf",
    'file_content': encoded_string,
json_data = json.dumps(api_args)

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(token)

r =, data=json_data, headers=headers, verify=False)
resp_data = json.loads(r.content)


  "records": [
      "results": [
          "key": "first_name",
          "value": "Coder"
          "key": "last_name",
          "value": "Maloder"
      "file_name": "test.pdf",
      "file_index": 0,
      "record_index": 0
  "binary_path": "jaydoe/my_repo/fs/InstabaseDrive/build/bin/workflow/my_flow.ibflowbin",
  "job_id": "5eb7df69-7506-41b3-bd3a-eb69d8b8a36d"

Get Solution Execution Status

Use this API to get the execution status.


Send a GET request to URL_BASE/jobs/status?job_id={job_id}.

GET URL_BASE/jobs/status?job_id={job_id}


The response body is a JSON object reporting the status of the execution:


# body
  "status": "OK",
  "state": <string: one of a number of states>,
  "job_id": <string>,
  "cur_status": <string>
  • status: "OK" or "ERROR"
  • state: Possible values: "PENDING" or "DONE"
  • job_id: The unique identifier for the job.

Warning Use the cur_status field only for informational and debugging purposes. Some of the sub-fields, such as total and index, can return erratic values. Verify the validity of these status fields before using them.

  • cur_status: A stringified JSON object with the following fields:
    • total: The total number of stages in the job.
    • index: The index of the currently processing stage.
    • curMsg: A human-readable status message.

Example response:


# body
  "status": "OK",
  "state": "PENDING",
  "job_id": "this-execution-job-id",
  "cur_status": "{\"index\": 3, \"total\": 3, \"curMsg\": \"Completed 3/3 files\"}"