String Functions
clean(text, strip=true, match_pattern=None, replacement=None)
Removes extra whitespace from a string Args: text (str): string to be cleaned strip (bool, optional): strips leading and trailing space on the cleaned up text match_pattern (str, optional): override default match pattern ('\s+') replacement (str, optional): override default replacement pattern (' ') Returns: Returns a string with trimmed whitespace Examples: clean(' ab cd e ') -> 'ab cd e'
concat(*args: Any)
Concatenate strings from fields or raw values Args: *args: Variable length argument list containing strings (with single quotes) or, field names (without quotes) Returns: Returns a concatenated string Examples: concat('hello ', 'world') -> 'hello world'
contains(text, q)
Check if a word is contained within a string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) q (str): substring to find Returns: Returns True if substring is found. Otherwise False is returned. Examples: contains(INPUT_COL, word) -> True
Mimics the value specified in a field or string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) Returns: Returns the same value provided Examples: echo(INPUT_COL) -> mimics the value at INPUT_COL. echo('ADP') -> 'ADP'
find(text, q)
Find index of a word in the given string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) q (str): substring to find Returns: Returns index of the substring if found. Otherwise -1. Examples: find(INPUT_COL, word) -> 2
format_date(text, input_format=None, output_format='mmddyyyy')
Return a formatted date string. Allows you to format a date string to one of four date formats. If only 2 digits are provided for the year, values 00-68 are mapped to 2000-2068, and values 69-99 are mapped to 1969-1999. Args: text (str): Input string that should be parsable input_format (str, optional): Expected input format. Allowed values: "day-first", "month-first". If not passed to the function, will assume month-first. output_format (str, optional): Desired output format. Allowed values: "ddmmyyyy", "mmddyyyy", "yyyymmdd", or 'monddyyyy'. Defaults to "mmddyyy". Returns: Formatted string representing date in input string Examples: format_date('September 19 2019', output_format='mmddyyyy') -> '19/09/2019 format_date('05.01.2019', input_format='day-first', output_format='monddyyyy') -> January 05, 2019 format_date('05.01.2019', input_format='month-first', output_format='monddyyyy') -> May 01, 2019
Check whether a string is lowercase Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) Returns: Returns True if string is lowercase else False Examples: islower('hello') -> 'True'
Check whether a string is uppercase Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) Returns: Returns True if string is uppercase else False Examples: isupper('HELLO') -> 'True'
join(delim, l)
Joins a list of strings with a delimiter Args: delim (str): delimiter to separate joined string l (str): a list of strings Returns: Returns a joined string Examples: join(',', ['a', 'b']) -> 'a,b'
left(text, n)
Get first n characters in a given string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) n (int): number of starting characters to be retrieved Returns: Returns the first n characters in the given string Examples: left('abcdef, 3) -> 'abc'
Finds length of a string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) Returns: Returns length of a string Examples: len('abc') -> 3
Lower case a string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) Returns: Returns input string with lower case Examples: lower('HELLO') -> 'hello'
ltrim(text, trim_char=None)
Removes leading spaces (or trims character) Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) trim_char (str, optional): leading character to be trimmed Returns: Returns a trimmed string Examples: ltrim(' hello') -> hello ltrim(INPUT_COL, 'c') -> ab
match(text, match_pattern, n=None, multiline=false)
Find a pattern in a given string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) match_pattern (str): regex pattern to match n (int): if specified, returns the starting index of the nth match in the string multiline (bool): enables multiline mode in regex. Multiline mode allows '^' and '$' to match the beginnings and endings of lines as well as match the beginning and end of the whole string. Returns: Returns the starting index when the pattern is found. Otherwise returns -1. Examples: match('hello 20 world 35', '[a-z]+') -> ["hello", "world"] list_get(match('hello 20 world 35', '[\d]+'), 1) -> 35
mid(text, l, r)
Retrieve exactly r characters from the lth index in a given string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) l (int): index in the string (starting from 0) r (int): number of characters to extract Returns: Returns a substring starting at lth index and r characters long Examples: mid('hello world', 6, 3) -> 'wor' mid(INPUT_COL, l, r) -> 'abc'
Capitalizes first character of each word in a given string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) Returns: Returns a string with word starting with a capital letter Examples: proper('hello') -> 'Hello' proper('hello world') -> 'Hello World'
regex_find(text, match_pattern)
Find a pattern in a given string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) match_pattern (str): regex pattern to match Returns: Returns the starting index when the pattern is found. Otherwise returns -1. Examples: regex_find('hello world', 'world') -> 6
regex_get_all(text, match_pattern, e=0, ignorecase=false)
Finds and returns all matching patterns in a given string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) match_pattern (str): regex pattern to match e (int, optional): number of errors allowed in the match ignorecase (bool, optional): Whether casing should be ignored. By default false. Returns: A list of all matches. Each match is represented as a list. If a `match_pattern` results in multiple match results (i.e. from capture groups), the list will have multiple items. Examples: regex_get_all(INPUT_COL, match_pattern) -> [[word1, ...], [word2, ...], ...] regex_get_all('hello', 'world') -> [] regex_get_all('hello world world', 'world') -> [['world'], ['world']] regex_get_all('(hello) (world)', 'hello world') -> [['hello', 'world']]
regex_replace(text, match_pattern, replacement)
Replace a pattern in a given string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) match_pattern (str): regex pattern to be replaced replacement (str): string to replace match_pattern Returns: Returns a string When match_pattern is found, it is replaced with replacement string When match_pattern is not found, original string is returned Examples: regex_replace('hello world', 'world', 'universe') -> 'hello universe' regex_replace(INPUT_COL, 'hi', 'hello') -> 'hello there'
replace(text, match_word, replacement_word)
Replace match_word with replacement_word in a given string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) match_word (str): string to be replaced replacement_word (str): string to replace match_word Returns: Return a string When match_word is found, it is replaced with replacement word When match_word is not found, original string is returned Examples: replace('hello world', 'world', 'universe') -> 'hello universe' replace(INPUT_COL, 'hi', 'hello') -> 'hello there'
right(text, n)
Retrieve last n characters in a given string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) n (int): number of trailing characters to return Returns: Returns last n characters in a given string Examples: right('hello world', 5) -> 'world' right(INPUT_COL, 5) -> 'world'
rtrim(text, trim_char=None)
Removes trailing spaces (or trim character) Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) trim_char (str, optional): trailing character to be trimmed Returns: Returns a trimmed string Examples: rtrim('abc', 'c') -> ab rtrim(INPUT_COL, trim_char) -> ab
split(text, split_char, n=None, maxsplit=0, should_clean=true)
Split a string and return the array of splits Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) split_char (str): regex pattern passed to re.split n: to be deprecated maxsplit (int): max number of times the split should be performed should_clean (bool): whether to remove the whitespace at the boundaries of the input string before splitting it. Defaults to True. Returns: Returns nth split of a string An ERROR will be return if the split index is out of bounds [-n to n-1]. Examples: split('a b c', ' ') -> ["a", "b", "c"] split(INPUT_COL, ' ') -> ["a", "b", "c"]
split_get(text, split_char, n=None, maxsplit=0)
Split a string and returns the nth split Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) split_char (str): character on which to split the string n (int): split index to be returned maxsplit (int): maximum number of times the split should be performed Returns: Returns nth split of a string An ERROR will be return if the split index is out of bounds [-n to n-1]. Examples: split_get('a b c', ' ', 1) -> b split_get('a b c', ' ', 1, maxsplit=1) -> 'b c' split_get(INPUT_COL, ' ', 1) -> a
trim(text, trim_char=None)
Removes leading and trailing spaces (or trim character) Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) trim_char (str, optional): leading and trailing character to be trimmed Returns: Returns a trimmed string Examples: trim('cabc', 'c') -> ab trim(INPUT_COL, trim_char) -> ab
Upper case a given string Args: text (str): string (with single quotes) or field name (without quotes) Returns: Returns string with uppercase Examples: upper('hello') -> 'HELLO'