SaaS upgrades

Instabase has four major platform releases each year, with one release scheduled each quarter. Instabase deploys the latest certified quarterly release to all SaaS customer installations to ensure the platform remains up to date with the latest features and functionality.

Upgrades schedule

SaaS environment upgrades generally occur within one month of a platform release being certified generally available (GA). Check with your Customer Success Manager for dates.

Upgrades process

The following diagram provides an overview of the upgrade process for SaaS installations:


If additional deployments are present, the 21-day upgrade cycle applies. Upgrades progress from the lowest-level deployment through to the highest-level deployment.

When a quarterly platform release is generally available (GA), Instabase schedules your customer installation to upgrade to the release through Cloud Console. In general, your upgrade process starts within a week of the platform release being certified GA. You always receive at least 72 hours’ notice regarding any upcoming scheduled upgrades or maintenance for your customer installation.

DEV deployment upgrade

Your lowest-level deployment, which is typically the DEV deployment, is upgraded first. When the upgrade is complete, Instabase runs a series of post-install checks to confirm the upgrade was successful.

Following the upgrade to your DEV deployment, it is your responsibility to test individual solutions to ensure that they are working as expected. The Test Runner app offers a straightforward way to test the performance of solutions before and after an upgrade. Test Runner leverages the previous output of successful flows and compares the representative ground truth (also known as the golden output) with the current test output. To perform this comparison, the same data must be used in both instances (pre-upgrade and post-upgrade). Test Runner runs the comparison operation using the test specification and creates a comparison report.


To learn more about the Test Runner app, see the Test Runner app documentation.

If you encounter unexpected solution changes, you can file a support ticket through Zendesk for assistance. The other types of testing you may want to consider completing on the deployment include performance testing and integration testing.

When you have completed testing the performance of solutions in the upgraded deployment, you are asked to confirm readiness to proceed with upgrading your UAT deployment.

UAT deployment upgrade

By default, your UAT upgrade is scheduled for 21 calendar days after your DEV upgrade, but it may proceed earlier if you complete testing and confirm readiness. To maintain continuity and a successful upgrade path, if Instabase does not receive confirmation of readiness within 21 calendar days of your DEV deployment upgrade, we automatically proceed with scheduling the upgrade of your UAT deployment.

After receiving confirmation to proceed (or 21 calendar days after the DEV deployment upgrade), Instabase schedules the upgrade for your UAT deployment, providing at least 72 hours of notice. After the upgrade is complete, Instabase again performs post-install checks to ensure the upgrade was successful. You can then proceed with testing the performance of solutions in your upgraded UAT deployment.

Following the upgrade of your UAT deployment, you again receive 21 calendar days to confirm readiness to upgrade your PROD deployment. (If your customer installation has deployments other than DEV, UAT, and PROD, the next-lowest deployment is upgraded.)

PROD deployment upgrade

Your PROD upgrade is scheduled for 21 calendar days after the UAT upgrade, or earlier if you provide confirmation of readiness, again with at least 72 hours of notice. After the upgrade is complete, Instabase again performs post-install checks to ensure the upgrade was successful. At this point, assuming a three-deployment customer installation, the upgrade process is complete as your entire customer installation is running on the latest certified release.

This upgrade workflow can be customized depending on the number of deployments that you have and the promotion path for your solutions. In each case, Instabase provides at least 72 hours of notice before upgrading a deployment and you have at least 21 calendar days after the upgrade is complete to confirm that you are ready to proceed with upgrading the next deployment. This cycle continues until all deployments are upgraded. If you need assistance with your upgrade or have questions related to the process, you can file a support ticket through Zendesk for assistance.