About solution packages

Packaged solutions include all of the programmatic artifacts included in a given Instabase solution. Solutions typically include a Marketplace model and a flow, and they might also include refiners, scripts, and validations. The data used to train a model—including documents and annotation sets—aren’t packaged with solutions.

A solution package is automatically generated when you use Solution Builder to publish a solution to Marketplace.

Alternatively, you can manually package a solution by creating the solution directory structure anywhere in the Instabase Explorer. Then, right-click the solution directory and select Package. An .ibsolution file is generated at the same level as the solution directory with the name and version specified in the solution’s JSON metadata. After manually packaging a solution, you can use Marketplace Admin to publish the solution to the Marketplace.

Solution package contents

Solution packages consist of the solution payload, demo data, and a JSON file that includes package metadata. Solution packages may optionally include a read me, screenshots, an icon, and resources.

├── solution
│   ├── SOLUTION-NAME.ibflowbin
│   ├── package.json
│   ├── demo_data
│   ├── readme.md
│   ├── screenshots
│   ├── icon.png
│   ├── _resource

Solution payload

The solution payload is the flow binary .ibflowbin file.

JSON file

A JSON file describes the solution metadata.

Required fields:

  • name - Unique name for the solution.

  • version - Semantic version in major.minor.patch format.

  • short_description - Short description that displays in the Marketplace.

  • long_description - Long description of the solution.

  • authors - List of solution author or authors.

  • solution_type - ibflowbin.

  • accelerator_type - List of accelerator types: solution.

  • industry - List of industry tags: Financial Services, Healthcare, Insurance, Public Sector, or Shared Services.

  • business_vertical - List of business vertical tags: Asset & Wealth Management, Business & Commercial Banking, Corporate & Investment Banking, or Retail & Consumer Banking.

  • use_case - List of use case tags: Reporting, Portfolio Insights, Investment Instructions, Account Opening, or Securities Lending.

Optional fields:

  • icon_file - Path to optional icon. Always icon.png.

  • beta - true adds a visual beta tag to the solution.

  • encryption_config - Dictionary that specifies the encryption protocol to use. The encryption_type must be specified and the only valid values are v1 or large_files. Set encryption_typetolarge_files if the input folder is larger than 100 MB.

Here’s an example package.json file for a form W-2 solution:

  "name": "Form W-2",
  "version": "0.0.2",
  "short_description": "Automatically process Form W-2",
  "long_description": "Extract key fields from Tax Form W-2 in the United States",
  "authors": [
  "solution_type": "ibflowbin",
  "accelerator_type": [
  "industry": [
        "Financial Services"
  "business_vertical": [
        "Retail & Consumer Banking"
  "use_case": [
    "Account Opening"
  "icon_file": "icon.png",
  "beta": true,
  "encryption_config": {
    "encryption_type": "v1"

Demo data

Input files in a demo_data/ folder are used for previewing the solution in the Marketplace. For example, for a W-2 solution, include one or more sample W-2 forms.

Read me

An optional readme.md file describes the solution package. The read me may describe use cases, benefits, and instructions.


Optional screenshots in a screenshots/ folder illustrate how the solution works.


The solution icon represents the solution when its published to Marketplace. Icons must be in PNG format at a recommended size of 120 x 120 pixels.


An optional _resource/ folder can store large resource files to be accessed by Refiner and UDFs.