User settings
When logged in as an authenticated Instabase user, you can click the profile picture in the top bar to view and manage your user settings. Clicking the profile picture icon displays the following menu options:
View profile: Brings you to your user profile in the Admin app.
Update profile: Opens a dialog where you can manage your user profile information, including your password.
Change security: Opens a dialog where you can manage your multi-factor authentication settings.
Logout: Logs you out of the Instabase platform.
Update profile
The Update Profile dialog displays your username, email address, display name, and password. You can update your display name and password.
To update your display name:
Click the profile picture icon, then select Update profile.
Hover over the display name field, then select the edit (pencil) icon that appears.
Enter a new display name.
Click Save.
To update your password:
Click the profile picture icon, then select Update profile.
Hover over the password field, then select the edit (pencil) icon that appears.
In the Password field, enter your current password.
In the New Password field, enter a new password.
Re-enter your password in the Re-enter New Password field.
Click Save.
After updating your password, you’re logged out and prompted to log in again.
Change security
From the Update Security dialog, you can change your multi-factor authentication (MFA) settings. Some MFA options might not be available. For example, SaaS deployments don’t support the use of SMS message-based MFA.
To turn off multi-factor authentication:
Click the profile picture icon, then select Change security.
In the Update Security dialog, select None.
At the confirmation dialog, click Confirm.
To change your multi-factor authentication method:
Click the profile picture icon, then select Change security.
Select a multi-factor authentication option:
SMS: Authentication codes are sent by SMS message (text) using Twilio. Some countries restrict receving SMS messages from Twilio.
Authenticator: Authentication is through a multi-factor authentication app such as Authy, Duo Mobile, Okta Verify, Google Authenticator, or Microsoft Authenticator.
Click Next.
Complete the multi-factor configuration process:
Select a country code.
Enter a phone number.
Click Next.
Enter the 6-digit verification code sent to the specified phone number.
Click Verify.
Close the verification dialog.
Using your authenticator app, scan the provided QR code or enter the setup key.
Enter the 6-digit verification code displayed in the authenticator app.
Click Verify.
Copy or otherwise save the backup codes provided.
Click Close.