CI/CD for solutions

Use Instabase APIs to implement a continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) approach to solution development, also known as continuous development.

Solution promotion workflow

Solution development typically occurs across three environments (also called deployments), such as DEV, UAT, and PROD. Solutions are developed in DEV, tested in UAT, and executed in PROD. While it’s possible to use the Instabase UI to export and import solutions across environments, a programmatic approach enables continuous development.

Assuming you have DEV, UAT, and PROD environments, the typical solution promotion process involves development, system integration testing, and production stages. Many of the steps in each stage can be strung together and automated using scripting.

CI/CD Toolkit

CI/CD Toolkit is an Instabase tool that uses Python scripting and Instabase APIs to automate compiling and copying a solution from a source environment to a target environment. CI/CD Toolkit can be launched from a CI/CD pipeline and includes samples for integration with GitHub Actions.

CI/CD Toolkit includes scripts for promoting solutions built with or without using Solution Builder. The script, designed for solutions not built with Solution Builder, automates the majority of the steps in the solution promotion process, with the exception of development, testing, and execution in production. To promote a solution built in Solution Builder, use the script to automate those steps. The following diagram provides an overview of how CI/CD Toolkit can be used to help automate solution promotion between environments.

Flowchart depicting the solution promotion process, divided into development, system integration testing, and production. Steps automated with CI/CD Toolkit are distinct from manual steps (development, testing, and execution). Flowchart depicting the solution promotion process, divided into development, system integration testing, and production. Steps automated with CI/CD Toolkit are distinct from manual steps (development, testing, and execution).

Environment variables

The following environment variables are referenced by the script.

Environment variable Description
SOURCE_IB_API_TOKEN An OAuth API token for source environment. Ideally, the token belongs to a service account.
For security purposes, this value can be set as a secret rather than as a variable in GitHub.
TARGET_IB_API_TOKEN An OAuth API token for target environment. Ideally, the token belongs to a service account.
For security purposes, this value can be set as a secret rather than as a variable in GitHub.
SOURCE_IB_HOST The URL of the source Instabase environment.
SOURCE_WORKING_DIR The file path in the source Instabase environment’s file system to use for downloading dependencies.
SOURCE_SOLUTION_DIR The file path to the solution directory in the source Instabase environment.
LOCAL_SOLUTION_DIR The directory in the local repository that contains IB solution code. This variable is used for local source flows. If using a remote source flow, leave an empty string.
REL_FLOW_PATH The file path to the solution’s flow, relative to the solution directory. For example, if the complete file path to the flow is path/to/solution/Flow/some_flow.ibflow. SOURCE_SOLUTION_DIR is path/to/solution and REL_FLOW_PATH is Flow/some_flow.ibflow.
SOURCE_COMPILED_SOLUTIONS_PATH The file path to where .ibsolution files are generated. This is usually one level higher than the SOURCE_SOLUTION_DIR path.
TARGET_IB_HOST The URL of the target Instabase environment.
TARGET_IB_PATH The file path in the target Instabase environment where the solution is uploaded.

The following environment variables are referenced by the script.

Environment variable Description
SOURCE_IB_API_TOKEN An OAuth API token for source environment. Ideally, the token belongs to a service account.
For security purposes, this value can be set as a secret rather than as a variable in GitHub.
TARGET_IB_API_TOKEN An OAuth API token for target environment. Ideally, the token belongs to a service account.
For security purposes, this value can be set as a secret rather than as a variable in GitHub.
SOURCE_IB_HOST The URL of the source Instabase environment.
SOURCE_WORKING_DIR The file path in the source Instabase environment’s file system to use for downloading dependencies.
SOLUTION_BUILDER_NAME The name of the Solution Builder project.
WORKSPACE_DRIVE_PATH Path in source Instabase environment’s filesystem to the drive where the Solution Builder project is stored, such as space/subspace/fs/Instabase Drive.
FLOW_NAME The name of the flow in the Solution Builder project.
DEPENDENCIES A string representation of list of model and marketplace package dependencies in the format model_name==0.0.1,package_name==0.4.5,second_package==0.0.1
TARGET_IB_HOST The URL of the target Instabase environment.
TARGET_IB_PATH The file path in the target Instabase environment where the solution is uploaded.

For example, for a remote source flow, set these environment variables before running


export SOURCE_IB_HOST="https://dev.domain.tld"
export SOURCE_WORKING_DIR="space/subspace/fs/Instabase Drive/Temp"
export SOURCE_SOLUTION_DIR="space/subspace/fs/Instabase Drive/Solution"
export REL_FLOW_PATH="Flows/Flow.ibflow"
export SOURCE_COMPILED_SOLUTIONS_PATH="space/subspace/fs/Instabase Drive"


export TARGET_IB_HOST="https://uat.domain.tld"
export TARGET_IB_PATH="space/subspace/fs/Instabase Drive/Solution"


The CI/CD Toolkit script calls Instabase APIs to execute the steps required for automated solution promotion between environments. When executing the script, you can use flags to run a series of pre-selected subroutines or to select specific steps to run. For example, you can specify optional steps like compiling the .ibflow file to an .ibsolution file, or downloading the compiled .ibsolution file for use with environment pipelines and artifact repositories.

Workflow flags

Workflow flags run all required promotion steps for a local or remote source.

Option Description
--local_flow Performs all required promotion steps for a local source (local repository). This workflow assumes the solution is deployed and copied to the Solution Dashboard, not published to Marketplace; use the --marketplace option if otherwise.
--remote_flow Performs all required promotion steps for a remote source (Instabase environment). The steps --compile_source_solution and --set_github_actions_env_var aren’t included by default and must be specified. This workflow also assumes the solution is deployed and copied to the Solution Dashboard, not published to Marketplace; use the --marketplace option if otherwise.

Promotion flags

Promotion flags execute specific steps in the promotion process. Workflow flags let you execute multiple steps.

The following flags are used with the script.

Option Description
--compile_source_solution Compiles the solution in the source environment, referencing the path specified in the SOURCE_SOLUTION_DIR environment variable.
--publish_source_solution Publishes the latest version of the solution found in the source environment as a deployed solution to the Solution Dashboard.
--promote_solution_to_target Uploads the solution to the target environment.
--publish_target_solution Publishes the latest version of the solution in the target environment as a deployed solution to the Solution Dashboard. Use the --local source option to upload code from a repository.
--upload_dependencies Uploads and publishes the solution dependencies to the target environment based on dependencies listed in package.json.
--download_ibsolution Downloads the .ibsolution file to the local file system.
--set_github_actions_env_var Sets the PACKAGE_VERSION environment variable. This option is used in later steps in the GitHub Actions pipeline.
--marketplace Publishes the solution to Marketplace. If this option isn’t specified, the default is to publish to the Solution Dashboard as a deployed solution.

The following flags are used with the script when promoting Solution Builder projects.

Option Description
--compile_source_solution Compiles the solution in the source environment, referencing the path specified in the SOURCE_SOLUTION_DIR environment variable.
--deploy_source_solution Publishes the latest version of the solution found in the source environment as a deployed solution to the Solution Dashboard.
--promote_solution_to_target Uploads the solution to the target environment.
--upload_dependencies Uploads and publishes the solution dependencies to the target environment based on dependencies listed in package.json.
--download_ibsolution Downloads the .ibsolution file to the local file system.
--set_github_actions_env_var Sets the PACKAGE_VERSION environment variable. This option is used in later steps in the GitHub Actions pipeline.

Source flags

Source flags can be used along with promotion flags to indicate the source location of the solution: a local repository or a remote Instabase environment.

Option Description
--local Promotes a solution from the local repository specified in the LOCAL_SOLUTION_DIR environment variable.
--remote Promotes a solution from a source Instabase environment.

Integration with common workflows

There are many ways to integrate CI/CD Toolkit into your software development lifecycle. These are some common examples.

Before you begin

For promoting solutions that were not built using Solution Builder, you must have:

  • At least two Instabase environments, one for the source of the solution (typically DEV) and one that is the target for promotion (typically UAT or PROD).

  • Your solution’s .ibflow file. This file is compiled into an .ibsolution file in the target environment.

  • A package.json file describing the solution to be promoted. Reference the example in this guide when creating your own.

  • An icon.png file, to use as the solution’s image in the Marketplace of the target environment. The recommended size is 120 x 120 px.

  • The CI/CD Toolkit package, downloadable from the Instabase GitHub Repository.

  • The requests Python library. See requirements.txt in CI/CD Toolkit for the latest requirements.

For promoting solutions that were built using Solution Builder, you must have:

  • A solution containing a flow that was built in Solution Builder.

  • The CI/CD Toolkit package, downloadable from the Instabase GitHub Repository.

  • The requests Python library. See requirements.txt in CI/CD Toolkit for the latest requirements.

Workflow between remote Instabase clusters

Use this flow to migrate a solution from one Instabase cluster to another, such as from DEV to UAT.

  1. Develop your solution on Instabase.

  2. Save the package.json file at the root level of your solution.


    On subsequent promotions, be sure to update the solution’s version number in the package.json file.

  3. Save the icon.png file at the root of your solution.

  4. Configure your environment variables according to the provided template. Don’t include a LOCAL_SOLUTION_DIR variable.

  5. Execute the following script:

     python cicd/ --remote-flow
  6. Save the downloaded .ibsolution file as an artifact in your artifact repository.

Workflow between a local repository and Instabase cluster using GitHub Actions

You can use GitHub Actions to leverage a local GitHub repository and migrate the solution from that repo to an Instabase cluster.

  1. In GitHub, set the environment variables according to the provided template. Make sure to include a LOCAL_SOLUTION_DIR environment variable.

  2. Copy the local-github-actions-workflow.yml from CI/CD Toolkit to a .GitHub/workflows folder at the root level of your solution.

  3. Copy the script from CI/CD Toolkit to the root level of your solution.

  4. Develop your solution on Instabase.

  5. Create a new feature branch and copy the solution directory to the local repo folder.

  6. Save the package.json file at the root level of your solution.

  7. Save the icon.png file at the root level of your solution.

  8. Push the solution to a feature branch of your GitHub repository.

  9. Create a pull request to your main branch.

  10. Merge the pull request.

When merged, the GitHub Action automatically performs these steps:

  • Runs the command --local_flow --download_ibsolution --set_github_actions_env_var.

  • Creates a GitHub release tag with the version specified in the package.json file.

  • Uploads the .ibsolution file to the release artifacts.

Workflow between remote Instabase clusters promoting a Solution Builder project

  1. Develop your solution on Instabase.

  2. Configure your environment variables according to the provided template. Don’t include a LOCAL_SOLUTION_DIR variable.

  3. Execute the following script:

     python cicd/ --remote_flow --download_ibsolution
  4. Save the downloaded .ibsolution file as an artifact in your artifact repository.

Sample package.json

Solution packages require a package.json file that describes the solution. You can reference the examples here when creating your own. Packages used for continuous development have additional requirements beyond typical solution packages, including:

  • A "dependencies" object which lists any models or packages that are linked to the solution. If there are no dependencies, you must still include the "dependencies" object and its fields, but with empty arrays as the values.

  • The fields "owner" and "visibility", if the solution is deployed and copied to the Solution Dashboard (Deployed Solutions) rather than being published to Marketplace. Set "owner" to "IB_DEPLOYED" and "visibility" to "PUBLIC".

Example 1: A Form W-2 solution, with dependencies, that’s deployed and copied to the Solution Dashboard.

  "name": "Form W-2",
  "version": "0.0.2",
  "short_description": "Automatically process Form W-2",
  "long_description": "Extract key fields from Tax Form W-2 in the United States",
  "authors": [
  "solution_type": "ibflowbin",
  "accelerator_type": [
  "industry": [
    "Financial Services"
  "business_vertical": [
    "Retail & Consumer Banking"
  "use_case": [
    "Account Opening"
  "icon_file": "icon.png",
  "beta": true,
  "encryption_config": {
    "encryption_type": "v1"
  "dependencies": {
    "models": ["model_for_cicd==0.0.1"],
    "dev_exchange_packages": ["package_for_cicd==0.0.1"]
  "owner": "IB_DEPLOYED",
  "visibility": "PUBLIC"

Example 2: A Form W-2 solution, without dependencies, that’s published to Marketplace.

  "name": "Form W-2",
  "version": "0.0.2",
  "short_description": "Automatically process Form W-2",
  "long_description": "Extract key fields from Tax Form W-2 in the United States",
  "authors": [
  "solution_type": "ibflowbin",
  "accelerator_type": [
  "industry": [
    "Financial Services"
  "business_vertical": [
    "Retail & Consumer Banking"
  "use_case": [
    "Account Opening"
  "icon_file": "icon.png",
  "beta": true,
  "encryption_config": {
    "encryption_type": "v1"
  "dependencies": {
    "models": [],
    "dev_exchange_packages": []