Reviewer guide

Human reviewers validate classification and extraction data in Flow Review.

Your core task as a reviewer is to check and correct data from automated document processing workflows. Depending on how your organization configures these workflows and manages reviews, your review assignments can vary. For example, you might be responsible for validating document classification after a single workflow checkpoint. Or you might need to validate both classification and extraction results, at multiple checkpoints and across various pipelines.

Working in the Flow Review interface

Understanding the Flow Review interface can help you quickly process reviews.

The Flow Review user interface, with components numbered for cross-reference with adjacent descriptions The Flow Review user interface, with components numbered for cross-reference with adjacent descriptions

The Flow Review interface includes these components.

  1. File list. The file list displays all files included in a flow job. You can expand files to see included pages or records. Icons indicate file status. Use the filter icon to limit the list to parameters you specify. By default, all files in the review are displayed.


    If your organization allows individual records within a batch to proceed to subsequent workflow steps, use the Finalized Records filter to review only records that aren’t subject to further processing, which can clear your corrections.

  2. File view. Displays the file selected in the file list. Use the pop-out icon to open the single record view in a separate window.

  3. Record classification label. If the flow includes classification, a label displays the class of the currently selected record, along with an Edit link to modify classification.

  4. File view tabs.

    • Single Record. Use this view to modify extraction data. For single-page documents or documents belonging to only one class, you can also use this view to modify classification data.

    • Records Grid. Use this view to modify record mapping and classification data for documents that contain multiple records. The grid lets you drag and drop pages into the correct record and modify document class.

    • Results Table. For documents that contain multiple records, use this view to modify or compare extracted data across all records.

  5. Fields list. The fields list displays fields associated with the selected record. You can add, sort, and filter fields. For example, you can filter to display only fields with errors. Fields with provenance—information about where the data is found in the file—display a P.


    Documents don’t display extracted fields if the current checkpoint doesn’t include extraction. For example, if a review is triggered after mapping and classifying documents only, there is no extraction data to review. Similarly, if extraction data was reviewed at a previous checkpoint, you aren’t asked to review the data again.

  6. Mark Reviewed button. Click to mark the selected record as reviewed. The file appears as reviewed in the file list, so you can filter by review status.

  7. Pipeline label. If the current review is assigned to a pipeline, a label displays the pipeline name.

  8. Job options. Click Edit Job to add or change the pipeline for the job, or to add tags. Click Finish Review and Get Next to complete a review. Depending on your permissions, when you finish a review, you can also change the pipeline for the review, mark the batch as reviewed, continue the flow, or switch to a different pipeline for your next review.


See Help > Keyboard Shortcuts for a list of hotkeys that can help you process reviews more quickly.

Reviewing flow jobs

Depending on your organization’s review strategy, you might be automatically assigned reviews in a round-robin fashion, manually assigned reviews by a review manager, or you might be able to self-select reviews.

  1. From the Flow Review dashboard, click Review to open an assigned or available review.

  2. For each document you’re reviewing, verify and correct data if needed, then mark the document as reviewed.

    Data is autosaved as you work. You can view revision history for mapping and classification in the Records Grid, and for extracted data in the fields list.

    • To correct mapping data where multipage documents were incorrectly parsed into individual records, select the Records Grid tab. Select pages and drag them into the correct records, or use the button controls to delete pages or create additional records.

    • To correct classification data, use one of these methods:

      • For single-page documents or documents belonging to only one class, on the Single Record tab, by the record classification label, click Edit. Select the correct document class, then click Confirm.

      • For documents that contain multiple records, select the Records Grid tab. Next to the record classification label on an incorrectly classified record, click Edit. Select the correct document class, then click Confirm.


        Changing the classification of a record clears any extracted data, resulting in a new set of blank extraction fields appropriate to the class you specify.

    • To correct extraction data, on the Single Record tab, in the fields list, select a field, then in the document viewer, select the area of the document that contains the information for that field. You can click to select text, or use your mouse to draw a box around the information.


      Fields are automatically revalidated when you navigate away from the selected record, or you can click Revalidate to verify your change on demand.

    • To correct table extraction data, on the Single Record tab, in the fields list, click the edit icon for any tables you need to correct. Select any table cell, then in the document viewer, select the area of the document that contains the information for that cell. You can click to select text, or use your mouse to draw a box around the information.

  3. When your review is complete, take one of these actions, depending on your organization’s review strategy:

    • To complete the review without resuming the flow, click Finish Review and Get Next, then click Confirm Reviewed.

    • To resume the flow, expand the submenu under Finish Review and Get Next, then click Continue Flow Options. Specify options for subsequent handling of the flow, and click Continue.


      Flow options vary depending on your permissions and the pipeline configuration within your Instabase instance. You might not see all options described here.

      • Mark Batch as Reviewed - Select to mark this batch of documents as reviewed. If your organization’s review workflow requires a second check before resuming flows, the Review Complete status indicates to approvers that the batch is ready for final review.

      • Resume Flow - Select to resume the flow on this batch of documents. Fields that previously had errors are revalidated and subsequent flow steps proceed.

      • Assign job to a different pipeline for Flow Review Metrics - Select this option to close the current review and trigger a new review within the pipeline you specify. If you change the review pipeline, you can’t mark the batch as reviewed or resume the flow.