Managing document-based reviews
Flow Review managers organize and manage flow reviews, configure review queues, and assign reviewers.
Documents that fail validation are automatically queued for review by a human reviewer. Reviews are surfaced in the Flow Review app, which helps human reviewers organize and conduct reviews.
Flow Review, which includes a dashboard of review jobs, is different from the Flow Dashboard app. Flow Review includes only successfully completed flow jobs and flow jobs that require a human review, whereas Flow Dashboard includes all flow jobs, and is geared toward solution developers as they test and troubleshoot flows.
How reviews work
When a flow job from a deployed solution hits a checkpoint and one or more documents fail validation, the flow job pauses at the checkpoint and reviews are generated and queued in Flow Review for each document in the job. The flow job remains paused until all of its documents are marked reviewed and a manager resumes the flow.
In flow jobs with files that include multiple documents, reviews are broken down by file or class rather than the document. Before any filters are applied, the entire file is available for review so that reviewers can correct classification. After filters, reviews include only those documents within the file that match the class filter.
Organizing and managing reviews
The way you organize flows within the Instabase file system impacts who can access related reviews. Reviewers must be members of the subspace where the flow lives as well as the workflow queue assigned to the deployed solution, if any.
Workflow queues for deployed solutions organize review work so that reviews can be assigned to a subset of reviewers. Use workflow queues to manage reviewer access to documents according to your organization’s security and privacy requirements. Typically, this means that queues are configured to correspond to business unit or organizational hierarchy, such as identity verification or mortgage underwriting.
For each checkpoint in a flow, you can configure a review queue and an escalation queue. Documents in the review queue that need further review can be forwarded to the escalation queue. For each queue, you can configure review teams, managers, and assignment strategy: either manual or round robin, where reviews are assigned to each team member in turn.
Queues must be configured by an Instabase admin or the owner of the deployed solution. Queues are managed in the Solution Dashboard, while reviews are conducted and managed in Flow Review on the Documents tab.
On the Documents tab in Flow Review, you can view and assign reviewers, resume flows with completed reviews, and see metrics about overall review status. You can also search by class, field, name, job ID, or document name, and you can filter results based on status, assignee, and other facets.
Configuring reviewer permissions
Reviewers have access to reviews only for subspaces for which they’re assigned permissions and queues where they’re included in the designated review team.
Flow Review access within subspaces is granted using the collaborator role.
As a best practice, follow these high-level steps to configure reviewer access.
At Admin > Groups, create one or more reviewer groups, and add reviewer users to the groups.
At Admin > Spaces and subspaces, assign reviewer groups the Collaborator role in subspaces where they need to review flow jobs.
In the Solution Dashboard, in each deployed solution you want to configure reviews for, use the Workflow Management tab to create queues and specify options for each.
NoteYou must be an Instabase admin or the owner of a deployed solution in order to complete this step.
Name – Queues are assigned a default name that includes the flow step number and queue type, for example Step 3 review queue. You can change queue names as needed.
Description – Enter a description for the queue. For example, it might be helpful to include the step name or the purpose of the checkpoint, like Verify Chase Bank classification.
Review team – Select an existing group responsible for reviewing documents in this queue.
Queue managers – Select one or more members of the review team as the queue manager. Queue managers can resume flows, assign documents for review, and view all documents in queues they manage.
Assignment method – Select whether documents are assigned manually or round robin, where documents are assigned to team memers—but not managers—in turn.
Resuming flows
Users assigned the manager role for a workflow queue can resume flows in the queue with completed reviews. On the Documents tab in Flow Review, managers see a tally of Flows to resume. A flow job is considered ready to resume when all of its documents are marked reviewed. The tally of resumable flows includes flows across all of the manager’s assigned queues. Managers can resume all available flows or select specific flows to resume.
Viewing change history
After modifying extraction data, edited fields display a clickable link with change history beginning with the extracted value at the bottom. Change history includes the new value, reviewer name, timestamp, and if applicable, the flow step at which the edit was made. For nested field types, including lists, tables, extracted tables, extracted table lists, and dicts, change history includes a description of the change instead of the new value.
Viewing metrics
Users assigned the manager role for a workflow queue can access review metrics for the queue.
In Flow Review, the Documents tab displays stats about the number of reviews in each review state (Not started, In review, Completed). Use the View all links to filter documents by a selected status.