Flow Metrics API

Use the Flow Metrics API to get metrics describing how a flow performed over a period of time. Instabase can track review metrics for all flow jobs that have a pipeline attached when the job is kicked off. Developers can use this API to pull reviewer efficiency data from Instabase and process elsewhere to monitor the overall efficiency of reviewer teams.

Aggregated flow review metrics

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/flow_metrics


Get an overview of aggregated job reviewer metrics given a certain set of filters. The request must be a JSON body including the parameters listed below. Metrics are only counted for jobs in which a review event occurred, which requires jobs to have checkpoints that trigger human review through Flow Review.

Metrics definitions

  • total_jobs_needs_review

    • The number of jobs which had a review event awaiting review at end_time.
  • total_jobs_in_review

    • The number of jobs which had a review event in review at end_time.
  • total_jobs_completed

    • The number of jobs which completed within the specified time range.
  • total_jobs

    • The sum of total_jobs_needs_review, total_jobs_in_review, and total_jobs_completed
  • avg_duration_awaiting_review

    • The average time between review event creation and its reviewer being assigned. This time metric takes into account all jobs should that had a review event marked for review within the specified time range.
  • avg_duration_in_review

    • The average time between a review event having a reviewer assigned and the reviewer marking the batch as reviewed. This time metric takes into account all jobs that had a review event complete within the specified time range.

Request parameters

Parameters are required unless marked as optional.

Name Type Description Values
filter_by object Optional. Filters to limit jobs being aggregated see below for filter keys
filter_by/pipline_id Tuple Optional. Filter jobs that belong to a pipeline, such as ("895dfb05-81a7-4725-a9aa-4be41377484d", "MATCH") (pipeline id, “MATCH” or “WILDCARD”)
filter_by/name Tuple Optional. Filter jobs run by a particular marketplace solution, such as ("bank_statements", "MATCH") (any marketplace solution name, “MATCH” or “WILDCARD”)
filter_by/version Tuple Optional. Filter jobs run with a particular version of specified marketplace solution, such as ("v3.1.4", "MATCH") (marketplace solution version, “MATCH” or “WILDCARD”)
metrics array Optional. a list of metrics to return, if none passed all metrics are returned total_jobs_needs_review, total_jobs_in_review, total_jobs_completed, total_jobs, avg_duration_awaiting_review, avg_duration_in_review
start_time integer Lower bound of the time range to restrict results, in milliseconds since epoch. milliseconds since epoch
end_time integer Upper bound of the time range to restrict results, in milliseconds since epoch. milliseconds since epoch

Response schema

Key Description Value
status Status of response OK,ERROR
data/results Main response body see below for keys
data/results/metric_name Value object for one of the requested metrics total_jobs_needs_review, total_jobs_in_review, total_jobs_completed, total_jobs, avg_duration_awaiting_review, avg_duration_in_review
data/results/metric_name/count Value of metric integer
data/results/metric_name/start_time Start time of filter milliseconds since epoch
data/results/metric_name/end_time End time of filter milliseconds since epoch



POST URL_BASE/flow_metrics

# body
  "filter_by": {
    "pipeline_id": ("895dfb05-81a7-4725-a9aa-4be41377484d", "MATCH"),
  "metrics": ["total_jobs_needs_review", "total_jobs"]
  "start_time": 1658966399999,
  "end_time": 1658805245429



# body
  "status": "OK",
  "data": {
    "results": {
        "total_jobs_needs_review": {
            "count": 3,
            "start_time": 1658966399999,
            "end_time": 1658805245429
        "total_jobs": {
            "count": 10,
            "start_time": 1658966399999,
            "end_time": 1658805245429

Jobs Table Query

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/flow_metrics/jobs


Returns a table where rows represent jobs and columns represent various metrics describing how the job progressed through human review. Only jobs that had a review event that started within the time range are included.

Request parameters

POST body parameters

Name Type Description Values
start_time integer Lower bound of the time range to restrict results, in milliseconds since epoch. milliseconds since epoch
end_time integer Upper bound of the time range to restrict results, in milliseconds since epoch. milliseconds since epoch
filter_by object Optional. Filters to limit jobs being aggregated see below for filter keys
filter_by/pipline_id string Optional. Filter jobs that belong to a pipeline uuid
filter_by/name string Optional. Filter jobs that were run with a particular marketplace solution any marketplace solution name
filter_by/version string Optional. Filter jobs run with a particular version of specified marketplace solution marketplace solution version
size integer Optional. Number of results to return (default 20)
offset integer Optional. N-th entry to return (default 0)

Size and offset are used to paginate the results because query performance suffers as the size increases.

Query string parameters

Name Type Description Values
csv boolean return the response as csv (default: false), true
pretty boolean prettify the return json (default: false), true

Response schema

The resulting list of jobs is sorted by earliest_review_timestamp in ascending order. The earliest_review_timestamp means the earliest timestamp (within the time range) of review event creation for the given job ID.

Key Description Value
status Status of response OK,ERROR
data/results Array of jobs See below for all keys
data/results/job_id UUID of the job uuid
data/results/job_start_time Time when job started milliseconds since epoch
data/results/earliest_review_timestamp Time when reviewer started review milliseconds since epoch or null
data/results/duration_awaiting_review Time between job finishing and reviewer starting their review. If review has not started, this is null. milliseconds or null
data/results/duration_in_review Time between reviewer starting review and finishing review. If review has not finished, this is null. milliseconds or null
data/results/job_finish_time Time when job finished being reviewed. If not finished, this is null. milliseconds since epoch or null



POST URL_BASE/flow_metrics/jobs

# body



# body
  "status": "OK",
  "data": {
    "results": [
        "job_id": "a8c5cda1-b04a-4b40-997a-a8d8db2edde6", 
        "job_start_time": 1657326845505, 
        "job_finish_time": null, 
        "earliest_review_timestamp": 1657326859099.0, 
        "duration_awaiting_review": 0.0, 
        "duration_in_review": 0.0

Request: CSV format

POST URL_BASE/flow_metrics/jobs?csv=true

# body


job_id job_start_time job_finish_time duration_awaiting_review duration_in_review earliest_review_timestamp
“a8c5cda1-b04a-4b40-997a-a8d8db2edde6” 1657326845505 null 1657326859099 0 0

Flow Review Log Query

Method Syntax
GET URL_BASE/flow_metrics/flow_review_log/{job_id}


Get a table where rows represent review events tagged to the specified job_id and values represent various metrics describing how an individual review event was dealt with. Only review events eclipsing the time range are included.

Request parameters

POST body parameters

Name Type Description Values
start_time integer Lower bound of the time range to restrict results, in milliseconds since epoch. milliseconds since epoch
end_time integer Upper bound of the time range to restrict results, in milliseconds since epoch. milliseconds since epoch
filter_by object Optional. Filters to limit jobs being aggregated see below for filter keys
filter_by/pipline_id string Optional. Filter jobs that belong to a pipeline uuid
filter_by/name string Optional. Filter jobs that were run with a particular marketplace solution any marketplace solution name
filter_by/version string Optional. Filter jobs run with a particular version of specified marketplace solution marketplace solution version
size integer Optional. Number of results to return (default 20)
offset integer Optional. N-th entry to return (default 0)

Query performance suffers as the number of returned results increases. To mitigate this impact, use the size and offset parameters to paginate results.

Query string parameters

Name Type Description Values
csv boolean return the response as csv (default: false), true
pretty boolean prettify the return json (default: false), true

Response schema

The resulting list of jobs is sorted by time_failed_validation in ascending order. A job may have review events across various pipelines—this can lead to the query returning different results based on the value of pipeline_id in the filter_by clause.

Key Description Value
status Status of response OK,ERROR
data/results Array of jobs see below for job keys
data/results/job_id UUID of the job uuid
data/results/review_id UUID of the review event uuid
data/results/pipeline_id UUID of the pipeline review event occurred uuid
data/results/time_failed_validation Time when job failed validation milliseconds since epoch
data/results/duration_awaiting_review Time between job finishing and reviewer starting their review. If review has not started, this is null. milliseconds or null
data/results/time_marked_reviewing Time when job was marked as in review. If review has not started, this is null. milliseconds since epoch
data/results/duration_in_review Time between reviewer starting review and finishing review. If review has not finished, this is null. milliseconds or null
data/results/time_completed_review Time when job finished being reviewed. If not finished, this is null. milliseconds since epoch or null
data/results/reviewer_username Username of the reviewer associated with the review event string



POST URL_BASE/flow_metrics/flow_review_log/{job_id}

# body



# body
  "status": "OK",
  "data": {
    "results": [
          "review_id": "1869f0cf-eecf-4fed-9541-3dd779931d53", 
          "job_id": "f8571ab7-9971-424b-a762-6ada6e5ea9f1", 
          "pipeline_id": "ae026563-09a2-4dc5-989d-27ea755de67a", 
          "time_failed_validation": 1657121916701, 
          "duration_awaiting_review": 7555, 
          "time_marked_reviewing": 1657121924256, 
          "duration_in_review": 8582, 
          "time_completed_review": 1657121932838, 
          "reviewer_username": "reviewer_user"

Request: CSV format

POST URL_BASE/flow_metrics/jobs?csv=true

# body


review_id job_id pipeline_id time_failed_validation duration_awaiting_review time_marked_reviewing duration_in_review time_completed_review reviewer_username
“1869f0cf-eecf-4fed-9541-3dd779931d53” “f8571ab7-9971-424b-a762-6ada6e5ea9f1” “ae026563-09a2-4dc5-989d-27ea755de67a” 1657121916701 7555 1657121924256 8582 1657121932838 “reviewer_user”