Metrics APIs

The Metrics API allows site admins to get metrics metadata and metrics results to track activity on the platform. The Metrics APIs include endpoints for getting metrics metadata, such as what metrics exist for an app and the attributes on which those metrics can be queried. See the Metrics Documentation for more details.

See Instabase API authorization and response conventions for authorization and error convention details.

For the Metrics API, URL_BASE defines the base domain and API prefix of your Instabase instance.

  • For, the URL_BASE is

  • For an on-premise installation of Instabase, your URL_BASE will be different.

For all Metrics API calls, add ?pretty=true to the end of the query URL to return the JSON response in a more human readable, indented format.

Get apps

Method Syntax
GET URL_BASE/metrics


Use this API to return a list apps that support metrics. Use the returned app name when making any subsequent metrics queries.

Request parameters

This API has no request parameters.

Response schema

The API returns a map of each app name to a structure of descriptors about that app.

Key Description
status Status indicating whether the API call succeeded. OK indicates success, ERROR indicates failure.
data An object containing apps metadata. Present only if status is OK.
data/apps An object containing app name/description pairs for all apps for which metrics are supported.



url = URL_BASE + '/metrics'

payload = {}
headers = {
  'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data=payload)
resp_data = json.loads(response.content)



# body
"status": "OK",
"data": {
    "apps": {
        "flow": {<description>},
        "ocr": {<description>},
        "diff": {<description>},
        "nlp": {<description>},
        "modelservice": {<description>},
        "modeltraining": {<description>},
        "refiner": {<description>},
        "reader": {<description>},
        "solution_builder": {<description>},
        "AIHub": {<description>}

Get metrics

Method Syntax
GET URL_BASE/metrics/<app-name>


Use this API to list all metrics that are supported for the specified app. Use the returned metric name when making any subsequent metrics queries.

Request parameters

This API has no request parameters.

Response schema

The API returns a map of each metric name to a structure of descriptors about that metric.

Key Description
status Status indicating whether the API call succeeded. OK indicates success, ERROR indicates failure.
metrics An object containing metrics metadata. Present only if status is OK.
data/metrics An array listing the metrics supported for the requested app.
data/metrics/<metrics> An object containing metric name/description key/value pairs.



url = URL_BASE + '/metrics/ocr'

payload = {}
headers = {
  'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data=payload)
resp_data = json.loads(response.content)



# body
  "status": "OK",
  "data": {
    "metrics": [
      "num_calls": {<description>}

Get attributes

Method Syntax
GET URL_BASE/metrics/<app-name>/<metric-name>


Use this API to list all attributes that can used for filtering or aggregating on a metric query. Use the returned attribute name when making any subsequent metrics queries.

Request parameters

This API has no request parameters.

Response schema

The API returns a map of each attribute name to a structure of descriptors about that attribute.

Key Description
status Status indicating whether the API call succeeded. OK indicates success, ERROR indicates failure.
data An object containing attributes metadata. Present only if status is OK.
data/attributes An object defining the attributes supported for the requested metric.
data/attributes/<attributes> An object containing attribute name/description key/value pairs.



url = URL_BASE + '/metrics/ocr/num_calls'

payload = {}
headers = {
  'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'

response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload))
resp_data = json.loads(response.content)



# body
"status": "OK",
"data": {
    "attributes": {
        "file_extension": {<description>},
        "ocr_model": {<description>},
        "repo": {<description>},
        "user": {<description>}

Metrics query

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/metrics/<app-name>/<metric-name>


Metrics query APIs.

Request parameters

Key Type Description Value
filter_by object (Optional) Define metric attribute/value pairs on which to filter the results of the query. An object containing metric attribute/value pairs, such as "file_extension": "jpeg". See the Get attributes API response for the list of supported attribute names.
Admin users can filter by "username" to view results from specific users only. Queries from non-admin users are automatically run only on metrics filtered by their own username.
group_by string (Optional) A metric attribute by which to group results. A string specifying an attribute name. Use the Get attributes API response for a list of supported attribute names.
group_by_time_interval string A time interval by which to group results. A string specifying a time interval. Valid values are hour, day, week, month, quarter, and year.
start_time string (Optional) The lower bound of the time range to restrict results. If a start_time is not provided, the default is one month before the end_time. A string specifying a start time, in milliseconds since epoch.
end_time string (Optional) Upper bound on the time range to restrict results. If an end_time is not provided, the default is the current time. A string specifying an end time, in milliseconds since epoch.

Response schema

Query results are returned as an array of results objects.

Key Description
status Status indicating whether the API call succeeded. OK indicates success, ERROR indicates failure.
data An object containing attributes metadata. Present only if status is OK.
data/results An array of objects containing metadata containing the results of the query.
data/results/start_time Timestamp containing the starting time for the result.
data/results/<attributes_value> (Optional) A string containing the value of the attribute by which the data was grouped. Present only if the request included a group by field.
data/results/count Integer containing the count of the metric.



url = URL_BASE + '/metrics/ocr/num_calls'

payload = {
    "filter_by": {
        "file_extension": "jpeg"
    "group_by": "repo",
    "group_by_time_interval": "week",
    "start_time": "1691499159000",
    "end_time": "1691519400000"

headers = {
  'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'

response =, headers=headers, data=payload)
resp_data = json.loads(response.content)

Sample request for a count of all Solution Builder projects created under the username "lee":


Filtering by username is available to admin users only.

url = URL_BASE + '/metrics/solution_builder/projects_created'

payload = {
    "filter_by": {
        "username": "lee",
    "group_by_time_interval": "day",
    "start_time": "1690883070726",
    "end_time": "1691055870726"

headers = {
  'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'

response =, headers=headers, data=payload)
resp_data = json.loads(response.content)



# body
"status": "OK",
"data": {
    "results": [
            "start_time": 1691366400000,
            "repo": "my-repo",
            "count": 80.0
            "start_time": 1691366400000,
            "repo": "demos-and-tests",
            "count": 35.0
            "start_time": 1691366400000,
            "repo": "new-repo",
            "count": 8.0

# body
  "status": "OK",
  "data": {
    "results": [
        "start_time": 1690848000000,
        "count": 1.0
        "flow_path": 1690934400000,
        "count": 0.0