Upgrade API

Instabase supports performing platform upgrades by API. This article outlines the required and optional Upgrade API endpoints used to perform a platform upgrade.


For upgrades using the Upgrades UI, see the performing upgrades documentation. During an API-based upgrade you can also use the Upgrades UI (Deployment Manager > Upgrades) to monitor the progress of the upgrade.

Before upgrading

Before upgrading, you should:

  • Review the release notes for the release. The deployment guide section of the release notes lists steps you must complete before and after upgrading.

  • Obtain the release bundle for the release, which is typically called installation.zip. The bundle includes the base configurations and default patches for the release and, optionally, any custom network policies.


    The release version of your new base configurations file must be greater than the release version of your current base configurations. You cannot downgrade to a previous release through Deployment Manager.

  • Create a test plan for how to assess the effect of the upgrade on your deployment. Examples of activities to perform as part of testing include running a flow, clicking through the UI, training a model, or running any tests set up in the Test Runner app.

  • (Optional) If you have any custom patches that must be applied during the upgrade, add them to the default_patches.zip file found in the installation.zip file. This step of adding patches to default_patches.zip is only required if you have additional custom patches that must be applied during the upgrade. Any previously applied patches are reapplied by Deployment Manager as part of the upgrade.


    During the upgrade, you must upload the release’s default_patches.zip file, regardless of whether you’ve added additional custom patches or not. default_patches.zip contains required patches for a given release.

    1. Unzip the installation.zip file.

    2. Unzip the default_patches.zip file contained within the now unzipped installation folder.

    3. Add any new custom patch files to the now unzipped default_patches folder.

    4. Select all files in the default_patches folder and compress them, creating a new .zip file of patches. You can rename the .zip file, but there are no file name requirements. This new .zip file is what you pass in the Create upgrade request.

  • (Optional) If network policies are enabled on your cluster, apply the latest Deployment Manager network policies file (control-plane-np.yml) included in your release bundle:


    While optional, this step should be done before applying the latest Deployment Manager configuration file.

    1. Unzip the installation.zip file for the new release.

    2. On the command line, navigate to the unzipped installation folder.

    3. Apply the new Deployment Manager network policies file contained within by running the following command: kubectl -n $IB_NS apply -f control-plane/control-plane-np.yml, where $IB_NS is your Instabase namespace.

  • Ensure you’re running an up-to-date and compatible version of Deployment Manager. Your Deployment Manager version, which can be found on the Version tab of Deployment Manager, must match the release version you are upgrading to.

    The best way to ensure compatibility is to update Deployment Manager by applying the latest Deployment Manager configuration file (control-plane.yml) included in your release bundle:

    1. Unzip the installation.zip file for the new release.

    2. On the command line, navigate to the unzipped installation folder.

    3. Apply the new Deployment Manager configuration file contained within by running the following command: kubectl -n $IB_NS apply -f control-plane/control-plane.yml, where $IB_NS is your Instabase namespace.


    If your current control-plane.yml file is modified, such as including the INSTABASE_BACKEND_DB_PARAMS variable to support manual database setup, before applying the new release’s control-plane.yml file, copy any modifications over from the previous file to the new one.

  • If upgrading from release 22.08 or earlier to release 23.04 or later, before starting the upgrade process, you must change the default value of the ENABLE_CONTROL_PLANE_UPGRADES_ROLLBACK variable to false. If you don’t, the upgrade will fail. See the deployment guide section of the target release’s release notes for instructions.

Overview of required and optional upgrade steps

To complete an API-based upgrade, it’s recommended to complete the following API calls in this order. Calls are required unless noted as optional.

  1. (Optional, recommended) Perform preflight checks

  2. Create upgrade


    If encountering timeouts, you can use asynchronous upgrade creation instead. You can make a second API call to get the results of the asynchronous upgrade creation request.

  3. (Optional, recommended) Validate upgrade


    If encountering timeouts, you can use asynchronous upgrade validation instead. You can make a second API call to get the results of the asynchronous upgrade validation request.

  4. (Optional, recommended) Diff upgrade


    If encountering timeouts, you can use asynchronous upgrade diff instead. You can make a second API call to get the results of the asynchronous upgrade diff request.

  5. Start upgrade

  6. (Optional, recommended) Get upgrade progress

  7. (Optional, recommended) Stream upgrade events or Get upgrade events

  8. Complete upgrade

In addition to the calls used to perform an upgrade, there are several optional endpoints you can call to manage the progression of your upgrade, including pausing or halting an upgrade. While optional, these endpoints might become required if an upgrade error occurs, such as a failed stage or failed upgrade.

Conventions and authentication

In this document api_root defines where to route API requests for your Instabase instance and includes the stem of the API path.

import json, requests

api_root = 'https://www.instabase.com/api/v1/control_plane'

The Upgrade API endpoints are part of the Deployment Manager API and thus include /control_plane in the api_root. The Upgrade API endpoints are documented separately from the Deployment Manager API to include additional context.

In this document api_token defines the Deployment Manager token. All API requests must include your valid Deployment Manager token to authenticate the request. The Deployment Manager API token is created in the cluster with a default, changeable value when the Deployment Manager YAML is applied.

To fetch the Deployment Manager API token, run the following command, where $IB_NS is your Instabase namespace:

export TOKEN=$(kubectl -n $IB_NS get \
secret/control-plane-metadata \
--template={{.data.api_token}} | base64 -d)

You can then reference the token in your calls using $TOKEN in place of api_token.

Asynchronous endpoint conventions

Some API endpoints have both a synchronous and an asynchronous variant, such as the Create upgrade API (synchronous) and the Asynchronous upgrade creation API (asynchronous). Asynchronous variants of an endpoint exist when the synchronous variant can take some time to execute, leading to gateway timeouts. If encountering timeouts, consider using the asynchronous variant instead.

Asynchronous endpoints don’t return the result of the request in their response. Instead, a task ID value is returned, which is used in a subsequent API call. All asynchronous endpoints have a paired status query endpoint used to get the results of the initial request. For example, the paired Asynchronous upgrade creation API (initial request) and Get results of asynchronous upgrade creation API (status query). When using a status query API, you must pass the task ID for an already completed asynchronous request.

Status query endpoint response schema

Status query endpoints follow a standard response schema: an object containing a result and error key is returned. The values of the result and error keys depend on the status of the initial request:

  • If the operation is still in progress, a result value of null and an error value of null.

       "result": null,
       "error": null,
  • If the request is complete, a non-null result value and a null error value.

       "result": {},
       "error": null,
  • If the request couldn’t be performed, a result value of null and an error message indicating why:

       "result": null,
       "error": "<message>",

In the following cases, you can also receive a `404`` HTTP status code accompanied by an error message:

  • As a result of server cache eviction. When an operation has finished (successfully or not), its status can be evicted from the server cache after several minutes. Polling the server for the operation status once per minute can help ensure that the operation status is not lost due to server cache eviction.

  • As a result of a server restart. While rare, implementing an automatic retry in the case of an HTTP status code 404 can improve resilience to server restarts.

If you encounter a `404`` status, the initial request must be retried.

Preflight checks

Method Path
POST api_root/installer/preflight/checks/{id}


Use this API to run preflight checks. These checks are optional but recommended, as they help verify that your infrastructure is set up correctly and is accessible. The following checks are available:

  • Role-based access control (RBAC) check: The rbac check reports back any inconsistencies between permissions the Deployment Manager service account requires and permissions it has been granted. A success message indicates the Kubernetes role resource associated with the Deployment Manager service account matches the permissions Deployment Manager requires. A failure message shows the expected configuration alongside the configuration found in the cluster.
  • Service accounts check: The service_accounts check confirms the service account used by the Instabase observability monitoring services exists in the Kubernetes cluster.

You must call this endpoint for each preflight check, changing the {id} value in the URL path for each call.

Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
{id} element of URL path Defines which check to run. rbac, service_accounts



Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.post(f"api_root/installer/preflight/checks/rbac", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")


If the request can be performed and the check meets all requirements:

      "note":"RBAC properly configured.",

If the request can be performed but the check does not meet all requirements:

    "data": {
        "note":"Monitoring service account not in namespace.",

If the check cannot be performed:

    "data": {
        "note": "",
        "ok": false
    "error":"http conn serve: http conn serve: roles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io \"control-plane-role\" not found"

Create upgrade

Method Path
POST api_root/product/upgrade/upload


Use this API to create an upgrade resource. The upgrade resource includes all new configurations to use in the upgrade and is what is referenced in subsequent upgrade-related API calls. For example, when making the Validate upgrade call, the validation runs on the upgrade resource last created through the Create upgrade endpoint.


After an upgrade resource is created or partially created (if an error is returned), it must be abandoned or applied (through completing a successful upgrade) before you can create a new upgrade resource.

In addition to uploading new configurations, this call is used to set a resourcing_size value, where you can optionally update the Instabase-suggested replica count by defining a preset cluster size. If you define a new cluster size, ensure the selected option meets but does not exceed your Kubernetes cluster size. After upgrading, you can manually adjust the Instabase cluster size configuration using patches to more closely match your Kubernetes cluster size. If you are unsure of your cluster sizing, connect with your customer success manager for guidance or do not define a resourcing_size value to maintain your current settings.


Deployment Manager does not have cluster-level permissions to change your Kubernetes cluster size; it can modify only Instabase components. Modifying your Kubernetes cluster size must be done from your cluster provider.


Instabase release 23.07 introduces workload autoscaling as a public preview feature that’s disabled by default. Workload autoscaling lets Instabase autoscale data services based on demand rather than adhering to a set resourcing size. Autoscaling is available only for select services. To learn more about workload autoscaling, see the workload autoscaling documentation. To enable and configure workload autoscaling, follow the instructions in the 23.07 deployment guide. Be advised that workload autoscaling has several infrastructure requirements.


This API call can take several minutes to complete, which can result in timeouts from gateways. If encountering timeouts, consider using asynchronous upgrade creation instead.

Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
base_configs form file A zipped file of base configurations with manifest.json and release_version files. The base configurations file, called base_configs.zip, is in the release’s installation.zip file. Supported file types are .zip, .gz, and .tgz.
default_patches form file A zipped file of patches. The default patches file, called default_patches.zip, is in the release’s installation.zip file.
See the Prerequisites section for instructions on how to add custom patch files to the default_patches.zip file.
You can also apply patches after completing installation, from the Deployment Manager Configs tab.
Supported file types are .zip, .gz, and .tgz.
network_policies form file (Optional) A zipped file of network policies. If indicated, your installation.zip package includes a folder called network-policies containing a series of network policy files. After making any necessary changes to the network policy files, compress the network-policies folder. Supported file types are .zip, .gz, and .tgz.
deprecated_configs_to_keep array of strings (Optional) List of configs to preserve during the upgrade which would otherwise be deprecated. See defining deprecated configs to keep for more information.
resourcing_size string (Optional) The preset cluster size to apply to your Instabase deployment. If not specified, your current cluster size setting is not modified (recommended for customers with a custom cluster size or custom resourcing). - STANDARD: 64 CPU cores/256 GB RAM
- LARGE: 128 CPU cores/512 GB RAM
- XLARGE: 256 CPU cores/1024 GB RAM
skip_turn_down boolean (Optional) Set to True to skip the turn down step of the upgrade process. If not specified, the turn down step runs. Skipping the turn down step is not recommended for major version upgrades. True, False

To make configuration changes, use the configuration management options on the Configs and Base Configs tabs or the related Deployment Manager API endpoints. Never directly edit the base configuration files. See the configuration management documentation for guidance on using patches to modify base configurations.

Defining deprecated configs to keep

Your deployment might include configs not found by default within the uploaded ZIP files, such as a control-plane-db-backend-params config, if manually defining database parameters. Configs not included in the uploaded files are deprecated and not included in the upgrade resource unless explicitly listed in the deprecated_configs_to_keep array. To keep an existing config which would otherwise be deprecated by the upgrade, add its name to the array and include it in the Create upgrade call.

The following list includes common configs generated by Instabase Installer which might be part of your configuration but not included in the upgrade resource by default:

'deprecated_configs_to_keep': ['control-plane-db-backend-params', 

Before completing the Create upgrade call, check the Deployment Manager UI to confirm if your installation includes the listed configs or other custom configs that must be preserved. If any of the listed configs are not present in your configuration, remove them from the deprecated_configs_to_keep list. If any configs are missing, add them to the list and include them in the call.

Response schema

All keys are returned in the response by default, unless marked as optional.

Key Type Description Values
statusCode integer The status code of the request. A value of 200 indicates success, 500 indicates failure.
data N/A Not used. null
error string Any error message. null if successful, otherwise a text description.



Example (Python):

import requests
files = {
  'base_configs': open({base_config_zip_file_path}, 'rb'),
  'default_patches': open({patches_zip_file_path}, 'rb'),
  'network_policies': open({network_policies_file_path}, 'rb')
data = {
  'deprecated_configs_to_keep': [
  'resourcing_size': '',
  'skip_turn_down': False
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.post(
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")


If successful:

    "statusCode": 200,
    "data": null,
    "error": null

If an upgrade resource (that has not been abandoned) already exists:


Asynchronous upgrade creation

Method Path
POST api_root/product/upgrade/async-upload


Use this API to create an upgrade resource asynchronously. The upgrade resource includes all new configurations to use in the upgrade and is what is referenced in subsequent upgrade-related API calls. For a full description of what an upgrade resource is, see the Create upgrade API description.

To get the results of an asynchronous upgrade creation request, use the Get results of asynchronous upgrade creation API.


This API call is the asynchronous variant of the Create upgrade API. See Asynchronous endpoint conventions.

Request parameters

The request parameters for asynchronous upgrade creation are the same as the Create upgrade API. Refer to the Create upgrade API for a list of request parameters.

Response schema

The response contains a request ID. Use the request ID to get the results of the asynchronous upgrade creation request. The response is of the form:

  "requestId": "<id>"



Example (Python):

import requests
files = {
  'base_configs': open({base_config_zip_file_path}, 'rb'),
  'default_patches': open({patches_zip_file_path}, 'rb'),
  'network_policies': open({network_policies_file_path}, 'rb')
data = {
  'deprecated_configs_to_keep': [
  'resourcing_size': '',
  'skip_turn_down': False
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.post(
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")


If successful:

    "requestId": "1d2195cc-df74-4f59-a679-cfc70954bd44"

Get results of asynchronous upgrade creation

Method Path
GET api_root/product/upgrade/async-upload/{request-id}


Use this API to get the results of a previous asynchronous upgrade creation request.

Request parameters

There is no request body. Instead, use the request URL to specify the request ID of a previously made upgrade creation request. The request ID is returned in the response of the asynchronous upgrade creation request.

Response schema

See Asynchronous endpoint conventions

Get upgrade

Method Path
GET api_root/product/upgrade


Use this API to retrieve the upgrade resource most recently uploaded through the Create upgrade or Asynchronous upgrade creation call. This optional API can be used to review the upgrade resource.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema




Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.get(f"api_root/product/upgrade", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")


If successful:


This sample response is abbreviated.

            "content":"apiVersion: batch/v1\nkind: Job\nmetadata:\n...",
            "content":"# target: webapp-ingress\napiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1\nkind: NetworkPolicy...",

Validate upgrade

Method Path
GET api_root/product/upgrade/validation


Use this API to validate the current upgrade resource created using the Create upgrade API. Validation verifies that necessary files have been uploaded to the upgrade resource and attempts a dry run of applying the upgrade. If any issues arise, validation errors are returned.


This API call can take several minutes to complete, which can result in timeouts from gateways. If encountering timeouts, consider using asynchronous upgrade validation instead.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

The validation results are returned as a list of objects, with each object containing a configName and error key. The value of the configName key can be a validation category, such as Database Job Patch Warning, or a config name. The value of the error key is the error found for the specified configName value.

The structure is of the form:

    "validationErrors": [
            "configName": "<config name or category>",
            "error": "<description-of-the-problem>"



Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
    resp = requests.get(f"api_root/product/upgrade/validation", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
    print(f"Error: {err}")


If no validation errors are found:


If validation errors are found:

         "configName":"Database Migration",
         "error":"Could not find job-dbmigrate in base configs."

Asynchronous upgrade validation

Method Path
POST api_root/product/upgrade/validate


Use this API to asynchronously validate the current upgrade resource created using the Create upgrade API. Validation verifies that necessary files have been uploaded to the upgrade resource and attempts a dry run of applying the upgrade. To get the results of the validation, use the Get results of asynchronous upgrade validation API.


This API call is the asynchronous variant of the Validate upgrade API. See Asynchronous endpoint conventions.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

The structure is of the form:

  "requestId": "<id>"

Get results of asynchronous upgrade validation

Method Path
GET api_root/product/upgrade/validate/{request-id}


Use this API to get the results of a previous asynchronous upgrade validation request.

Request parameters

There is no request body. Instead, use the request URL to specify the request ID of a previously made upgrade validation request. The request ID is returned in the response of the asynchronous upgrade validation request.

Response schema

See Asynchronous endpoint conventions. The result in the operation status contains the same validationErrors which is returned by the response of the synchronous variant.

Diff upgrade

Method Path
GET api_root/product/upgrade/diff


Use this API to generate a diff of your current configurations against the upgrade resource created with the Create upgrade call. The diff shows all configuration changes that will occur when the new upgrade resource is applied, including specific line-by-line changes to altered configs. For a summarized version of the diff, use the Summarize upgrade diff call.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

The response contains a map of changed configs and new configs, each keyed by config name.

The structure is:

  "diffs": {
  "configs": {
    "<name-of-new-config>": "<content-of-new-config>",

The includedObjectNames list is the total set of objects which will be active (not deprecated or deleted) after the upgrade. The deprecationOverriddenObjectNames list includes all objects you requested to keep after the upgrade, through the deprecated_configs_to_keep list.


Encrypted configs such as secrets are diffed using their encrypted text, not their clear text. As a result, encrypted objects may show in the diff even if their clear text representation didn’t change.



Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.get(f"api_root/product/upgrade/diff", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")


If successful:


This sample response is abbreviated.

      "job-dbmigrate":"apiVersion: batch/v1\\nkind: Job\\nmetadata:\\n  name: job-dbmigrate\\n  namespace: instabase\\n...",

Summarize upgrade diff

Method Path
GET api_root/product/upgrade/diff/summary


Use this API to generate the summary of the diff of current upgrade. Unlike the Diff upgrade response, the summary does not include line-by-line changes to altered configs.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

The structure is:




Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.get(f"api_root/product/upgrade/diff/summary", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")


If successful:


Asynchronous upgrade diff

Method Path
POST api_root/product/upgrade/task/diff


Use this API to generate a diff of your current configurations against the upgrade resource created with the Create upgrade call.

To get the results of an asynchronous upgrade diff request, use the Get results of asynchronous upgrade diff API.


This API call is the asynchronous variant of the Diff upgrade API. See Asynchronous endpoint conventions.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

The response contains a task ID. Use the task ID to get the results of the asynchronous upgrade diff request. The response is of the form:

  "taskId": "<id>"



Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.post(f"api_root/product/upgrade/diff", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")


If successful:

    "taskId": "1d7195cc-df74-4r59-a679-cfc70854bd44"

Get results of asynchronous upgrade diff

Method Path
GET api_root/product/upgrade/diff/{task-id}


Use this API to get the results of a previous asynchronous upgrade diff request.

Request parameters

There is no request body. Instead, use the request URL to specify the task ID of a previously made upgrade diff request. The task ID is returned in the response of the asynchronous upgrade diff request.

Response schema

See Asynchronous endpoint conventions. The result of the operation status contains the same diffs, configs, included_object_names, deleted_object_names, deprecation_overridden_object_names fields as the synchronous variant.

Start upgrade

Method Path
POST api_root/product/upgrade/start


Use this API to start the current upgrade, using the latest upgrade resource created with the Create upgrade call.


After an upgrade is started, various API calls can be made to control its progression:

To check the progress of the upgrade, use the Get upgrade progress endpoint.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

The response has no fields.



Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.post(f"api_root/product/upgrade/start", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")


If successful, an empty response is returned.

If unsuccessful:

   "message":"StartUpgrade failed: updateState failed: Start failed: already started",

Get upgrade progress

Method Path
GET api_root/product/upgrade/progress


Use this API to check the progress and current stage of the upgrade. While this call is optional, it is helpful to determine the upgrade’s progress before completing a subsequent step in the upgrade process. For example, before calling the Complete upgrade endpoint, the upgrade progress must be at the CONFIRM_COMPLETION stage.


During an API-based upgrade you can also use the Upgrades UI (Deployment Manager > Upgrades) to monitor the status of the upgrade.

The upgrade stages typically progress in the following order (value returned under the current_stage_name field):










However, if a rollback is requested, the stage can revert to a previous one. And, if a rollback or abandon upgrade request is made, the stage can become ROLLEDBACK or ABANDONED.


During the RUN_ACTIONS stage, a series of automated post-install actions are run.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

The response contains the status of which stage of the upgrade process the upgrade is currently in and any errors, if present.

The structure of the response is:

    "upgradeProgress": {
      "started": <boolean>,
      "rollback_requested": <boolean>,
      "paused": <boolean>,
      "failed_with_error": {
          "stage": "<stage-at-which-failure-occurred>",
          "message": "<description-of-error>",
          "timestamp_ms": <milliseconds-since-unit-epoch>,
      "current_stage_name": "<name-of-current-stage>",

The value of failed_with_error can be null if no error exists in the last attempt. The paused field defines whether a pause was requested, and does not necessarily indicate that the upgrade is currently paused. See Pause upgrade for the nuances of this field.



Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.get(f"api_root/product/upgrade/progress", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")


If successful:


If no upgrade has been created:


Stream upgrade events

Method Path
GET api_root/product/upgrade/events

This API call requires a websocket connection. You can use the Get upgrade events API instead to return the same response without use of a websocket.


Use this API to stream events. Events show logs for each stage and the status of each stage.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

The response contains a stream of events. The structure of each response in the stream is:

   "events": [
         "name": <number-of-the-stage>,
         "status": <number-of-the-status>,
         "logs": [
                "msg": "<log-message>",
                "timestamp_ms": <milliseconds-since-unit-epoch>,
                "logLevel": <number-of-thelog-level>,

In the response, each stage name (name), stage status (status), and log level (logLevel) has a corresponding number. When reading the response, use the associated number to understand the stage name, stage status, or log level values.

The possible stage name values and associated meanings are:


  • 1: TURN_DOWN










The possible stage status values and associated meanings are:





  • 5: FAILED

The possible logLevel values and associated meanings are:

  • 1: INFO

  • 2: ERROR

  • 3: WARNING

  • 4: SUCCESS


The RUN_ACTIONS and CHECK_HEALTH stages might produce logs showing warnings and errors and still successfully complete (stage status of COMPLETED/3). Always review errors or warnings at these stages. If the surfaced issues cannot be resolved, consider rolling back the upgrade.



Example (Python):

import asyncio
from websockets.sync.client import connect
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
with connect(endpoint, additional_headers=headers) as websocket:
  while True:
    message = websocket.recv()
    print(f"Received: {message}")


                  "msg":"Scaling down Deployments",

Get upgrade events

Method Path
GET api_root/product/upgrade/events/stages


This API is functionally identical to the Stream upgrade events API, but does not require use of a websocket.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

Identical to the Stream upgrade events response schema. See that API for details.



import requests
headers = { 'Token': token }
  resp = requests.get(f"{api_root}/product/upgrade/events/stages", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")

Complete upgrade

Method Path
POST api_root/product/upgrade/complete


When the upgrade reaches the CONFIRM_COMPLETION stage (see Get upgrade progress), use this API to complete the upgrade.

Before confirming completion:

  • Test the effect of the upgrade on your environment according to your test plan.

  • Check the upgrade event logs using the Stream upgrade events endpoint.


You can roll back an upgrade up until this point in the upgrade process. After making the Complete upgrade call, you can no longer roll back the upgrade. Be sure to test the effect of the upgrade on your deployment before calling this endpoint.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

The response has no fields.



Example (Python):

headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.post(f"api_root/product/upgrade/complete", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")

Pause upgrade

Method Path
POST api_root/product/upgrade/pause


Use this API to pause the current upgrade. When a pause is requested, the upgrade process does not necessarily instantly stop. If upgrade tasks are underway when the request to pause is received, those tasks can continue until a checkpoint is reached, such as completing the stage or encountering an error.

To resume a paused upgrade, make a request to retry using the Retry upgrade endpoint.

To check whether an upgrade stage is still underway or has been paused, use the Stream upgrade events endpoint.

Request parameters

Name Type Description Values
cancelCurrentStage boolean (Optional) Enable (set to True) to allow the current stage to be proactively canceled on a best effort basis. If enabled, the current stage might still complete or fail for a reason other than cancellation. True, False

Response schema

The response has no fields.



Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
data = {
  'cancelCurrentStage': True,
  resp = requests.post(f"api_root/product/upgrade/pause", headers=headers, data=data)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")

Retry upgrade

Method Path
POST api_root/product/upgrade/retry


Use this API to resume or retry the current upgrade. If an upgrade was paused without any errors, the Retry upgrade call resumes the upgrade and the upgrade proceeds with any remaining stages. If the upgrade is in a failed state, the current, failed stage is retried.


If retrying a failed stage is unsuccessful, but you want to proceed with the upgrade and override the failed stage, you can use the Continue upgrade endpoint.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

The response has no fields.



Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.post(f"api_root/product/upgrade/retry", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")

Continue upgrade

Method Path
POST api_root/product/upgrade/continue


Use this API to force continue the upgrade even if the current stage has stalled or resulted in an error. Before force continuing an upgrade, first retry the failed stage. If the retry fails, inspect all event logs ensure the source of error is known and acceptable before continuing.


If Deployment Manager is attempting to process a stage when the force continue request is made, you might need to restart Deployment Manager for the request to take effect.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

The response has no fields.



Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.post(f"api_root/product/upgrade/continue", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")

Roll back upgrade

Method Path
POST api_root/product/upgrade/rollback


Use this API to roll back the current upgrade. Rolling back an upgrade attempts to return the deployment to the state it was in before the upgrade started. This process does not account for any patches or configs added during the upgrade.


If Deployment Manager is attempting to process a stage when the rollback request is made, you might need to restart Deployment Manager for the request to take effect.

Request parameters

No request parameters are accepted.

Response schema

The response has no fields.



Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': api_token }
  resp = requests.post(f"api_root/product/upgrade/rollback", headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")

Abandon upgrade

Method Path
POST api_root/product/upgrade/abandon


Use this API to discard the current upgrade. This API is used in two scenarios:

  • To discard a created upgrade resource, when the upgrade process has not yet started. Abandoning an upgrade after completing a Create upgrade call but before completing a Start upgrade call has no effect on your deployment.

  • Abandoning an upgrade in progress after a rollback fails. Abandoning an in-progress upgrade should be considered an emergency action.


If you have already started an upgrade, connect with Instabase Support before abandoning the in-progress upgrade. Failing to do so can leave your deployment in an unknown state after the Abandon upgrade call succeeds. If Support determines the upgrade must be abandoned, a new upgrade can be created and started and the upgrade process retried.


Because you can abandon an upgrade that is still in progress, always restart Deployment Manager after the Abandon upgrade call succeeds. Restarting Deployment Manager (typically through the kubectl command line tool) lets you suspend any stage that might have still been running when the Abandon upgrade call occurred.

Request parameters

Name Type Description Values
checkUnstarted boolean (Optional, recommended) Enable (set to True) to automatically cause the Abandon upgrade request to fail if an upgrade has already started. Enabling this flag acts as a guardrail to prevent abandoning an in-progress upgrade, which can leave your deployment in an unknown state. True, False

Response schema

The response has no fields.



Example (Python):

import requests
headers = { 'Token': token }
data = {
  'checkUnstarted': True,
  resp = requests.post(f"{api_root}/product/upgrade/abandon", headers=headers, data=data)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
  print(f"Error: {err}")


If successful:


If unsuccessful as a result of making an Abandon upgrade request when an upgrade has started and checkUnstarted is set to True:

   "code": 9,