Installer API

Instabase supports installation through API only, letting you integrate the installation process into CI/CD pipelines. This article outlines the required and optional Installer API endpoints used to perform an installation.


For installation using the Instabase Installer UI, see the Instabase Installer guide.

Overview of required and optional installation steps

To complete an API-based installation, you must complete the following API calls in this order. Calls are required unless noted as optional.

  1. Database configuration

  2. File system configuration

  3. Configure platform and Kubernetes cluster-related settings

  4. Configure Kubernetes cluster resourcing

  5. (Optional) Perform preflight checks to validate configured infrastructure before beginning installation:

  6. Upload Instabase license

  7. Upload base configurations

  8. Upload default patches

  9. (Optional) Upload network policies

  10. (Optional) Create SAML configuration

  11. (Optional) Upload SAML IdP metadata XML

  12. (Optional) Clear SAML configuration

  13. Finalize installation

  14. (Optional) Complete SAML configuration

  15. Run post-install actions

Conventions and authentication


In this document {URL_BASE} defines where to route API requests for your Instabase instance.

During the initial Instabase installation, this should access Deployment Manager directly, either by port-forwarding the Deployment Manager port (9500) or by creating an ingress.

  • If using port-forwarding, the URL_BASE value is localhost:9500.

    • For example, to use the Database configuration API, POST to localhost:9500/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db.
  • If creating an ingress, the URL_BASE value is the DNS defined to hook into the ingress, such as

    • For example, to use the Database configuration API, POST to


All Installer API endpoints (with the exception of Get the status of post-install actions) use the same response format:

  • The response body is a JSON object.

  • A statusCode of 200 indicates success. No additional information is returned in the data or error keys. For example:

      "statusCode": 200,
      "data": null,
      "error": null
  • A statusCode of 500 indicates an error. The response body contains parameter-specific error information under the error key, if applicable. For example:

      "statusCode": 500,
      "data": {
          "note": "",
          "ok": false
      "error": "http conn serve: http conn serve: kubernetes client is nil"


In this document {TOKEN} defines the Deployment Manager token.

All API requests must include your valid Deployment Manager token to authenticate the request.The Deployment Manager API Token is created in the cluster with a default, changeable value when the Deployment Manager YAML is applied.

To fetch the Deployment Manager API token, run the following command in the command line:

export TOKEN=$(kubectl -n $IB_NS get \
secret/control-plane-metadata \
--template={{.data.api_token}} | base64 -d)

You can then reference the token in your calls using $TOKEN in place of {TOKEN}.

Database configuration

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db


This API configures the connection to your relational database. The database contains all the metadata needed to run Instabase. This includes information for user accounts, repositories, organizations, access control, Marketplace solutions, and more.

Instabase supports connecting to the following databases:


Request parameters

The general form of the request body is:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data-raw '{DB_REQ_BODY}' \

Your database configuration details are outlined in the DB_REQ_BODY object. The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
skip_db_setup boolean When set to true all other database configuration parameters are ignored, and the db_secret_name parameter becomes required.

Enabling skip_db_setup lets you perform manual database setup without passing database credentials through the Installer API. Instead, you create a Kubernetes secret that contains a database connection string with the required parameters. The secret must be a data secret with "db_string" mapping to the database connection string.

See Database connection string format for additional information.
true, false

Set to false for most installations.
db_secret_name string Required if skip_db_setup is set to true, otherwise optional.

The name of the Kubernetes secret where your database connection string is stored.
A string specifying the name of the Kubernetes secret where your database connection string is stored.
db_type string Defines the database type. mysql, postgres, sqlserver, oci8

Use mysql for MySQL database setup.
azure_ad boolean Enables using Azure AD for database authentication.
Applicable only to Microsoft SQL Server database setups.
true, false

Set to false for MySQL database setup.
use_db_sid boolean Enables using the Oracle system identifier as the database identifier.
Applicable only to Oracle database setups.
true, false

Set to false for MySQL database setup.
use_db_service_name boolean Enables using the Oracle service name as the database identifier.
Applicable only to Oracle database setups.
true, false

Set to false for MySQL database setup.
enable_db_tls boolean Set to true to use TLS certificate-based authentication.

While this setting is optional, it is strongly recommended to enable TLS in production environments to reduce security risks.
If set to true, you must also call the /installer/db/tls endpoint to configure TLS.
Instabase supports certificates from internal and external trusted certificate authorities (CAs). Instabase does not support self-signed TLS certificates.
true, false
fields object Contains the configuration details for your database setup. An object containing additional settings.
fields/db_user string The database username. A string specifying the database username.
fields/db_pass string The database password. A string specifying the database password.
fields/db_name string Your database name. A string specifying your database name.
fields/db_host string The server host or hostname. A string specifying the server host or hostname.
fields/dp_port integer The port value. The common, default MySQL port value is 3306. If you have a custom port value, use it here. An integer specifying the port value.

The suggested value is 3306, unless a custom port value is configured.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data-raw '{
  "skip_db_setup": false,
  "db_type": "mysql",
  "azure_ad": false,
  "use_db_sid": false,
  "use_db_service_name": false,
  "enable_db_tls": false,
  "fields": {
    "db_user": "root",
    "db_pass": "{password}",
    "db_name": "ibdb",
    "db_host": "service-mysql.instabase.svc.cluster.local",
    "db_port": 3306
  }' \


Request parameters

The general form of the request body is:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data-raw '{DB_REQ_BODY}' \

Your database configuration details are outlined in the DB_REQ_BODY object. The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
skip_db_setup boolean When set to true all other database configuration parameters are ignored, and the db_secret_name parameter becomes required.

Enabling skip_db_setup lets you perform manual database setup without passing database credentials through the Installer API. Instead, you create a Kubernetes secret that contains a database connection string with the required parameters. The secret must be a data secret with "db_string" mapping to the database connection string.

See Database connection string format for additional information.
true, false

Set to false for most installations.
db_secret_name string Required if skip_db_setup is set to true, otherwise optional.

The name of the Kubernetes secret where your database connection string is stored.
A string specifying the name of the Kubernetes secret where your database connection string is stored.
db_type string Defines the database type. mysql, postgres, sqlserver, oci8

Use postgres for PostgreSQL database setup.
azure_ad boolean Enables using Azure AD for database authentication.
Applicable only to Microsoft SQL Server database setups.
true, false

Set to false for PostgreSQL database setup.
use_db_sid boolean Enables using the Oracle system identifier as the database identifier.
Applicable only to Oracle database setups.
true, false

Set to false for PostgreSQL database setup.
use_db_service_name boolean Enables using the Oracle service name as the database identifier.
Applicable only to Oracle database setups.
true, false

Set to false for PostgreSQL database setup.
enable_db_tls boolean Set to true to use TLS certificate-based authentication.

While this setting is optional, it is strongly recommended to enable TLS in production environments to reduce security risks.
If set to true, you must also call the /installer/db/tls endpoint to configure TLS.
Instabase supports certificates from internal and external trusted certificate authorities (CAs). Instabase does not support self-signed TLS certificates.
true, false
fields object Contains the configuration details for your database setup. An object containing additional settings.
fields/db_user string The database username. A string specifying the database username.
fields/db_pass string The database password. A string specifying the database password.
fields/db_name string Your database name. A string specifying your database name.
fields/db_host string The server host or hostname. A string specifying the server host or hostname.
fields/dp_port integer The port value. The common, default PostgreSQL port value is 5432. If you have a custom port value, use it here. An integer specifying the port value.

The suggested value is 5432, unless a custom port value is configured.
fields/ssl_mode string Determines whether or with what priority a secure SSL TCP/IP connection is negotiated with the server. There are six ssl_mode options. The following list is ordered from least secure to most secure:

- disable: Try only a non-SSL connection. This option disables all encryption.
- allow: First try a non-SSL connection; if that fails, try an SSL connection.
- prefer: First try an SSL connection; if that fails, try a non-SSL connection.
- require: Try only an SSL connection. If a root CA file is present, verify that the server certificate is issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA). The certificate itself is not verified.
- verify-ca: Try only an SSL connection. Verify that the server certificate is issued by a trusted CA.
- verify-full: Try only an SSL connection. Verify that the server certificate is issued by a trusted CA and that the requested server hostname matches that in the certificate. The SSL connection fails if the server certificate cannot be verified.

In production environments, verify-full is typically the appropriate setting.

ssl_mode is ignored for Unix domain socket communication.

If PostgreSQL is compiled without SSL support, using options require, verify-ca, or verify-full causes an error, while options allow and prefer are accepted, but libpq doesn’t actually attempt an SSL connection.
To learn more about SSL mode options, including a summary of the level of protection provided by each option, see the PostgreSQL SSL support documentation.

Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data-raw '{
  "skip_db_setup": false,
  "db_type": "postgres",
  "azure_ad": false,
  "use_db_sid": false,
  "use_db_service_name": false,
  "enable_db_tls": false,
  "fields": {
    "db_user": "test-user",
    "db_pass": "test-pass",
    "db_name": "test-db-name",
    "db_host": "test-host",
    "db_port": 1234,
    "ssl_mode": "disable"
  }' \

Microsoft SQL Server: Connect with username and password

Request parameters

The general form of the request body is:

curl --location --request POST  '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data-raw '{DB_REQ_BODY}' \

Your database configuration details are outlined in the DB_REQ_BODY object. The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
skip_db_setup boolean When set to true all other database configuration parameters are ignored, and the db_secret_name parameter becomes required.

Enabling skip_db_setup lets you perform manual database setup without passing database credentials through the Installer API. Instead, you create a Kubernetes secret that contains a database connection string with the required parameters. The secret must be a data secret with "db_string" mapping to the database connection string.

See Database connection string format for additional information.
true, false

Set to false for most installations.
db_secret_name string Required if skip_db_setup is set to true, otherwise optional.

The name of the Kubernetes secret where your database connection string is stored.
A string specifying the name of the Kubernetes secret where your database connection string is stored.
db_type string Defines the database type. mysql, postgres, sqlserver, oci8

Use mysql for MySQL database setup.
azure_ad boolean Enables using Azure AD for database authentication. true, false

Set to false when connecting to Microsoft SQL Server with username and password credentials.
use_db_sid boolean Enables using the Oracle system identifier as the database identifier.
Applicable only to Oracle database setups.
true, false

Set to false for Microsoft SQL Server database setup.
use_db_service_name boolean Enables using the Oracle service name as the database identifier.
Applicable only to Oracle database setups.
true, false

Set to false for Microsoft SQL Server database setup.
enable_db_tls boolean Set to true to use TLS certificate-based authentication.

While this setting is optional, it is strongly recommended to enable TLS in production environments to reduce security risks.
If set to true, you must also call the /installer/db/tls endpoint to configure TLS.
Instabase supports certificates from internal and external trusted certificate authorities (CAs). Instabase does not support self-signed TLS certificates.
true, false
fields object Contains the configuration details for your database setup. An object containing additional settings.
fields/db_user string The database username. A string specifying the database username.
fields/db_pass string The database password. A string specifying the database password.
fields/db_name string Your database name. A string specifying your database name.
fields/db_host string The server host or hostname. A string specifying the server host or hostname.
fields/dp_port integer The port value. The common, default MySQL port value is 3306. If you have a custom port value, use it here. An integer specifying the port value.

The suggested value is 3306, unless a custom port value is configured.
fields/db_conn_timeout integer Defines the database timeout period. This option is useful when working with high latency or load. An integer specifying the database timeout, in seconds.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data-raw '{
  "skip_db_setup": false,
  "db_type": "sqlserver",
  "azure_ad": false,
  "use_db_sid": false,
  "use_db_service_name": false,
  "enable_db_tls": true,
  "fields": {
    "db_user": "test-user",
    "db_pass": "test-pass",
    "db_name": "test-db-name",
    "db_host": "test-host",
    "db_port": 1234,
    "db_conn_timeout": 30
  }' \

Microsoft SQL Server: Connect with Azure AD

Request parameters

The general form of the request body is:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data-raw '{DB_REQ_BODY}' \

Your database configuration details are outlined in the DB_REQ_BODY object. The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
skip_db_setup boolean When set to true all other database configuration parameters are ignored, and the db_secret_name parameter becomes required.

Enabling skip_db_setup lets you perform manual database setup without passing database credentials through the Installer API. Instead, you create a Kubernetes secret that contains a database connection string with the required parameters. The secret must be a data secret with "db_string" mapping to the database connection string.

See Database connection string format for additional information.
true, false

Set to false for most installations.
db_secret_name string Required if skip_db_setup is set to true, otherwise optional.

The name of the Kubernetes secret where your database connection string is stored.
A string specifying the name of the Kubernetes secret where your database connection string is stored.
db_type string Defines the database type. mysql, postgres, sqlserver, oci8

Use `sqlserver for Microsoft SQL Server database setup.
azure_ad boolean Enables using Azure AD for database authentication. true, false

Set to true when connecting to Microsoft SQL Server with Azure AD credentials.
use_db_sid boolean Enables using the Oracle system identifier as the database identifier.
Applicable only to Oracle database setups.
true, false

Set to false for Microsoft SQL Server database setup.
use_db_service_name boolean Enables using the Oracle service name as the database identifier.
Applicable only to Oracle database setups.
true, false

Set to false for Microsoft SQL Server database setup.
enable_db_tls boolean Set to true to use TLS certificate-based authentication.

While this setting is optional, it is strongly recommended to enable TLS in production environments to reduce security risks.
If set to true, you must also call the /installer/db/tls endpoint to configure TLS.
Instabase supports certificates from internal and external trusted certificate authorities (CAs). Instabase does not support self-signed TLS certificates.
true, false
fields object Contains the configuration details for your database setup. An object containing additional settings.
fields/db_user string This parameter is optional when connecting to Microsoft SQL Server with Azure AD credentials.

The database username.
A string specifying the database username.
fields/db_pass string This parameter is optional when connecting to Microsoft SQL Server with Azure AD credentials.

The database password.
A string specifying the database password.
fields/db_name string Your database name. A string specifying your database name.
fields/db_host string The server host or hostname. A string specifying the server host or hostname.
fields/db_port integer The port value. The common, default Microsoft SQL Server port value is 1433. If you have a custom port value, use it here. An integer specifying the port value.

The suggested value is 1433, unless a custom port value is configured.
fields/db_conn_params string Specifies database connection parameters including:
- Connection Timeout: Timeout for connection attempt, in seconds.
- ConnectRetryCount: Maximum number of connection retries.
- ConnectRetryInterval: Interval to wait between connection retries, in seconds.
A string defining connection parameters, joined by semi-colons.
fields/db_azure_tenant_id string The tenant ID or directory ID of your app registration. A string specifying the tenant/directory ID.
fields/db_azure_client_id string The client ID or application ID for your app registration. A string specifying the client/application ID.
fields/db_azure_client_secret string The client secret for your app registration. A string specifying the client secret.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data-raw '{
  "skip_db_setup": false,
  "db_type": "sqlserver",
  "azure_ad": true,
  "use_db_sid": false,
  "use_db_service_name": false,
  "enable_db_tls": true,
  "fields": {
    "db_name": "test-db-name",
    "db_host": "test-host",
    "db_port": 1234,
    "db_conn_params": "Connection Timeout=30;ConnectRetryCount=3;ConnectRetryInterval=10",
    "db_azure_tenant_id": "azure-tenant-id",
    "db_azure_client_id": "azure-client-id",
    "db_azure_client_secret": "azure-secret"
  }' \


Request parameters

The general form of the request body is:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data-raw '{DB_REQ_BODY}' \

Your database configuration details are outlined in the DB_REQ_BODY object. The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
skip_db_setup boolean When set to true all other database configuration parameters are ignored, and the db_secret_name parameter becomes required.

Enabling skip_db_setup lets you perform manual database setup without passing database credentials through the Installer API. Instead, you create a Kubernetes secret that contains a database connection string with the required parameters. The secret must be a data secret with "db_string" mapping to the database connection string.

See Database connection string format for additional information.
true, false

Set to false for most installations.
db_secret_name string Required if skip_db_setup is set to true, otherwise optional.

The name of the Kubernetes secret where your database connection string is stored.
A string specifying the name of the Kubernetes secret where your database connection string is stored.
db_type string Defines the database type. mysql, postgres, sqlserver, oci8

Use oci8 for Oracle database setup.
azure_ad boolean Enables using Azure AD for database authentication.
Applicable only to Microsoft SQL Server database setups.
true, false

Set to false for Oracle database setup.
use_db_sid boolean Enables using the Oracle system identifier (SID) as the database identifier.

When set to true, the parameter db_sid must also be included in the request body.
true, false

Set to true to use the SID as the database identifier.
use_db_service_name boolean Enables using the Oracle service name as the database identifier.

When set to true, the parameter db_service_name must also be included in the request body.
true, false

Set to true to use the service name as the database identifier.
enable_db_tls boolean Enables use of TLS certificate-based authentication.
TLS authentication is supported with MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server databases.
true, false

Set to false for Oracle database setup.
fields object Contains the configuration details for your database setup. An object containing additional settings.
fields/db_user string The database username. A string specifying the database username.
fields/db_pass string The database password. A string specifying the database password.
fields/db_name string Your database name.

If use_db_service_name and use_db_sid are both set to false, the db_name value is used as the database identifier.

A string specifying your database name.

Leave empty if using the SID or service name as your Oracle database identifier.
fields/db_host string The server host or hostname. A string specifying the server host or hostname.
fields/dp_port integer The port value. The common, default PostgreSQL port value is 5432. If you have a custom port value, use it here. An integer specifying the port value.

The suggested value is 5432, unless a custom port value is configured.
fields/db_sid string Required if use_db_sid is set to true, otherwise optional.

The database SID.
A string specifying the database SID.
fields/db_service_name string Required if use_db_service_name is set to true, otherwise optional.

The database service name.
A string specifying the database service name.


Request example if using the database name as the database identifier:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header  'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data-raw '{
  "skip_db_setup": false,
  "db_type": "oci8",
  "azure_ad": false,
  "use_db_sid": false,
  "use_db_service_name": false,
  "enable_db_tls": false,
  "fields": {
    "db_user": "test-user",
    "db_pass": "test-pass",
    "db_name": "normal-db-name",
    "db_host": "test-host",
    "db_port": 1234
  }' \

Request example if using the SID as the database identifier:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data-raw '{
  "skip_db_setup": false,
  "db_type": "oci8",
  "azure_ad": false,
  "use_db_sid": true,
  "use_db_service_name": false,
  "enable_db_tls": false,
  "fields": {
    "db_user": "test-user",
    "db_pass": "test-pass",
    "db_name": "",
    "db_host": "test-host",
    "db_port": 1234,
    "db_sid": "db sid"
  }' \

Request example if using the service name as the database identifier:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data-raw '{
  "skip_db_setup": false,
  "db_type": "oci8",
  "azure_ad": false,
  "use_db_sid": false,
  "use_db_service_name": true,
  "enable_db_tls": false,
  "fields": {
    "db_user": "test-user",
    "db_pass": "test-pass",
    "db_name": "",
    "db_host": "test-host",
    "db_port": 1234,
    "db_service_name": "service name"
  }' \

Database connection string format

If skip_db_setup is enabled, you must create a Kubernetes secret that contains a database connection string with the required parameters. Refer to the following table for guidance on how to format the database connection string:

Database Connection string format Notes
MySQL INSTABASE_BACKEND_DB_PARAMS = “–username= –password= –host= –database= –port=
PostgreSQL INSTABASE_BACKEND_DB_PARAMS = “–dialect=postgres –url=postgres://:@:/?sslmode= To add multiple parameters, use &. For example: ?sslmode=require&sslkey=/etc/path/tls.key&sslcert=/etc/path/tls.cert

The string supports a full PostgreSQL DSN. You can append other parameters to the end of the string. Refer to the PostgreSQL Database Connection Control documentation for the full list of parameters.
Microsoft SQL Server INSTABASE_BACKEND_DB_PARAMS = “–dialect=sqlserver –url=sqlserver://:@:?database=&connection+timeout=30” The string supports a full SQL Server DSN. You can append other parameters to the end of the string. Refer to the Microsoft DSN and Connection String Keywords and Attributes documentation for the full list of parameters.
Microsoft SQL Server with password-protected TLS private key file INSTABASE_BACKEND_DB_PARAMS = “–dialect=sqlserver –url=sqlserver://:@:?database=&connection+timeout=30&certificate=file:<file_location>[,password:]&hostNameInCertificate= If the password keyword contains any commas, enter a second comma in the password string. For example a keyword of a,b,c is written as a,,b,,c in the string.

The string supports a full SQL Server DSN. You can append other parameters to the end of the string. Refer to the Microsoft DSN and Connection String Keywords and Attributes documentation for the full list of parameters.
Oracle (standard) INSTABASE_BACKEND_DB_PARAMS = “–dialect=oci8 –database=/@:/
Oracle (tsnames.ora, using SID) INSTABASE_BACKEND_DB_PARAMS = “–dialect=oci8 –database=/@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=)(PORT=))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=)))”
Oracle (tsnames.ora, using service name) INSTABASE_BACKEND_DB_PARAMS

TLS authentication configuration

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db/tls


Configures SSL certificates in Deployment Manager, for databases using TLS authentication for database connections. This endpoint is only required if enable_db_tls was set to true when configuring your database configuration.


TLS authentication is supported with MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server databases.


Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
db_tls_client_key string The file path to the client key file.

Supported file types are .crt, .key, .pem, and .cer.
A string specifying the file path to the client key file.
db_tls_client_cert string The file path to the client cert file.

Supported file types are .crt, .key, .pem, and .cer.
A string specifying the file path to the client cert file.
db_tls_root_cert string The file path to the root ca file.

Supported file types are .crt, .key, .pem, and .cer.
A string specifying the file path to the root ca file.
db_tls_cert_hostname string Optional. Use this parameter if the certificate subject’s common name (CN) does not match the hostname (the value defined in the db_host parameter). A string specifying the cert subject’s common name.
db_tls_skip_verify string Enable (set to True) to skip validating if the certificate is valid. Setting to True presents a significant security risk and should be used only for testing and debugging purposes, such as if you need to establish if the certificate is working as intended. A string specifying True or False.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db/tls' \ 
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ 
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \ 
--form 'db_tls_client_key=@"/path/to/file"' \ 
--form 'db_tls_client_cert=@"/path/to/file"' \ 
--form 'db_tls_root_cert=@"/path/to/file"' \ 
--form 'db_tls_cert_hostname="hostname"' \ 
--form 'db_tls_skip_verify="False"'


Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
db_tls_root_cert string The file path to the root ca file.

Supported file types are .crt, .key, and .pem.
A string specifying the file path to the root ca file.
db_tls_client_key string Optional. The file path to the client key file.

Supported file types are .crt, .key, and .pem.
A string specifying the file path to the client key file.
db_tls_client_cert string Optional. The file path to the client cert file.

Supported file types are .crt, .key, and .pem.
A string specifying the file path to the client cert file.
db_tls_root_crl string Optional. The file path to the root crl file.

Supported file type is .crl.
A string specifying the file path to the root crl file.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db/tls' \ 
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ 
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \ 
--form 'db_tls_root_cert=@"/path/to/file"' \ 
--form 'db_tls_client_key=@"/path/to/file"' \ 
--form 'db_tls_client_cert=@"/path/to/file"' \ 
--form 'db_tls_root_crl=@"/path/to/file"'

Microsoft SQL Server

Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
ss_cert string The public certificate of the CA that signed the SQL Server certificate. This certificate overrides the Go platform specific CA certificates.

Supported file types are .pem, .pfx, .crt, and .cer.
A string specifying the file path to the client cert file.
ss_trust_server_cert string Defines whether to trust the server certificate.

When set to False, the server certificate is checked.

When set to True, the server certificate is not checked. The driver accepts any certificate presented by the server and any hostname in that certificate. When set to True, TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks; use this for testing only.
A string specifying True or False.
ss_cert_hostname string Optional. Use this parameter if the certificate subject’s common name (CN) does not match the hostname (the value defined in the db_host parameter). A string specifying the cert subject’s common name.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/db/tls' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--form 'ss_cert=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'ss_trust_server_cert="False"' \
--form 'ss_cert_hostname="hostname"'

File system configuration

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage


This API configures the connection to your file storage provider. Instabase Installer supports four file storage options:

Amazon S3


If your S3 server requires a custom certificate for SSL validation, after completing this call, call the Upload custom S3 certificate API.

Request parameters

The general form of the request body is:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{STORAGE_REQ_BODY}' 

Your database configuration details are outlined in the STORAGE_REQ_BODY object. The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
file_storage string Defines the file storage type. s3, localfs, azblobstore, googlecloudstorage

Use s3 for Amazon S3 file storage setup.
fields object Contains the configuration details for your file storage setup. An object containing additional settings.
fields/s3_server_url string The URL of your Amazon S3 instance. The URL should follow this format: https://s3.[your region code] Do not include the bucket name in the URL.

Examples of valid URLs include and
See the AWS Virtual hosting of buckets documentation for more information.
A string specifying the URL of your Amazon S3 instance.
fields/s3_server_is_secure boolean Defines whether to use HTTP or HTTPS to communicate with S3 resources. Setting to rue enables using HTTPS.

We recommend always having S3 Server Is Secure set to true. This setting should be disabled only for testing or non-production environments.
true, false
fields/s3_key_id string Your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) key.

If not using IAM keys to connect, and instead using IAM roles, enter a placeholder value and connect with your Instabase representative to manually configure the connection.
A string specifying your AWS IAM key.
fields/s3_access_key string Your AWS IAM secret key.

If not using IAM keys to connect, and instead using IAM roles, enter a placeholder value and connect with your Instabase representative to manually configure the connection.
A string specifying your AWS IAM secret key.
fields/s3_aws_region string The region code for your AWS account, such as us-east-1. A string specifying your AWS region code.
fields/s3_bucket_name string The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to use for file storage. A string specifying the name of your Amazon S3 bucket.
fields/s3_encryption_type string Define the type of encryption used for server-side encryption of files.

- none: No server-side encryption.
- aws_sse_s3: Uses Amazon-managed server-side encryption of files. Also called S3 SSE (AES-256).
- aws_sse_kms: Uses Amazon KMS for server-side encryption of files.
none, aws_sse_s3, aws_sse_kms
fields/s3_sse_kms_key_id string Required if s3_encryption_type is set to aws_sse_kms, otherwise optional.

The Amazon resource name (ARN) for the KMS key.
See the AWS Finding the key ID and key ARN documentation for additional information.
A string specifying the Amazon resource name (ARN) for the KMS key.
fields/s3_use_virtual_style_url string Set to false to use an Amazon S3 path-style URL. When set to true Amazon S3 virtual-hosted-style URLs are used.
AWS has scheduled path-style URLs for deprecation. See the AWS Virtual hosting of buckets documentation for more information.
true, false
fields/enable_file_cache boolean Configures whether to cache file contents in a standalone Redis. When set to true, the file cache is enabled. When set to false, the file cache is not enabled and Instabase requires permission to deploy a standalone Redis.

For most installations, it’s recommended to set to true. The exception is if you own your own managed Redis and require Instabase to integrate with your Redis. In that case, you might need to set this parameter to false due to limitations surrounding Instabase deploying a standalone Redis.
true, false


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "file_storage": "s3",
    "fields": {
        "s3_server_url": "test-server-url",
        "s3_server_is_secure": true,
        "s3_access_key_id": "test-access-key",
        "s3_secret_access_key": "test-secret-key",
        "s3_aws_region": "us-east-1",
        "s3_bucket_name": "test-bucket-name",
        "s3_encryption_type": "none",
        "s3_use_virtual_style_url": "true",
        "enable_file_cache": true

Local file storage

Instabase supports using a network file system (NFS) as your file storage. For security reasons, however, Instabase does not support directly connecting to the NFS. You must first mount your NFS as a Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim (PVC).

Request parameters

The general form of the request body is:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw  '{STORAGE_REQ_BODY}' 

Your database configuration details are outlined in the STORAGE_REQ_BODY object. The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
file_storage string Defines the file storage type. s3, localfs, azblobstore, googlecloudstorage

Use localfs for local file storage setup.
fields object Contains the configuration details for your file storage setup. An object containing additional settings.
fields/local_mount_dir string Defines the local mount directory. A string specifying the local mount directory. /home/ibuser/data is the most common value.
fields/nfs_pvc_name string The name of the Persistent Volume Claim the NFS was mounted to. A string specifying the name of the Persistent Volume Claim the NFS was mounted to.
fields/enable_file_cache boolean Configures whether to cache file contents in a standalone Redis. When set to true, the file cache is enabled. When set to false, the file cache is not enabled and Instabase requires permission to deploy a standalone Redis.

For most installations, it’s recommended to set to true. The exception is if you own your own managed Redis and require Instabase to integrate with your Redis. In that case, you might need to set this parameter to false due to limitations surrounding Instabase deploying a standalone Redis.
true, false


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "file_storage": "localfs",
    "fields": {
        "local_mount_dir": "/home/ibuser/data",
        "nfs_pvc_name": "test-pvc",
        "enable_file_cache": true

Azure Blob Storage

Request parameters

The general form of the request body is:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw  '{STORAGE_REQ_BODY}' 

Your database configuration details are outlined in the STORAGE_REQ_BODY object. The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
file_storage string Defines the file storage type. s3, localfs, azblobstore, googlecloudstorage

Use azblobstore for Azure Blob Storage setup.
fields object Contains the configuration details for your file storage setup. An object containing additional settings.
fields/azure_connection_str string The connection string for your Azure storage account. A string specifying the connection string for your Azure storage account.
fields/az_blob_store_container string The name of your Azure Blob Storage container. A string specifying the name of Azure Blob Storage container.
fields/enable_file_cache boolean Configures whether to cache file contents in a standalone Redis. When set to true, the file cache is enabled. When set to false, the file cache is not enabled and Instabase requires permission to deploy a standalone Redis.

For most installations, it’s recommended to set to true. The exception is if you own your own managed Redis and require Instabase to integrate with your Redis. In that case, you might need to set this parameter to false due to limitations surrounding Instabase deploying a standalone Redis.
true, false


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "file_storage": "azblobstore",
    "fields": {
        "azure_connection_str": "test-connection-string",
        "az_blob_store_container": "test-container-name",
        "enable_file_cache": true

Google Cloud Storage


If using Google Cloud Storage, before configuring your file storage options through this API, you must call the Upload Google Cloud Storage service account credentials API.


Support for Google Cloud Storage is generally available as of release 23.04.

Request parameters

The general form of the request body is:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{STORAGE_REQ_BODY}' 

Your database configuration details are outlined in the STORAGE_REQ_BODY object. The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
file_storage string Defines the file storage type. s3, localfs, azblobstore, googlecloudstorage

Use googlecloudstorage for Google Cloud Storage setup.
fields object Contains the configuration details for your file storage setup. An object containing additional settings.
fields/bucket_name string The name of your Google Cloud Storage bucket. A string specifying the name of your Google Cloud Storage bucket.
fields/gcs_sse_encryption_type string Defines the type of encryption used for server-side encryption of the files.

- gcs_aes256: Uses Google-managed server-side encryption of files.
- gcs_sse_kms: Uses Google Cloud KMS for server-side encryption of files.
gcs_aes256, gcs_sse_kms
fields/gcs_sse_kms_key_id string Required if gcs_sse_encryption_type is set to gcs_sse_kms, otherwise optional.

The Cloud KMS Resource ID.
See the Google Cloud Getting a Cloud KMS Resource ID documentation for additional information.
A string specifying the Resource ID for the KMS key.
fields/enable_file_cache boolean Configures whether to cache file contents in a standalone Redis. When set to true, the file cache is enabled. When set to false, the file cache is not enabled and Instabase requires permission to deploy a standalone Redis.

For most installations, it’s recommended to set to true. The exception is if you own your own managed Redis and require Instabase to integrate with your Redis. In that case, you might need to set this parameter to false due to limitations surrounding Instabase deploying a standalone Redis.
true, false


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "file_storage": "googlecloudstorage",
    "fields": {
        "bucket_name": "dummy-bucket",
        "gcs_sse_encryption_type": "gcs_aes256",
        "gcs_sse_kms_key_id": "",
        "enable_file_cache": true

Upload custom Amazon S3 certificate

This API uploads a custom certificate for SSL verification, if required by your S3 server. Complete this API call after configuring Amazon S3 as your file storage.

Request parameters

The general form of the request body is:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage/cert' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 's3_cert=@"/path/to/file"'
Name Type Description Values
s3_cert string Your S3 certificate file. The only valid file type is .crt. A string specifying the file path to your S3 certifcate file.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage/cert' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 's3_cert=@"/path/to/file"'

Upload Google Cloud Storage service account credentials

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage/gcsserviceaccount


This API uploads the service account credentials file for your Google Cloud Storage account. This API must be called before configuring Google Cloud Storage as your file storage.

Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
gcs_service_account_credentials string The .json credentials file for your Google Cloud Storage service account. See the instructions below for additional support. A string specifying the file path to the .json file with your Google Cloud Storage service account credentials.

Configuring the Google Cloud Storage service account

To configure a Google Cloud Storage service account:

  1. From the Google Cloud console, create a Google Cloud Storage bucket with uniform access control. For improved security, create it as a private bucket.

  2. Create a service account in Google Cloud’s Identity and Access Management (IAM) system.

  3. In the Google Cloud console, create a key pair for the service account, selecting JSON as the key type.

  4. Download the JSON credentials file for the service account.

  5. Assign the service account the Storage Admin and Storage Object Admin roles for bucket access.


    More detailed instructions can be found in the Google IAM permission documentation.

  6. Find the Client ID for the service account (available on the Service accounts page).

  7. Using a Google Workplace administrator account, search for the service account’s client ID, and grant the service account access to the Google Cloud Platform OAuth scope


    More detailed instructions can be found in the Google Service account documentation.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/storage/gcsserviceaccount' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--form 'gcs_service_account_credentials=@"/path/to/gcscredentials.json"'
Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/other


This API configures platform and Kubernetes cluster-related settings, including admin login credentials and Persistent Volume Claim names.

Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
namespace string The Kubernetes namespace your Instabase deployment will run on.
This parameter is scheduled for deprecation.
A string specifying the Kubernetes namespace your Instabase deployment will run on.
admin_username string The username for your default Instabase admin credentials. You define the username value in this step and use it for initial admin access to the Instabase platform upon installation. A string specifying the username for your default Instabase admin credentials.
admin_email string The email for your default Instabase admin credentials. You define the email value in this step and use it for initial admin access to the Instabase platform upon installation. A string specifying the email address for your default Instabase admin credentials.
admin_password string The password for your default Instabase admin credentials. You define the password value in this step and use it for initial admin access to the Instabase platform upon installation. A string specifying the password for your default Instabase admin credentials.

Must contain a minimum of 8 characters.
admin_password_confirmation string Confirm (re-enter) the password for your default Instabase admin credentials.

admin_password and admin_password_confirmation must match.
A string specifying the password for your default Instabase admin credentials.
registry string The registry to pull Instabase images from. If not provided, will default to the Instabase public image registry. A string specifying the image registry for your Instabase platform.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/other' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "namespace": "instabase",
    "admin_username": "test-user",
    "admin_email": "",
    "admin_password": "password",
    "admin_password_confirmation": "password"

Configure Kubernetes cluster resourcing

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/resourcing


This API sets the Kubernetes cluster resourcing size. The following preset cluster size options are available:

  • standard: 64 CPU cores/256 GB RAM
  • large: 128 CPU cores/512 GB RAM
  • xlarge: 256 CPU cores/1024 GB RAM

Select the option that meets but does not exceed your cluster size defined in Kubernetes. After installation, you can manually adjust the Instabase cluster size configuration using patches to more closely match your Kubernetes cluster size.


Deployment Manager does not have cluster-level permissions to change cluster size; it can modify only Instabase components. Modifying your cluster size must be done from Kubernetes.


Instabase release 23.07 introduces workload autoscaling as a public preview feature that’s disabled by default. Workload autoscaling lets Instabase autoscale data services based on demand rather than adhering to a set resourcing size. Autoscaling is available only for select services. To learn more about workload autoscaling, see the workload autoscaling documentation. To enable and configure workload autoscaling, follow the instructions in the 23.07 deployment guide. Be advised that workload autoscaling has several infrastructure requirements.

Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
cluster_size string Define the cluster size, using one of three preset values. See the API description for additional details. standard, large, xlarge


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/resourcing' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "cluster_size": "standard"

Preflight checks

Preflight checks validate your information to assess if installation can proceed. These checks are optional and require no parameter configuration, but they are helpful to verify that your infrastructure is set up correctly and is accessible.

The following checks are available:

  • Service accounts check

  • Role-based access control (RBAC) check

  • Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) check

  • File storage access check

  • Database check

Service accounts check

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/preflight/checks/service_accounts


This check confirms the service account used by the Instabase observability monitoring services exists in the Kubernetes cluster.


There are no customizable parameters. Make the following request, using your own URL_BASE and TOKEN values:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/preflight/checks/service_accounts' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Role-based access control (RBAC) check

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/preflight/checks/rbac


This check reports back any inconsistencies between permissions the Deployment Manager service account requires and permissions it has been granted. A success message indicates the Kubernetes role resource associated with the Deployment Manager service account matches the permissions Deployment Manager requires. A failure message shows the expected configuration alongside the configuration found in the cluster.


There are no customizable parameters. Make the following request, using your own URL_BASE and TOKEN values:

curl --location --request 'POST {URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/preflight/checks/rbac' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

File storage access check

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/preflight/checks/file_storage_access


This check tests that the file system credentials entered can connect to your file storage platform. This check also verifies that Instabase has the permissions needed to perform all necessary file operations.


As of Deployment Manager 23.01, the file storage access check is supported for Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage file storage options.


There are no customizable parameters. Make the following request, using your own URL_BASE and TOKEN values:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/preflight/checks/file_storage_access' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Database check

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/preflight/checks/database


This check tests that the database credentials entered can connect to your database. This check also verifies that Instabase has appropriately scoped permissions for table creation, table reading, and table writing.


There are no customizable parameters. Make the following request, using your own URL_BASE and TOKEN values:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/preflight/checks/database' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) check

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/preflight/checks/pvc


This check tests that all required PVCs are present, bound, and mountable.


There are no customizable parameters. Make the following request, using your own URL_BASE and TOKEN values:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/preflight/checks/pvc' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Upload Instabase license

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/license


This API uploads your Instabase license. Your license is provided by your customer success manager and is an .iblicense file.

Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
file string Your Instabase license file. The only valid file type is .iblicense. A string specifying the file path to your Instabase license file.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/license' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/license.iblicense"'

Upload base configurations

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/baseconfig


This API uploads your Instabase base configurations. The base configurations file, called, is in the release’s file.


To make configuration changes, use the configuration management options on the Configs and Base Configs tabs. Never directly edit the base configuration files. See the configuration management documentation for guidance on using patches to modify base configurations.

Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
file string A zipped file of Instabase base configurations. Supported file types are .zip, .gz, and .tgz. A string specifying the file path to the Instabase base configurations file.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/baseconfig' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/"'

Upload default patches

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/defaultpatches


This API uploads the required default patches to apply during installation. The default patches file is called and is found in the file.

The file contains all patches that must be uploaded during installation, but you can optionally add additional patches to apply during installation. Any new patches must be added alongside the contents of the file:

  1. Unzip the file.
  2. Unzip the file contained within the now unzipped installation folder.
  3. Add any new custom patch files to the now unzipped default_patches folder.
  4. Select all files in the default_patches folder and compress them, creating a new .zip file of patches. You can rename the .zip file, but there are no file name requirements.

This new .zip file is what you pass in the request.


You can also apply patches after completing installation, from the Deployment Manager Configs tab. This process only applies if you have additional custom patches that must be applied during installation.

Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
file string A zipped file of default patches. Supported file types are .zip, .gz, and .tgz. A string specifying the file path to your default patches file.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/defaultpatches' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/"'

Upload network policies

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/network-policies


This optional API uploads any network policies to apply during installation. If indicated, your package includes a folder called network-policies containing a series of network policy files. After making any necessary changes to the network policy files, compress the network-policies folder.

Request parameters

Name Type Description Values
file string The network policies file. Supported file types are .zip, .gz, and .tgz. A string specifying the file path to your network policies file.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/network-policies' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/"'

Create SAML configuration

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/saml/config


This API creates a security assertion markup language (SAML) configuration. Instabase supports SAML-based authentication to manage access to your Instabase deployment. Using SAML-based single sign-on (SSO) lets you leverage your existing SSO identity provider (IdP) to automatically create new user accounts on the Instabase platform upon initial login. You can also optionally map existing groups configured in your IdP to groups in your Instabase deployment.

Instabase uses service provider (SP)-initiated SSO authentication and supports IdPs that use SAML 2.0.

Creating a SAML connection is an optional part of installation. You can also create a SAML connection after installation is complete. The APIs used to complete a SAML connection are:


See the SAML authentication documentation for details on app registration requirements.

Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
configureSaml boolean Defines whether to enable SAML configuration in the deployment. Set to true to enable configuring the SAML connection. true, false
authProvider string Defines how the IdP metadata XML is provided:

-local: By referencing a static metadata.xml file that is stored as a Kubernetes secret in the deployment.
-remote: By referencing a metadata-server endpoint where the XML file is hosted on the SAML provider metadata server.
If set to local, you must provide the IdP metadata XML using the upload metadata XML API.
local, remote
authProviderUri string Required if authProvider is set to remote.

The location of the IdP metadata XML.
A string specifying the endpoint URL where the IdP metadata XML is hosted on the IdP metadata server.
spName string The label associated with the Instabase entity in the IdP. A string specifying the SP name. Typically InstabaseSP.
spEntityId string The entity ID value set in the IdP. An exact match between this value and the entity ID set in the IdP is required. A string specifying the SP entity ID. Typically {Your Instabase URL}. For example,
httpAcsUrl string The access consumer service (ACS) URL where the IdP redirects after the user successfully authenticates, entered with an HTTPS (not HTTP) scheme. A string specifying the ACS URL, with an HTTPS scheme. Typically https://{Your Instabase URL}/account/sso/saml2.
httpsAcsUrl string The access consumer service (ACS) URL where the IdP redirects after the user successfully authenticates, entered with an HTTP (not HTTPS) scheme. A string specifying the ACS URL, with an HTTP scheme. Typically http://{Your Instabase URL}/account/sso/saml2.
requiredAttributes string The required SAML attributes (claims) provided to Instabase by the IdP. A string listing any required attributes, separated by a comma and a space.

Typically email, uid.
optionalAttributes string (Optional) The optional SAML attributes (claims) provided to Instabase by the IdP. A string listing any optional attributes.

Typically groups, if group mapping is used.
allowUnsolicited boolean (Optional) For SP instances, if set to true (turned on), the SP consumes unsolicited SAML responses for which it has not sent a respective SAML authentication request. true, false. Default: true.
authRequestsSigned boolean (Optional) For SP instances, indicates if the authentication requests sent by this SP should be signed by default. true, false. Default: false.
logoutRequestsSigned boolean (Optional) Indicates if this entity will sign the logout requests originated from it. true, false. Default: true.
wantAssertionsSigned boolean (Optional) Indicates that the assertions contained within the response that is sent to this SP must be signed. true, false. Default: true.
wantResponseSigned boolean (Optional) Indicates that the authentication response to this SP must be signed. true, false. Default: true.


Request example:

curl --location '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/saml/config' \
--header 'token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "configureSaml": true,
    "authProvider": "remote",
    "authProviderUri": "",
    "requiredAttributes": "email, uid",
    "optionalAttributes": "groups",
    "spEntityId": "",
    "spName": "InstabaseSP",
    "httpAcsUrl": "",
    "httpsAcsUrl": "",
    "allowUnsolicited": true,
    "authRequestsSigned": false,
    "logoutRequestsSigned": true,
    "wantAssertionsSigned": true,
    "wantResponseSigned": true

Upload IdP metadata XML

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/saml/metadata


This API uploads the IdP metadata XML file for the SAML connection. This API is required if the auth_provider field in the create SAML configuration request is set to local.

When the complete SAML configuration API is called, a Kubernetes secret containing this metadata file is created. The secret is what is referenced during SAML authentication.

Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
samlMetadata string The file containing your IdP metadata XML. The only supported file type is .xml. A string specifying the file path to your IdP metadata XML, such as "/Users/janedoe/metadata.xml".


Request example:

curl --location '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/saml/metadata' \
--header 'token: {TOKEN}' \
--form 'samlMetadata=@"/Users/janedoe/metadata.xml"'

Clear SAML configuration

Method Syntax
DELETE URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/saml


This API lets you clear the SAML configuration most recently posted using the create SAML configuration and upload IdP metadata XML APIs. This API has no effect if the complete SAML configuration API has been called. This API only clears unfinished configurations, it does not delete completed SAML connections.


There are no customizable parameters. Make the following request, using your own URL_BASE and TOKEN values:

curl --location --request DELETE '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/saml' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}'

Finalize installation

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/finalize


This API initiates installation. If an installation is unsuccessful, this API is also used to retry installation.

Request parameters

The following parameters are required, unless marked as optional:

Name Type Description Values
clean_install boolean Cleans up Deployment Manager tables from partial installations before retrying the installation.

When set to true, any previously created Deployment Manager tables are removed before retrying the install.
true, false

Can be set to false for initial installation attempt. Set to true for any installation retries.


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/finalize' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'clean_install=true'

Complete SAML configuration

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/installer/saml



If configuring the SAML connection during installation, only call the complete SAML configuration API after installation is complete.

This API completes the SAML configuration connection, using the configuration (and, if present, IdP metadata XML) most recently posted using the create SAML configuration and upload IdP metadata XML APIs.


There are no customizable parameters. Make the following request, using your own URL_BASE and TOKEN values:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/installer/saml' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}'

Run post-install actions

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/deployment/postinstall/actions/run



Automated post-install actions are available as of Deployment Manager 23.01. For previous versions, follow steps 4-9 of the Post Deployment Steps section of the Installation guide to complete post-install actions manually.

This API initiates post-install actions. The API only needs to be called once, and should be called after installation has completed.

The simplest way to confirm a successful installation is to use the Deployment Manager infra dashboard. From the infra dashboard, you can view the state of various components of your Kubernetes infrastructure. You can access the infra dashboard at {YOUR-INSTABASE-URL}/deployment-manager/dashboard/deployments.

Use the dashboard tabs to see which Deployments, StatefulSets, and Services have spun up and are working as expected. Items with a green checkmark are ready to use, items with a spinning icon are still spinning up, and items with a red X have encountered an error or other event. If any deployments display a red X, you can connect with Instabase Support for next steps, and provide events history and logs for the affected pods and containers.

After confirming a successful installation, you can run the following post-install actions:

  • Base model image upload action: Downloads all Instabase base models required for running ML Studio offline training, along with numerous entity detection models, and publishes them to the Marketplace so they’re ready to use.

  • Deployed Solutions consistency action: Migrates Deployed Solutions published on releases < 23.07, to ensure compatibility with the current Instabase version.

  • License action: Applies the license uploaded to Instabase Installer.

  • ML Studio config setup action: Performs the post-deployment configuration of ML Studio using the latest version of the .ibformers training script.

  • Setup system retention rules: Sets up system-level rules used to support user-defined file retention settings (only applicable to SaaS deployments).

  • System repo setup action: Sets up backing file system infrastructure required to publish new models to the platform.

  • Test Runner setup action: Sets up a Test Runner test suite used in the Test Runner test action. The test suite includes a variety of tasks commonly performed with the Instabase platform, providing broad coverage of expected functionality. Tested functionality includes:

    • Verify solutions (including flows, flow binaries, and .ibsolutions) can successfully run end-to-end.

    • Verify a variety of common input file types can be processed successfully.

    • Assess the performance of a variety of Instabase components, including apps and services.

    • Assess the performance of a variety of OCR engines.

  • Test Runner test action: Runs the Test Runner test suite set up in the previous action. When complete, solution diagnostics display for each test, including a status for the test and comparison details if expected (base_value) and actual (compare_value) solution results differ.


    The test suite includes tests that assess the performance of a variety of OCR engines. If your deployment does not use a given OCR engine, that test will result in an error. Connect with your customer success manager if you have any questions or concerns about a failed test.

If your post-install actions encounter errors and fail (see the Get the status of post-install actions API), this API can also be used to retry running all post-install actions, after the source of error has been resolved.


There are no customizable parameters. Make the following request, using your own URL_BASE and TOKEN values:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/deployment/postinstall/actions/run' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}'

Run a single post-install action

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/deployment/postinstall/actions/run/{ACTION_NAME}


Use this API to run a single post-install action. This API can be used if, after calling the Run post-install actions API, a single post-install action has failed but its dependencies completed successfully. If the failed action’s dependencies did not complete successfully, rerun the Run post-install actions API, rather than the single failed action.

After confirming a successful installation, you can run the following post-install actions, using the corresponding URL-encoded ACTION-NAME value in the request URL:

Post-install action ACTION_NAME value
ML Studio config setup action ML%20Studio%20Config%20Setup%20Action
Test Runner test action Test%20Runner%20Test%20Action
System tests runner action System%20Tests%20Runner%20Action


Make the following request, using your own URL_BASE, TOKEN, and ACTION_NAME values:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/deployment/postinstall/actions/run/{ACTION_NAME}' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}'

Get the status of post-install actions

Method Syntax
GET URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/deployment/postinstall/actions/statuses


This API gets the status of post-install actions initiated using the Run post-install actions API. Completing the post-install actions takes some time.


There are no customizable parameters. Make the following request, using your own URL_BASE and TOKEN values:

curl --location '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/deployment/postinstall/actions/statuses' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}'


The response is a JSON object, with the following keys:

Name Description
status The status of the call.
200 indicates success, and is the response even if errors with the post-install actions have occurred.
500 indicates an error in getting statuses.
data An object containing information about the post-install actions.
data/{Action name} An object containing information about a specific post-install action.
data/{Action name}/state Describes the state of the post-install action: Unstarted, Running, or Aborted.
data/{Action name}/note Provides further details on the state of the action, such as License upload has started.
error Contains information about any errors that have led to a 500 status. null if no errors have occurred.


Sample response with no errors running post-install actions:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "data": {
    "Base Model Image Upload Action": {
      "State": "Unstarted",
      "Note": "Action is not started yet."
    "License Action": {
      "State": "Running",
      "Note": "License upload has started."
    "ML Studio Config Setup Action": {
      "State": "Unstarted",
      "Note": "ML studio config setup action has not started."
    "System Repo Setup Action": {
      "State": "Running",
      "Note": "System repo setup has started."
  "error": null

Sample response with errors running post-install actions:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "data": {
    "Base Model Image Upload Action": {
      "State": "Aborted",
      "Note": "actions base model image upload action wait for dependencies: dependency is in Aborted state"
    "License Action": {
      "State": "Aborted",
      "Note": "actions license action license: actions license action decrypt: Post \"http://service-api-server.instabase.svc.cluster.local:25555/api/v1/license-service/preview\": dial tcp: lookup service-api-server.instabase.svc.cluster.local: no such host"
    "ML Studio Config Setup Action": {
      "State": "Aborted",
      "Note": "dependency is in Aborted state"
    "System Repo Setup Action": {
      "State": "Aborted",
      "Note": "actions system repo setup action setup system repo: Post \"http://service-api-server.instabase.svc.cluster.local:25555/api/v1/site/setup-system-repo\": dial tcp: lookup service-api-server.instabase.svc.cluster.local: no such host"
  "error": null

dependency is in Aborted state indicates that the action cannot proceed without another action being completed. no such host errors indicate a failed connection; verify that the service is running before retrying.

Sample response with error getting statuses:

  "statusCode": 500,
  "data": {},
  "error": "GetActionStatuses: http conn serve: actionHelper.GetActionData: RegistryManager.GetActionData: RegistryManager.getValue: Error 1146 (42S02): Table 'ibdb.key_values' doesn't exist"

Roll back all post-install actions

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/deployment/postinstall/actions/rollback


This API undoes the operations of the most recent runs of all of the following actions:

  • Base model image upload action

  • Deployed Solutions consistency action

  • ML Studio set up action

Only use this API if the most recent run of one of these actions has caused undesirable platform behavior.


Make the following request, using your own URL_BASE and TOKEN values:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/deployment/postinstall/actions/rollback' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}'

Set the status of a single post-install action

Method Syntax
POST URL_BASE/api/v1/control_plane/deployment/postinstall/actions/statuses/{ACTION_ID}


Use this API to manually reset the status of a post-install action initiated using the Run post-install actions API. This API is used when Deployment Manager has crashed during the execution of a post-install action. In this situation, the status tracking of the running action can become corrupted, and the action’s status must be reset to unstarted. When Deployment Manager comes up again after crashing, use this API to reset any action showing a status of in progress. When all actions show a state of unstarted, you can rerun the Run post-install actions API.

Each in progress action must be reset individually. To specify the action to reset, pass the action’s corresponding ACTION_ID value in the request URL. Valid ACTION_ID values are listed:

Post-install action ACTION_ID value
Base model image upload action BASE_MODEL_IMAGE_UPLOAD
Deployed Solutions consistency action DEPLOYED_SOLUTIONS_CONSISTENCY
License action LICENSE
ML Studio config setup action ML_STUDIO_CONFIG_SETUP
Setup system retention rules RETENTION_SETUP
System repo setup action SYSTEM_REPO_SETUP
System tests runner action SYSTEM_TESTS_RUNNER
Test Runner test action TEST_RUNNER
Test Runner setup action TEST_RUNNER_SETUP
{"state":"Unstarted","note":"Action status set manually.","executionId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}


Make the following request, using your own URL_BASE, TOKEN, and ACTION_ID values:

curl --location --request POST '{URL_BASE}/api/v1/control_plane/deployment/postinstall/actions/statuses/{ACTION_ID}' \
--header 'Token: {TOKEN}' \
--data '{"state":"Unstarted","note":"Action status set manually.","executionId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}'